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Absolutely blanketed here up the road. It's like a blizzard.  The roads are covered and look very dangerous.

Cinds husband's car's just skidded across the road in Newcastle so he turned straight home and isn't venturing out.  He's ok thankfully!

I haven't seen it like this for a long time. I was gonna take a piccy for f/b but thes nee batteries in the camera.
I have to go out and drive tonight, I'm not looking forward to it one bit as there's been more snowfall since i was out this afternoon.....dreading it but it can't be helped....some div on the road earlier cut me up, scared me to death...I can't believe people are still driving like idiots in this weather.....

A friend of mine was on her way home from Chemotherapy yesterday and a car pulled out of a side street and went right into the side of her, he could've waited to pull out as there was no-one behind her, the idiot just couldn't wait a few more seconds....her car is smashed in on one side and she was very badly shaken, bad enough she feels crap after the chemo..... 
The Devil In Diamante
She's feeling much better today thanks Leccy, still a little shaken and exhausted after her treatment, she's a tough cookie so she'll be fine

Barney, I truly cannot believe some of the eejits on the roads at the best of times, let alone in these conditions....weaving in and out, pulling out infront of you they do dodgy manouvers and cause others to have accidents....i was seething yesterday when she came home in tears and physically shaking....i don't know how her husband restrained himself.. He's abit of a hothead at the best of times
The Devil In Diamante
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!   (in Essex btw)

Two nights ago it started.... by midnight we had a powercut (us and 3 other villages and the northern bit of the town) for 12 hours.   So no heating... no cooking (apart from hubby bbqing bacon in the garden, in the snow)... and NO INTERNET (cos of router).

Couldn't even bundle down parents house ... cos we were snowed in as well.

TWO DAYS AGO it was....  and the roads, even the main ones through town are so bad I won't be attempting it again.

WTF has our council spunked the gritt money on?   Thats the burning question!!
Photo evidence of what is admittedly a residential road... but the main ones are not much different.

See how there isn't THAT much snow...  and see how there is NOT ONE BIT OF THAT BEAUTIFUL BROWN SPLATTER at the side of the roads, that would indicate a bit of gritting action has taken place! 

And yes... I did take that whilst driving...  and yes I know I probably shouldn't have... but honest, I was in first gear, doing about 5mph!  

Ok.. rant over!   for now

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