Untidy bedroom a specialty
With the amount of work completed this week I think they ended term last week! No uniform this week, "enrichment" with different experiences including a goat's head to be dissected
I keep getting kicked out
I'm sitting in front of the fan with the blinds shut and I'm still warm I hate this weather
Not my cup of tea either! They usually have sheep's eye but this was a special treat
Afternoon cloudier here today thank god
What Ho?
Why are you being sick Aimee?
Still not well, I've hurt my ribs with coughing and I now feel sick, doctors Monday me thinks
Still not well, I've hurt my ribs with coughing and I now feel sick, doctors Monday me thinks
I should think so too
Oh flippin eck Aims
Anyway............I'll have your snaffle though
Or maybe not
Oh flippin eck Aims
really fed up of it now, my breathing sounds really wheezy, lil AIms is still coughing as well
Have you got a walk in centre near you. I'd suggest going in the morning