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NO he wasn't a half breed snake/man.  It was a man that kept snakes.


Linky to the article


Anyway, they discussed this on Radio 2 today, as to whether people should keep snakes as pets, and one story truly chilled my bones.  (I should add I HATE snakes, even the word sends shivers up my spine, but this story had Mr Cinds hairs on the back of his neck stand up).


So this family owned a python that was not kept in an enclosure (whatever the name is for them tanks people keep snakes in) and it was allowed to slither freely around the house *shivers*.  Anyhooooo, the snake had stopped eating the mice/rats whatever they fed it for over a week.  But they had found it on several mornings lying stiff as a board next to their toddler girl.


They took it to the vet, and had explained it's behaviour, the vet apparently told them "get rid of it, it's sizing up your girl"



I know I am so going to have nightmares tonight 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He kept King Cobras and was trying to keep them from extinction by breeding them. However it seems like the old adage " Confidence breeds contempt"  has reared its ugly head yet again. When will humans realize wild animals are " WILD" and should not be kept in confinement?Even though his intentions were good, nature always runs its course and extinctions are inevitable. I'm sure our time will come eventually. 


The markings are beautiful Antiope, but I do have quite a strong aversion to snakes although I have had friends that kept snakes.


My mate had a python which got attacked by her dwarf persian cat. It had to be treated at London Zoo as they have specialised vets apparently and it was really beaten up.

Cost her a fortune - it never went near the cat again though!


Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Antiope:
I'll post the best comeback for you, Ev.
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Oh im not a fan of snakes at all  I dont think the markings are beautiful 


You have no taste.


That much is obvious!

Appreciate that 


I'm here to displease.


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Well, it just strenghtens the point that people should not keep exotic pets that they know next to nothing about. I like snakes, but only in their own environment.

I hate snakes, but I would love a polar bear!  I wouldn't get one though.

You could crochet one.   

cologne 1
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:


King Cobra...deserves utmost care and respect,however the poor guy knew that I expect,one little slip /error and that was it.




Same old story with most people who try to save the rare species Mother nature .is the be all and end all on who will survive. Leave it to nature to decide and  maybe we may have a chance to find out why? This is not the first time extinctions have occurred Let life take its course and maybe we will will learn something from this..


But despite receiving hospital treatment, his father's condition worsened suddenly. "By the time we arrived he was already gone. We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Maybe his body couldn't take it any more because of his diabetes."


So, it was the diabetes what killed him! 


I have a beautiful cornsnake, but I wouldn't want a venomous one!

Not cuddly! 



*please note - this is not a King Cobra. 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Information I have is, 


Man loved and wanted to save Cobras, got to friendly, and forgot, they do not love him as much as he loves them..

Exactly Sid-----COBRAS not Pythons. 

mmhhmm.. what's your point, caller ?

Cobras are totally different than Pythons. I am Jonesy and not caller. My point being- get the facts right in the first place and there would not be any " whats your point" stuff.

Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:


King Cobra...deserves utmost care and respect,however the poor guy knew that I expect,one little slip /error and that was it.




Same old story with most people who try to save the rare species Mother nature .is the be all and end all on who will survive. Leave it to nature to decide and  maybe we may have a chance to find out why? This is not the first time extinctions have occurred Let life take its course and maybe we will will learn something from this..


That's the biggest load of guff I've read in a long time.

Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Information I have is, 


Man loved and wanted to save Cobras, got to friendly, and forgot, they do not love him as much as he loves them..

Exactly Sid-----COBRAS not Pythons. 

mmhhmm.. what's your point, caller ?

Cobras are totally different than Pythons. I am Jonesy and not caller. My point being- get the facts right in the first place and there would not be any " whats your point" stuff.


Actually, strike that. That ^^^ is. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

But despite receiving hospital treatment, his father's condition worsened suddenly. "By the time we arrived he was already gone. We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Maybe his body couldn't take it any more because of his diabetes."


So, it was the diabetes what killed him! 


I have a beautiful cornsnake, but I would want a venomous one!

Not cuddly! 



*please note - this is not a King Cobra. 

Nor is it venomous. A good start for first time snake fanciers. But why keep something in a tank that has the run of the freedom of its own environment?

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Antiope:

I used to have a Royal Python called Penelope.


Originally Posted by Antiope:

She was beautiful.  Like so...



Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Jonesy, maybe you should have another read through the thread and then untwist your panties? 


I've made it easy and everyfink


I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Information I have is, 


Man loved and wanted to save Cobras, got to friendly, and forgot, they do not love him as much as he loves them..

Exactly Sid-----COBRAS not Pythons. 

mmhhmm.. what's your point, caller ?

Cobras are totally different than Pythons. I am Jonesy and not caller. My point being- get the facts right in the first place and there would not be any " whats your point" stuff.

I'm not sure what facts you're disputing is what I meant.


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