The seems to be a theme here Xochi
Ya think?!
The seems to be a theme here Xochi
Ya think?!
This is one GIGANTIC Hamster
There he is again!
Back off Sooz. I have people.
Back off Sooz. I have people.
And you.
You sure that's not a keyring?
Right, i'm orf for the night. Nite nite Xochi and Soozy. Sleep well both
Me too moonie.
Nanite folks
I wonder... do i have a snaffle thread to myself at this stupid o'clock time of day
Well done Jen.
Good morning everyone.
Morning peeps
Well done Jen
I'm off to France for a few days
Happy Snaffling.
Can't go before addressing the elephant in the room though.
A couple of days ago one of the most prolific (and entertaining) posters on this thread was upset by a comment that insinuated cheating.
I don't think the comment was meant to be nasty it was said in a lighthearted way but I do believe offence was taken.
I'll be honest I thought this was a fun thread - I didn't realise that there were rules
Personally I find it a bit irritating and pointless when someone posts over and over consecutively to get a snaffle - I thought it was all about the cut and thrust but as I said it's all a bit of fun isn't it.
If there are rules will someone tell me please cos I'm a sneaky snaffler (I honestly thought that's how you play it) - it annoys others.
Just thought I'd say cos it really upsets me to think that a poster has been upset and isn't contributing anymore
No offence meant to anyone - honestly - and I'm sorry if I've spoilt the thread.
The first rule of Snaffle Thread is there are no rules Sooz. You keep on doing your own thang!
Have a lovely break.
I dont see any slider bar either
there are 40 posts per page - doesnt matter how short or long the post so scroll down the thread and count avatars on left hand side and then you know when a snaffle is coming up
This isn`t the sort of thread for you Joe
Name and shame sooz
I dont see any slider bar either
there are 40 posts per page - doesnt matter how short or long the post so scroll down the thread and count avatars on left hand side and then you know when a snaffle is coming up
I stand correcting MrsH. I was just using it as an indicator
I dont see any slider bar either
there are 40 posts per page - doesnt matter how short or long the post so scroll down the thread and count avatars on left hand side and then you know when a snaffle is coming up
The 'slider' He's talking about is the Scroll bar in Windows.
The fewer posts there are on a page the larger the darker moveable bit is. As the page gets more and more posts on it that darker moveable section will get smaller.
This is post 16, the darker bit is relatively large.
No list yet pftt
No list yet pftt
I know. You just can't get the staff these days!
No list yet pftt
I know. You just can't get the staff these days!
Even a hint would be nice
No list yet pftt
I know. You just can't get the staff these days!
Even a hint would be nice
I'm working on it!
Are you reading back
Official Leader Board
Page 1 Sprout First official snaffle
Page2 Moonie
Page3 Pengy
Page4 Pengy
Page5 EFFT
Page6 Jenstar
Page7 Jenstar
Page8 Pengy
Page9 Pengy
Page10 Erinp
Page11 Moonie
Page12 Moonie
Page13 Moonie
Page14 Erinp
Page15 Erinp
Page16 Moonie
Page17 Pengy
Page18 Cosmo
Page19 Aimee
Page20 EFFT
Page21 Soozy
Page22 Yogi
Page23 Soozy
Page 24 Erinp
Page25 Erinp
Page 26 moonie
Page 27 Erinp
Page28 Sprout
Page29 Xochi
Page30 Soozy
Page31 Skylark
Page32 Aimee
Page33 Moonie
Page34 Soozy
Page35 Erinp
Page36 Moonie
Page37 Aimee
Page38 Soozy
Page39 Soozy
Page40 Erinp
Page41 Summer
Page42 Summer
Page43 Yogi
Page44 Erinp
Page45 Erinp
Page46 Soozy
Page47 Soozy
Page48 Moonie
Page49 EFFT
Page 50 EFFT
Page 51 Aimee
Page 52 Xochi
Page 53 Soozy
Page54 EFFT
Page55 Erinp
Page56 Soozy
Page57 EFFT
Page58 Sprout
Page59 Soozy
Page60 Erinp
Page61 Erinp
Page62 Xochi
Page63 Yogi
Page64 Aimee
Page65 Erinp
Page66 Moonie
Page67 Erinp
Page68 Soozy
Page69 Xochi
Page70 Moonie
Page71 Erinp
Page72 Erinp
Page 73 Soozy
Page 74 moonie
Page 75 Xochi
Page 76 Yogi
Page 77Cosi
Page 78 EFFT
Page 79 Xochi
Page 80 Soozy
Page 81 Aimee
Page 82 Soozy
Page 83 Xochi
Page 84 Jen
Page 85 ?
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
3) moonie 12 snaffles
4) EFFT 7 snaffles
= Xochi 7 snaffles
6) Aimee 6 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
8) Yogi 4 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
Are you reading back
Are you reading back
me too
I've got it
Do you REALLY think that helps?
Do you REALLY think that helps?
Am I supposed to be scared?
drums fingers
Snot fair
Official Leader Board
Page 1 Sprout First official snaffle
Page2 Moonie
Page3 Pengy
Page4 Pengy
Page5 EFFT
Page6 Jenstar
Page7 Jenstar
Page8 Pengy
Page9 Pengy
Page10 Erinp
Page11 Moonie
Page12 Moonie
Page13 Moonie
Page14 Erinp
Page15 Erinp
Page16 Moonie
Page17 Pengy
Page18 Cosmo
Page19 Aimee
Page20 EFFT
Page21 Soozy
Page22 Yogi
Page23 Soozy
Page 24 Erinp
Page25 Erinp
Page 26 moonie
Page 27 Erinp
Page28 Sprout
Page29 Xochi
Page30 Soozy
Page31 Skylark
Page32 Aimee
Page33 Moonie
Page34 Soozy
Page35 Erinp
Page36 Moonie
Page37 Aimee
Page38 Soozy
Page39 Soozy
Page40 Erinp
Page41 Summer
Page42 Summer
Page43 Yogi
Page44 Erinp
Page45 Erinp
Page46 Soozy
Page47 Soozy
Page48 Moonie
Page49 EFFT
Page 50 EFFT
Page 51 Aimee
Page 52 Xochi
Page 53 Soozy
Page54 EFFT
Page55 Erinp
Page56 Soozy
Page57 EFFT
Page58 Sprout
Page59 Soozy
Page60 Erinp
Page61 Erinp
Page62 Xochi
Page63 Yogi
Page64 Aimee
Page65 Erinp
Page66 Moonie
Page67 Erinp
Page68 Soozy
Page69 Xochi
Page70 Moonie
Page71 Erinp
Page72 Erinp
Page 73 Soozy
Page 74 moonie
Page 75 Xochi
Page 76 Yogi
Page 77Cosi
Page 78 EFFT
Page 79 Xochi
Page 80 Soozy
Page 81 Aimee
Page 82 Soozy
Page 83 Xochi
Page 84 Jen
Page 85 EFFT
1) Erin 17 snaffles
2) Soozy 15 snaffles
3) moonie 12 snaffles
4) EFFT 8 snaffles
5) Xochi 7 snaffles
6) Aimee 6 snaffles
7) Pengy 5 snaffles
8) Yogi 4 snaffles
9) Jen 3 snaffles
= Sprout 3 snaffles
11) Cosi 2 snaffles
= Sweet 2 snaffles
13 Skylark 1 snaffle
Snot fair
*passes tissue* And we're not interested in its colour!