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Mr Lee snores loudly and imo sleep deprivation as a result of snoring should be deemed grounds for divorce or as a recognised defence for murder....Not that I would consider the latter.
We both snore's sleep deprivation twofold in our house ..........when he shuts up I manage to get to sleep and then start which wakes him up. We should probably talk about separate bedrooms but ...........that's kind of the end of a marriage isn't it?
Soozy Woo
We both snore's sleep deprivation twofold in our house ..........when he shuts up I manage to get to sleep and then start which wakes him up. We should probably talk about separate bedrooms but ...........that's kind of the end of a marriage isn't it
He could sleep on the edge of a razor whereas I take ages to get to sleep....Most nights after I've finally reached the point of sheer exhaustion and have became accustomed to the snoring off he goes with the legs doing his version of Riverdance ....I did sleep in the spare room for a while and it was bliss tbh.
I did that when I had a bad cough. It was heavenly to have a bed to myself ......he's actually away for a few days at the moment and it's wonderful to be able to take my book and a cup of tea to bed .........................I just feel awful saying that.
When Mr L worked night shift for some reason I found it difficult getting to sleep....A super king sized bed all to myself,a snore free zone you'd think I'd have been able to drop off easily instead I was awake for hours watching tv 
my missus has several different "snores" there is the full on sucking in the curtains one, where she turns our curtains into flags blowing in a gale, there is the Thhhruuuurrrpph one, where she makes a noise with her lips on every exhale,
and my personal favourite, the "Abooo" one, it goes,
ZZZZZZ Abooo, ZZZZZ Abooo, ZZZZZ Abooo, I often wake her up laughing my head off at this one,
old hippy guy
my missus has several different "snores" there is the full on sucking in the curtains one, where she turns our curtains into flags blowing in a gale, there is the Thhhruuuurrrpph one, where she makes a noise with her lips on every exhale, and my personal favourite, the "Abooo" one, it goes, ZZZZZZ Abooo, ZZZZZ Abooo, ZZZZZ Abooo, I often wake her up laughing my head off at this one,
And yourself?
Soozy Woo

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