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Thats the last time I ever go out at midnight... was supposed to pick my brother up from work tonight (finishes at 1am) and I can hardly drive in this snow at the moment and I can't see anyone else even trying now. So I said to my brother "Right, you will have to get a taxi... il walk down to the cash machine to get a tenner out so you can pay him when you get here"

So I walked down to the shop where the cash machine is and spotted just as I was approaching people hidden behind the hedge and wall, looked round me and could see people watching me and waiting until I got to the machine.

Absolutely crapped myself and decided to turn round straight away Could tell they were not ordinary teenagers either. Even if I grab my other brother to come down with me theres still more of them, there were certainly 3-4.

Now I have to find another way of helping my brother get home, I suppose if its drastic then he will have to stay at work for the night and come home in the morning. Taxis have also said they aint running at the moment either and that they may run in an hour or two.
I mean when the taxi comes back with your bro, pick you up then cash machine - maybe another if they're still loitering.

That would cost a fortune... we are skint as it is, prob got around ÂĢ10. I recon for the taxi driver to drive up to the work, drive back to ours, pick me up and take me down to the cash machine awill cost a fortune.

Edit: Think the problems solved now, he said he can stay at a friends which is close to work now. Glad thats over with
I hate it Candi - I have so much to do in my old house which is 15 miles away cross country - which ever way you go you encounter hills.It has to be completely cleared by 4th Jan which is the date of completion. One daughter is ill stuck at uni and I am stuck here snowed in
  Issy I'm sure it will all work out and I hope your daughter feels better soon 
4 ins of snow now on my unfinished kitchen roof. Only a blue plastic cover between me and the elements. Still the tiles to put on but the builder cant work in these conditions. Am worried the whole lot will come crashing in on my head when cooking. Should have waited till the spring but i am only the husband here- the missus organised it. Need i say more?
Crispy Christmas

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