Feel free
Um, that's OK Joe, we wouln't want to deprive you of your rest.
What's that moonie?
Less interest than what? You keep stumbling in here, apologising, lulling us into a false sense of snaffle security!
By the way, Arnos Grove you know.
Blimey! Didn't see that coming!
I won't FB Joe, no matter what you say.
Blimey! Didn't see that coming!
well done Xochi
Piffle. Balham to you!
Blimey! Didn't see that coming!
well done Xochi
Fankoo! I don't have the concentration to do other than random snaffling!
Bon nuit, mes amis.
Well, that's already doomed then. Ditch yer Ifern. Thread or No Thread!
*curses* Fair enough!
Bon nuit, mes amis.
And its goodnight from too
Bon nuit, mes amis.
A demain!
Sorry to break the bad news.
Only if you pronounce it 'Ainau'.

That's pretty well it then, but with a Lahndarn twist!
This is for Sooz. I'm becoming similarly afflicted!
I reckon I'm motoring to a snaffle.
Not that I'm concerned!
However, I realise the next one is probably far off so I bid you goodnight.

Penny Farthing for me
Starts jogging to the finish line
Jumps hurdles
waves to the crowds
Starts panting
over took on the line

Starts panting
Why what you been up to?
Perhaps you meant painting?
How about a snaffle?
How about a snaffle?
Sprouty ..........I'm always game but I really do have a million things to do - if I don't drag myself away from my lappy....................

sneaks in
My breasts are still frozen
My breasts are still frozen
chicken turkey or duck
My breasts are still frozen
chicken turkey or duck
ages to go yet back to unpacking the shopping
Drums fingers on keyboard
looks Mrs H`s shopping
Chucks some loo rolls to xochi
ohhh sweets
Mrs H I'm shocked at some of the things in your bags
Mrs H I'm shocked at some of the things in your bags
wasnt you taught it was rude to rummage in ones bags
young uns of today
what goes on in my bags stays in my bags
Ohh this a packet of Durex ummm puts them back under the bananas
Skips through

it's issing it down here

Sings We are the champions

Well done Aims! Your persistence is rewarded!
Meanwhile, ION...