Hehe! 14 of the last 16 pages are Aimee and I.
Hehe! 14 of the last 16 pages are Aimee and I.
dont you two ever sleep
and Happy Easter Sunday
there ya go - something for everbody
there ya go - something for everbody
I'll have the bacon and toms
Ooow you've made me hungry now MrsH, i haven't eaten yet
it was a ploy to get everyone into the kitchen away from snaffling
there ya go - something for everbody
I'll have the bacon and toms
that would be my favourite off that plate too
confused.com about the time this morning ... my pc says 11.45
wonder why it has increased by 2 hours
10.45 I believe is correct
Go off and make us some then, I'll look after this place
Bacon, egg, mushrooms, beans. The rest is up for grabs.
I'm feeling the loss of the hour today
Go off and make us some then, I'll look after this place
on your bike ... get your own on Sundays in my world
I'm feeling the loss of the hour today
Should have gone to bed when you re-set your clocks, then.
Woman in a bad mood here BEWARE, a woman down the road parks outside my house everyday and it gets on my nerves, She's just parked up again and I've been out and told her to move her f___ing car think I'd better go back to bed for a bit, NO SNAFFLING WHILE I'M AWAY
I'm feeling the loss of the hour today
Should have gone to bed when you re-set your clocks, then.
I'm feeling the loss of the hour today
Should have gone to bed when you re-set your clocks, then.
I know that now
Woman in a bad mood here BEWARE, a woman down the road parks outside my house everyday and it gets on my nerves, She's just parked up again and I've been out and told her to move her f___ing car think I'd better go back to bed for a bit,NO SNAFFLING WHILE I'M AWAY
That'll be right!
I am away to strip my bed
I am away to strip my bed
Just put my sheets on the line (changed mine last night) Love bedding drying on the line, so much quicker than the dryer!
Lol Aims hope you feel in a better mood after you Sunday snooze
Make me a cuppa to take with me
Hehe! 14 of the last 16 pages are Aimee and I.
dont you two ever sleep
Don't know about Aimee, but I was in bed by 1:30 GMT - equivalent to 2:30 BST and I got up at 8:55 BST. So that's around 6 to 6 and a half hours sleep!
Just a few more posts Jen and you'll have another snaffle in the bag!
my eye is leaking
puts eye patch on
no-one cares that I look like a pirate
lies down
sleeps with one eye open
MrsH bed is very nice
I can sleep easy now
MrsH bed is very nice
crafty snaffle there I see
I can sleep easy now
bed is going to the tip .... you have been warned
10 more minutes
10 more minutes
OK .... I will go find something else to do
snuggles down, she'll forget I'm here, it's her age bless
snuggles down, she'll forget I'm here, it's her age bless
You do realise I LET Someone else have that snaffle.
You do realise I LET Someone else have that snaffle.

Official Leader Board
Position up to and including page 100:-
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
= EFFT 15 snaffles
4) moonie 13 snaffles
5) Aimee 12 snaffles
6) Xochi 7 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
= Yogi 5 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
Page 101 Aimee
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
= EFFT 15 snaffles
4) moonie 13 snaffles
= Aimee 13 snaffles
6) Xochi 7 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
= Yogi 5 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
Hi Yogi.
Hi Yogi.
Hi Fluffs. I see you and Aimee have been on a Snaffle-fest.
Hi Yogi.
Hi Fluffs. I see you and Aimee have been on a Snaffle-fest.
It just happened. I didn't set out to do it - except maybe the last one on page 100.
Hi Yogi.
Hi Fluffs. I see you and Aimee have been on a Snaffle-fest.
It just happened. I didn't set out to do it - except maybe the last one on page 100.
In that case, you must be the luckiest snaffler ever!
I'm awake
I'm off for a walk.
get me some bread
Hi Yogi.
Hi Fluffs. I see you and Aimee have been on a Snaffle-fest.
It just happened. I didn't set out to do it - except maybe the last one on page 100.
In that case, you must be the luckiest snaffler ever!
Something a little
Hope this is OK. There wasn't much choice.
Hope this is OK. There wasn't much choice.
that's the one I have
*Ignores moonie's scepticism!*
Roast chicken and stuffing anyone
No thanks, not hungrt just now, but if there's any tea going.......
*Ignores moonie's scepticism!*
I am being ignored
No thanks, not hungrt just now, but if there's any tea going.......
just making a brew now
*Ignores moonie's scepticism!*
I am being ignored
who said that
*Ignores moonie's scepticism!*
I am being ignored
who said that
It was him >>> points
*Ignores moonie's scepticism!*
I am being ignored
who said that
It was him >>> points
are we off again?
Official Leader Board
Position up to and including page 100:-
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
= EFFT 15 snaffles
4) moonie 13 snaffles
5) Aimee 12 snaffles
6) Xochi 7 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
= Yogi 5 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
Page 101 Aimee
Page 102 moonie
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
= EFFT 15 snaffles
4) moonie 14 snaffles
5) Aimee 13 snaffles
6) Xochi 7 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
= Yogi 5 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
You're not doing a very good job of keeping a low profile! We can see you coming for miles.
check out the TV thread
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
I couldn't help myself.
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
I couldn't help myself.
Doesn't surprise me
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
I couldn't help myself.
check out the TV thread
why? Tell us here to save us the bother.
I couldn't help myself.
Doesn't surprise me
On a Sunday as well
An Easter Sunday snaffle maybe?
Maybe not
On a Sunday as well
Easter Sunday at that!
Well I tried