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Nathan said something that struck me as very sensible and accurate last night.
He said that people talking / shouting across ther bedroom was far more disruptive to sleep than snoring.
I would agree with him.
While some people may not be able to sleep with any background, many others can.
Babies can be lulled with lullabies. I know people who like a radio on with the sound set as they like it. I know people who can fall asleep with a steady backgroud noise, (trickling water, a hum etc) while complete deadly silence disturbs them.
The spoken word is less restful, I would say, because it sets the brain to work. One has to listen to the words which have meaning, and that creates a reaction in our brains.

Shabby claims that staying up until 5 a.m. is because of the snoring.
I don't believe her because she has already openly admitted that she knows people will watch at night and don't like to see sleepers, so she likes to be on camera, which will also help her to become well-known.

So I'm with Nathan.
In spite of what they say, they do sleep during the snoring, but not many can sleep through the loud talking and shouting and laughing.
**sorry, that's a bit long**

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The OH sometimes snores, and when he starts I cannot sleep through it. It's been known to wake me up, however fast asleep I was. When that happens, either he or I (usually he) has to go and sleep elsewhere because once he's woken me with that racket, I can't get back to sleep again because my nerves are jangling, waiting for the next snort.
The OH sometimes snores, and when he starts I cannot sleep through it. It's been known to wake me up, however fast asleep I was. When that happens, either he or I (usually he) has to go and sleep elsewhere because once he's woken me with that racket, I can't get back to sleep again because my nerves are jangling, waiting for the next snort.
I know exactly what you mean Demantiod... and you have your sympathy  Even going downstairs to sleep didn't help, cos I could still hear him..... and holidays used to be a nightmare, cos I used to be so worried about people in other rooms hearing him.
I sleep on a farm with all sorts of animal noises.  Well that's a lie actually.....I just sleep next to a snorer who MAKES alsorts of animal noises.  I have to go to bed before him so I can fall asleep before the snoring starts but if he is asleep before me it's really grates on me.  I hate any background noise though.....if I can hear the TV downstairs I bang on the floor to get it turned down
The OH sometimes snores, and when he starts I cannot sleep through it. It's been known to wake me up, however fast asleep I was. When that happens, either he or I (usually he) has to go and sleep elsewhere because once he's woken me with that racket, I can't get back to sleep again because my nerves are jangling, waiting for the next snort.
I feel your pain... Mine also does the 'death gurgle'...I could quite cheerfully strangle him some nights

I do however agree with alot of Briskets post...I can't fall to sleep with a programme with folks talking in it on like BB or Soaps etc, BUT, I can snooze/ sleep when the Football or Grand Prix is on as the sounds are quite soothing...well, maybe not the World Cup football due to them there noisy things that sound like a swarm of locusts....
The Devil In Diamante
Trying to sleep with someone that snores is a torture you have to endure to understand.  It actually drives you to the point of wanting to smother the snorer!

One of the others said that they can't even get to sleep now.. cos they know the snoring is going to start... the anticipation of it, the pressure to try to get to sleep before it starts, hinders you sleeping.

this is soooo true!

However, as Steve can't actually help snoring... and I am sure given the choice, would rather he didn't...   they need to work out with him what is the best way to stop him snoring when it is happening.  If its a spouse... increasingly sharp & hard kicks to the shin can work wonders    In the house I think they should loudly & sharply say "Steve stop snoring"...   and do this each time, until he moves into a different sleeping position.

 Failing that...  Big Brother should let the non-snorers have a dirty great swig of benilyn before bed...
but would you all (as Nathan said) find loud talking and shouting a bar to falling asleep, or once asleep would it wake you up? And I think part of Nathan's point was that the talking/shouting was quite deliberate and could (they were thoughtful and sensitive) stop doing it.
I would  too Brisket..... and think they are very inconsiderate....
...but would you all (as Nathan said) find loud talking and shouting a bar to falling asleep, or once asleep would it wake you up? And I think part of Nathan's point was that the talking/shouting was quite deliberate and could (they were thoughtful and sensitive) stop doing it.
 this is a really difficult question to answer... almost impossible, cos although the similarity is man made noise preventing others sleeping... the type of irritation & the way it makes the sufferer feel is very different.

If my roommates were giggling, shouting, laughing etc... and it either woke me up or prevented me from sleeping I could respond immediately to people that were awake....  I may be unable to sleep.. but at least they are not asleep.

When a snorer keeps you awake its different... they ARE asleep...   and you don't have a hissy fit at them immediately...   cos it starts with the heavy breathing.... then there is a catch in the throat & if its a regular problem...  you KNOW whats coming... but you have to  wait til it hits warthog lovecall level before you can reasonably shout at them to stop.

Also...  you lie there wondering when to shout... what to shout... and when you do shout at them they either look bewildered, look annoyed or look apologetic... any of which make you feel guilty or even more angry.

And then after that... they quieten down for a few breaths.... and then the heavy breathing kicks in again... then the catch in the throat... and you lie there... waiting.. AGAIN.....

In the dark hours of this going on, you lie there and you fantasise about various violent acts you would like to do... the anger you feel is disproportional...  and then when sun comes up it just goes away.

As I said initially you have to experience it, to really understand how awful it really is.

So... for me... I would rather put up with people with no consideration messing around, rather than a nice bloke that snored.
I make him spray that Silence stuff into his throat now, which seems to do the trick most night.
that worked for a few nights initially for us... and now has no effect again.   I reckon it was cos he was sub consciously aware  that things had reached breaking point.

(I hate to say this... I am soooo gonna regret saying this, everytime I do say it I totally tempt fate & end up on the forum the following night at 5am...  but at the moment things are ok for me...   probably because I am on meds for a trapped nerve in my arm... including amitriptilyne at night )
Reference Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 15:28:
 However, as Steve can't actually help snoring... and I am sure given the choice, would rather he didn't... they need to work out with him what is the best way to stop him snoring when it is happening. If its a spouse... increasingly sharp & hard kicks to the shin can work wonders In the house I think they should loudly & sharply say "Steve stop snoring"... and do this each time, until he moves into a different sleeping position.
Getting him to stop may be easier said than done, though. From what I've seen I think Steve has at least two problems that encourage snoring.

Firstly, he's overweight. In particular, having a thick neck (and lack of muscle-tone there) encourages snoring. This was also Belinda's problem (remember her?)
I heard a rumour at the start of the series that Dave snores too. This would fit, but I don't know if it's true or not...

Secondly, Steve appears to sleep absolutely flat on his back. This is another potential cause. Now I'm guessing here, but I suspect that Steve's injuries make it difficult for him to roll over. If that's true, then attempts to nudge him, etc, may prove futile - and may indeed cause more trouble in the long-run...

BTW: I understand that most of the HMs smoke, but I haven't got it clear in my mind who does and who doesn't. Does Steve smoke? If he does, it could be another factor.
Eugene's Lair
some snorers (like my hubby) are multi orafaced snorers...   he can alternate between nasal snoring, open-mouthed throat snoring.... and if I am really lucky... he can do both at the same time (usually those ones are after the 30 second playing possom silence... the total lack of all breathing that gets you to the point of concern... before erupting into this all mighty intake of air that nearly takes the wallpaper off the walls)

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