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I walked down to vote at about 7.30. The weather is one of those non-descript overcast days, not particularly windy, not particularly cold or warm, not raining, not particularly doing anything. The polling booth has been moved from a local school to the local rugby club. That means you either have to via the car park entrance trying to avoid cars coming and going, or walking acoss the whole of the playing field. I bit the bullet, and ballotted. On the way out I met a neighbour, and after he did the deed, he gave me a lift back home, which considering it's only a five minute walk didn't take long. But then he's an ambulance driver who had just finished a 13 hour shift and wanted to go straight to bed!
El Loro
A beautiful sunny day with blue skies. As I babysit my two year old grandson on Thursday mornings we spent about thirty minutes at the blackboard practising our 'X'. We then set off through the village to make our cross (or kiss as he prefers to call it) for Gordon. he had his own pen and piece of paper and came into the booth with me before posting both my slips in the respective boxes (we have locals here too). lots of folk about - looks like it'll be a good turn out
Soozy Woo
I should have done the tactical vote and voted Lib Dem to stop the Tories getting back in,
I still can't get used to seeing this that way round...  I usually want to vote lib dem, but have to tactically vote labour...

I'll be voting lib dem later Marge... not that it will make a bit of difference...  the rest of the villagers are apparently all Tory.
Voted Labour but I should have done the tactical vote and voted Lib Dem to stop the Tories getting back in, as I dont think Labour has any chance of winning here were I live .. fingers crossed I am wrong....
Years ago I voted tactically and felt tainted the end of the day it didn't work anyway. I think you should go with your heart and vote for who you want. I think you did right.
Soozy Woo
Awww... well lots of folk seem to have voted round my way! Just got back and they were having to stuff the papers down into the box with a ballot box slot-shaped stick to make sure there is room for more! And they said it had got incredibly busy in the last hour... in fact I had to queue to get my ballot papers! Quite reassuring... at least maybe the turn-out can restore my faith in politics again!

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