I think it was Hannover where I flew to when I was visiting my son.
Yes, he was stationed at fallingbostal, very nice ice cream parlour
Hello it's very muggy here, daughter is flat out on my bed
salad for tea tonight me thinks
she's been asleep for hours, you can tell it's the summer holidays
she came back from her holiday full of a cold
What you having on your salad Moonie?
I love a good salad, mixed leaves, tom's, mushroom, peppers, onions, sprinkle with grated cheese and some creamy coleslaw coleslaw the side
What you having on your salad Moonie?
Dunno yet tbh. I might change my mind and go for lasagne instead
hmmmm it definitely seems like a salad day
This thread is temporarily closed due to me going out for the evening unforseen circumstances
Position up to and including page 430:-
Snafflers: ________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 86 snaffles ................1) Soozy 74 posts
2) Aimee 58 snaffles ................2) Aimee 67 posts
3) EFFT 57 snaffles ..................3) EFFT 53 posts
4) moonie 43 snaffles ..............4) Machel 41 posts
5) Xochi 40 snaffles .................5) moonie 40 posts
6) Machel 39 snaffles ...............6) Xochi 37 posts
7) Yogi 22 snaffles ...................7) Yogi 24 posts
8) Erin 17 snaffles ...................8) Erin 16 posts
9) Jen 14 snaffles ....................9) Jen 15 posts
10) Sprout 12 snaffles ............10) MrsH 11 posts
11) MrsH 9 snaffles ................11) Sprout 9 posts
12) Sweet 8 snaffles ...............= Garage Joe 9 posts
13) Pengy 7 Snaffles ...............13) Cinds 7 posts
14) Cosi 5 Snaffles .................14) Sweet 6 posts
15) Rosgirl 4 snaffles ..............15) Cosi 5 posts
16) Garage Joe 4 snaffles .........16) Pengy 4 posts
17) Cinds 3 snaffles ................17) Ros 3 posts
18) Skylark 1 snaffle ...............18) Skylark 2 posts
= Velvet 1 snaffle ...................= Velvet 2 posts
...............................................= Amythist 2 posts
............................................21) Dame 1 post
...............................................= Kaffy 1 post
...............................................= Muf 1 post
Current Position :- (page 445)
Snafflers: __________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 86 snaffles >................1) Soozy 74 posts >
2) Aimee 60 snaffles >................2) Aimee 68 posts >
3) EFFT 58 snaffles >..................3) EFFT 54 posts >
4) moonie 44 snaffles >..............4) Machel 46 posts >
5) Machel 43 snaffles ^...............5) moonie 42 posts >
6) Xochi 41 snaffles โ.................6) Xochi 38 posts >
7) Yogi 22 snaffles >...................7) Yogi 24 posts >
8) Erin 17 snaffles >...................8) Erin 16 posts >
9) Jen 14 snaffles >....................9) Jen 15 posts >
10) Sprout 12 snaffles >............10) MrsH 11 posts >
11) Pengy10 snaffles ^..............11) Sprout 9 posts >
12) MrsH 9 snaffles โ................= Garage Joe 9 posts >
13) Sweet 8 Snaffles โ...............13) Cinds 7 posts >
14) Cosi 8 Snaffles >.................14) Cosi 7 posts ^
15) Rosgirl 4 snaffles >..............15) Pengy 7 posts ^
16) Garage Joe 4 snaffles >.........16) Sweet 6 posts โ
17) Cinds 3 snaffles >................17) Ros 3 posts >
18) Skylark 1 snaffle >...............18) Skylark 2 posts >
= Velvet 1 snaffle >...................= Velvet 2 posts >
.................................................= Amythist 2 posts >
..............................................21) Dame 1 post >
.................................................= Kaffy 1 post >
.................................................= Muf 1 post >
Ohhh I'm in second place
Position up to and including page 430:-
Snafflers: ________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 86 snaffles ................1) Soozy 74 posts
2) Aimee 58 snaffles ................2) Aimee 67 posts
3) EFFT 57 snaffles ..................3) EFFT 53 posts
4) moonie 43 snaffles ..............4) Machel 41 posts
5) Xochi 40 snaffles .................5) moonie 40 posts
6) Machel 39 snaffles ...............6) Xochi 37 posts
7) Yogi 22 snaffles ...................7) Yogi 24 posts
8) Erin 17 snaffles ...................8) Erin 16 posts
9) Jen 14 snaffles ....................9) Jen 15 posts
10) Sprout 12 snaffles ............10) MrsH 11 posts
11) MrsH 9 snaffles ................11) Sprout 9 posts
12) Sweet 8 snaffles ...............= Garage Joe 9 posts
13) Pengy 7 Snaffles ...............13) Cinds 7 posts
14) Cosi 5 Snaffles .................14) Sweet 6 posts
15) Rosgirl 4 snaffles ..............15) Cosi 5 posts
16) Garage Joe 4 snaffles .........16) Pengy 4 posts
17) Cinds 3 snaffles ................17) Ros 3 posts
18) Skylark 1 snaffle ...............18) Skylark 2 posts
= Velvet 1 snaffle ...................= Velvet 2 posts
...............................................= Amythist 2 posts
............................................21) Dame 1 post
...............................................= Kaffy 1 post
...............................................= Muf 1 post
Current Position :- (page 445)
Snafflers: __________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 86 snaffles >................1) Soozy 74 posts >
2) Aimee 60 snaffles >................2) Aimee 68 posts >
3) EFFT 58 snaffles >..................3) EFFT 54 posts >
4) moonie 44 snaffles >..............4) Machel 46 posts >
5) Machel 43 snaffles ^...............5) moonie 42 posts >
6) Xochi 41 snaffles โ.................6) Xochi 38 posts >
7) Yogi 22 snaffles >...................7) Yogi 24 posts >
8) Erin 17 snaffles >...................8) Erin 16 posts >
9) Jen 14 snaffles >....................9) Jen 15 posts >
10) Sprout 12 snaffles >............10) MrsH 11 posts >
11) Pengy10 snaffles ^..............11) Sprout 9 posts >
12) MrsH 9 snaffles โ................= Garage Joe 9 posts >
13) Sweet 8 Snaffles โ...............13) Cinds 7 posts >
14) Cosi 8 Snaffles >.................14) Cosi 7 posts ^
15) Rosgirl 4 snaffles >..............15) Pengy 7 posts ^
16) Garage Joe 4 snaffles >.........16) Sweet 6 posts โ
17) Cinds 3 snaffles >................17) Ros 3 posts >
18) Skylark 1 snaffle >...............18) Skylark 2 posts >
= Velvet 1 snaffle >...................= Velvet 2 posts >
.................................................= Amythist 2 posts >
..............................................21) Dame 1 post >
.................................................= Kaffy 1 post >
.................................................= Muf 1 post >
1 more snaffle and I catch moonie
Maybe not then
what do you want
I want one!!!
Not long now!
Are they right to drop Compton in favour of Root?
Looking forward to the only deal now.
I reckon 2-1 with England and Wales winning by a slim margin.