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I wanted Siavash to win, but Sophie is a worthy winner imo.

Sophie is a nice girl, a sweet girl, an ego-free girl. She has a very kind heart. Her geography skills need honing up on, no doubt about it. She leaves a lot to be desired in so many ways, both about current affairs and such like. She can learn about all these things in time but she has the most important thing of all already, and that cannot be learnt by anyone. She has a very kind heart, and you have to be born with that.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
God no she's my worst ever winner. She was a truly awful housemate. She's dull and fake and plastic and I couldn't even bear to watch the semi-coherent babble she chooses to call speech that she would spew out for her interview. In between periods of fake drunkeness and silence she would just sit there and bitch but that's alright because she's stupid and ignorant and got fake boobs.

What an awful winner we have chosen as a nation; it's a true insult to all the intelligent and great women of this nation that a personality-devoid bimbo could win this because she's 'nice' when she's just got nothing to say.

thank you for saving me having to write this.
I will add I thought she was thief and a liar, she showed all her bits to anyone willing to look.
Sophie is no lady and not a worthy winner, I place her in the crap winners catagory with Pete Bennet and Brian Bello, .
Originally posted by The Guru:
I like Sophie so i'm happy.

I just think she's going to make so much money now it would have been nice for someone else to win the 70 grand.

Plus i can't stand the thought of that leeching hairball Kris making even more money out of the fauxmance now she's the BB10 winner.

hi guru wavey As another big Siavash fan we share the same sentiments about Sophie, with no sour grapes. But I am of the thinking that Sophie can now ditch her 'glamour' career and be the girl she really is, not a page three pin-up. She can afford to bale out now and get rid of the balloons. I hope she does.

Like you, I fear for that awful Kris attaching himself to her for the money. You could see it in his face last night that he may have just hit the money jackpot. Hopefully, Sophie's mother will be strong enough to see him off before he gets there. I hope she does.
Twee Surgeon
Not really but people voted for her so she must deserved it. I found her annoying, dull, shallow and the fake drunk act along with her dim act got on my nerves. Nice girl but she never had anything interesting to say or take part in intelligent conversations I mean she said she found it hard to talk to Freddie because he used long words for crying out loud Laugh. Insult to the intelligent women out there best of luck to her with her modelling or porn and can learn some Geography while she's at it.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Happy? no, shocked? no, when we have a public that votes for the likes of Brian bello and Anthony hutton (for instance) for their winners, this result is about what I would have expected.
SO, what have we learned about the GBP? (or at least the BB watching part of it)
well it would seem that swearing lots or being 'foul mouthed' is OK, so long as you are, female young blonde and have huge boobs,
and being 'crude and disgusting' belching farting, is also ok for the same reasons,
getting so undder the influence of a drug (alcohol) that you are unable to stand, is fine or even 'funny'
lying, ok, stealing, ok, judging people by their looks ok, betrayal, as in PRETENDING to be someones friend while nominating them every week and 'slaging them off' behind their back in the DR, then STEALING from this 'friend' and justifying it by saying " they deserve it because THEY are vile " is also ok,
and what message does it give to all those young girls and boys out there?
why waste your time with hard work and study trying to educate yourself,
especially if you are 'good looking' and female, slap on some makeup get ya boobs done flash em for cash in the MENS mags and you will earn lots more than you ever could wasting you time filling your pretty little heads with all that boring education stuff,
well done girls, STILL, shes pretty though eh?
Emily Pankhurst would be SO proud.100 years of 'struggle' and we still pick the good looking one with the big boobs. Haha
old hippy guy
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Not really but people voted for her so she must deserved it.

Doubt it, think they voted for her because there wasn't any better choices left in the house.

The GBP that vote on BB don't always get it right, IMO.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I found her annoying, dull, shallow and the fake drunk act along with her dim act got on my nerves. Nice girl but she never had anything interesting to say or take part in intelligent conversations I mean she said she found it hard to talk to Freddie because he used long words for crying out loud Laugh. Insult to the intelligent women out there

Laugh Laugh Nod Laugh Laugh Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
luck to her with her modelling or porn and can learn some Geography while she's at it.

Vey well said DB! Nod Clapping Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by The Guru:
I like Sophie so i'm happy.

I just think she's going to make so much money now it would have been nice for someone else to win the 70 grand.

Plus i can't stand the thought of that leeching hairball Kris making even more money out of the fauxmance now she's the BB10 winner.

hi guru wavey As another big Siavash fan we share the same sentiments about Sophie, with no sour grapes. But I am of the thinking that Sophie can now ditch her 'glamour' career and be the girl she really is, not a page three pin-up. She can afford to bale out now and get rid of the balloons. I hope she does.

Like you, I fear for that awful Kris attaching himself to her for the money. You could see it in his face last night that he may have just hit the money jackpot. Hopefully, Sophie's mother will be strong enough to see him off before he gets there. I hope she does.

Hey Twee Smiler Don't speak too soon, the balloons are going bigger, according to her press conference. So i can see her sticking with glamour modelling. Like you though, i'm hoping Sophie's family will encourage her to ditch the hairy cephalopod Thumbs Up
The Guru
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Happy? no, shocked? no, when we have a public that votes for the likes of Brian bello and Anthony hutton (for instance) for their winners, this result is about what I would have expected.
SO, what have we learned about the GBP? (or at least the BB watching part of it)
well it would seem that swearing lots or being 'foul mouthed' is OK, so long as you are, female young blonde and have huge boobs,
and being 'crude and disgusting' belching farting, is also ok for the same reasons,
getting so undder the influence of a drug (alcohol) that you are unable to stand, is fine or even 'funny'
lying, ok, stealing, ok, judging people by their looks ok, betrayal, as in PRETENDING to be someones friend while nominating them every week and 'slaging them off' behind their back in the DR, then STEALING from this 'friend' and justifying it by saying " they deserve it because THEY are vile " is also ok,
and what message does it give to all those young girls and boys out there?
why waste your time with hard work and study trying to educate yourself,
especially if you are 'good looking' and female, slap on some makeup get ya boobs done flash em for cash in the MENS mags and you will earn lots more than you ever could wasting you time filling your pretty little heads with all that boring education stuff,
well done girls, STILL, shes pretty though eh?
Emily Pankhurst would be SO proud.100 years of 'struggle' and we still pick the good looking one with the big boobs. Haha

Clapping Clapping old hippy guy Clapping Clapping Thumbs Up
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Happy? no, shocked? no, when we have a public that votes for the likes of Brian bello and Anthony hutton (for instance) for their winners, this result is about what I would have expected.
SO, what have we learned about the GBP? (or at least the BB watching part of it)
well it would seem that swearing lots or being 'foul mouthed' is OK, so long as you are, female young blonde and have huge boobs,
and being 'crude and disgusting' belching farting, is also ok for the same reasons,
getting so undder the influence of a drug (alcohol) that you are unable to stand, is fine or even 'funny'
lying, ok, stealing, ok, judging people by their looks ok, betrayal, as in PRETENDING to be someones friend while nominating them every week and 'slaging them off' behind their back in the DR, then STEALING from this 'friend' and justifying it by saying " they deserve it because THEY are vile " is also ok,
and what message does it give to all those young girls and boys out there?
why waste your time with hard work and study trying to educate yourself,
especially if you are 'good looking' and female, slap on some makeup get ya boobs done flash em for cash in the MENS mags and you will earn lots more than you ever could wasting you time filling your pretty little heads with all that boring education stuff,
well done girls, STILL, shes pretty though eh?
Emily Pankhurst would be SO proud.100 years of 'struggle' and we still pick the good looking one with the big boobs. Haha

Great post and spot on, yippeee OHG and I agree at last Big Grin well apart from I would say Pete Bennet as opposed to Antony Hutton.
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by The Guru:
I like Sophie so i'm happy.

I just think she's going to make so much money now it would have been nice for someone else to win the 70 grand.

Plus i can't stand the thought of that leeching hairball Kris making even more money out of the fauxmance now she's the BB10 winner.

hi guru wavey As another big Siavash fan we share the same sentiments about Sophie, with no sour grapes. But I am of the thinking that Sophie can now ditch her 'glamour' career and be the girl she really is, not a page three pin-up. She can afford to bale out now and get rid of the balloons. I hope she does.

Like you, I fear for that awful Kris attaching himself to her for the money. You could see it in his face last night that he may have just hit the money jackpot. Hopefully, Sophie's mother will be strong enough to see him off before he gets there. I hope she does.

Hey Twee Smiler Don't speak too soon, the balloons are going bigger, according to her press conference. So i can see her sticking with glamour modelling. Like you though, i'm hoping Sophie's family will encourage her to ditch the hairy cephalopod Thumbs Up

She said all that shortly after her win guru. Today she may think differently. She will have spoken to her loving parents about so many things (hopefully Kris will be one of them). She is now 70k richer and her ambitions may change because of that. Money does bring a freedom with it, choices that we would not otherwise make if earning money was not the main motivation.
Twee Surgeon
hi OHG wavey I agree with so much in your post. But there are certain parts of it that I disagree with.

Here we have a twenty one year old girl, who does the usual stuff .. gets the big fake boobs, misses out on essential education, buys heavily into the glamour industry, gets the fake extensions, goes on a diet to try and be a size O .. all the things the magazines encourage young girls to do these days. So far, so good. Sophie qualifies as a sheep and a victim of the glamour/fashion industry with the above points.

But Sophie is different to what we expect. Yes, she drinks and stumbles. Yes, she burps and passes wind inappropriately in social situations. Yes, she cannot find Sweden on a map. But Sophie has something, something the Public likes, something rare and different in the usual stereotypical blonde bimbo caricature image. That something being that she didn't dress up, preen in front of mirrors, wear make-up, she stuffed her face till the pips squeaked, she showed an ease with herself that is rare, and some call it self-belief. In short, she is not what we expected at all. And she was one of the most well liked HMs amongst her fellow HMs.

But the thing that swung it for her with the Public was her kind heart imo. She is young. She will learn in time where Sweden is, she will learn the social graces. The one thing she will never have to learn though is how to be kind and have a kind heart. It is inbuilt in her. And that is why she won imo.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Happy? no, shocked? no, when we have a public that votes for the likes of Brian bello and Anthony hutton (for instance) for their winners, this result is about what I would have expected.
SO, what have we learned about the GBP? (or at least the BB watching part of it)
well it would seem that swearing lots or being 'foul mouthed' is OK, so long as you are, female young blonde and have huge boobs,
and being 'crude and disgusting' belching farting, is also ok for the same reasons,
getting so undder the influence of a drug (alcohol) that you are unable to stand, is fine or even 'funny'
lying, ok, stealing, ok, judging people by their looks ok, betrayal, as in PRETENDING to be someones friend while nominating them every week and 'slaging them off' behind their back in the DR, then STEALING from this 'friend' and justifying it by saying " they deserve it because THEY are vile " is also ok,
and what message does it give to all those young girls and boys out there?
why waste your time with hard work and study trying to educate yourself,
especially if you are 'good looking' and female, slap on some makeup get ya boobs done flash em for cash in the MENS mags and you will earn lots more than you ever could wasting you time filling your pretty little heads with all that boring education stuff,
well done girls, STILL, shes pretty though eh?
Emily Pankhurst would be SO proud.100 years of 'struggle' and we still pick the good looking one with the big boobs. Haha

^^^^ what he said too Big Grin

(except for the pretty bit. Nothing special, especially without her make-up)
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:

But the thing that swung it for her with the Public was her kind heart imo. She is young. She will learn in time where Sweden is, she will learn the social graces. The one thing she will never have to learn though is how to be kind and have a kind heart. It is inbuilt in her. And that is why she won imo.

She will never have to learn to be kind and have a kind heart?

We were watching the same programme, am I correct? The one where she joined in the verbal abuse of Freddie, the one where she made the 'strait-jacket' comment and the one where when she STOLE someone's alcohol it was OK because she doesn't like him? And then went into the DR and has a rant because he, quite correctly, called her up on it?

If those are the signs of a kind heart I think I'd rather be a nasty cow with my flawed morality of taking responsibility for myself, not being nasty to people, even ones I don't like, behind their backs, trying to not swear and NEVER EVER STEALING!!

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