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Thank you. You post some lovely things.
My father died very suddenly, and after the paramedics left I went up to see his body. I put my hand on his forehead and he was still warm, and I was struck by this absolute certainty that he'd 'left the building', so to speak. Not just like a machine deprived of current, but that everything that had made up my dad had gone elsewhere, except for his shell. I can remember thinking to myself that it was really important to remember that, and that I was never more certain than at that point that there is an afterlife. I can't remember exactly why I was so certain now, or what the feeling was, but that's how it was.
When I went to view his body, I mentioned something of the kind to the funeral director, as I was a bit embarassed that I spent so little time viewing him. The funeral director immediately became very animated and said 'Yes, yes, his spirit has gone' and told me about his son who died at the age of 2.
I'm sure some people would say it was shock, or a coping mechanism. But I remember the absolute certainty. There was no doubt in my mind at all.

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