Are you bored Summer
Good morning, Snafflers.
Morning Yogi we are snowed under here
Morning Yogi we are snowed under here
Hi Aimee. We've had a few light snow showers and the wind is swirling. It feels really cold.

You've made the list Summer

Summer, you got two! Page 41 AND page 42. In fact you are the ONLY poster on page 41.

Is there nobody else around?
I could go in for the kill now!
Well Done Yogi

Is there nobody else around?
I was dragged off to the new ASSDA in Larkhall - highlight of my day!
Is there nobody else around?
I was dragged off to the new ASSDA in Larkhall - highlight of my day!
Poor Fluffy.
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Nah, its too cold for that Skylark
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Moonie, remember to add a carrot nose, and he'll need a scarf and hat to keep warm.
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Moonie, remember to add a carrot nose, and he'll need a scarf and hat to keep warm.
Not on your nelly
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Nah, its too cold for that Skylark
Coward !
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Moonie, remember to add a carrot nose, and he'll need a scarf and hat to keep warm.
Not on your nelly
At the risk of repeating myself in this and many other threads...its snowing heavens hard here again
You going out to build a snowman then?
Nah, its too cold for that Skylark
Coward !
And proud to admit it too
What you testing Jen?
What you testing Jen?
And even more important, did it work?
What you testing Jen?
And even more important, did it work?
@ Jen
Well done Erin.
Bad luck, Jen.
Noooooooooooooooo lol
Looser? Whats too tight?
Well snaffled btw
I go away for an hour or so and look at you lot .......snaffling away
@ Soozy.
Aims, if you see this I instantly thought of you!