Took my eye off the snaffle!
Well done Sooz. We must ensure the thread is snaffled now and then as BB starts!
OMG yes'll be a challenge but I'm sure we'll rise to it
Night all
Nite nite Snafflers All. We must keep the flame alight in the months to come.
Happy BB day
Xochi i wanted to reply to you last night but i didn't want to steal the snaffle lol
Nite nite Snafflers All. We must keep the flame alight in the months to come.
Grr, going out on Sat night and i've put weight on () so none of my going out stuff fits properly!
Grr, going out on Sat night and i've put weight on () so none of my going out stuff fits properly!
That's a good reason to buy new clothes
Grr, going out on Sat night and i've put weight on () so none of my going out stuff fits properly!
That's a good reason to buy new clothes
That sounds like hell... I think one top will be ok, i just need some black skinny jeans or some nice trousers. I'll have to go out tomorrow and see what i can find
I've got my eye on you
I've got my eye on you
Which one?
The one in the middle obviously
I've got my eye on you
Which one?
The one in the middle obviously
is that the ebil one?
you watching BB tonight Moonie?
you watching BB tonight Moonie?
Good idea moonie, don't bother with the internet
you watching BB tonight Moonie?
Good idea moonie, don't bother with the internet
Aimee needs to have her eyes glued to the tv too
Well done
not long now
About this long ---------------
Nearly there now
oi wake up it's nearly time
Stick wiv it Machel. I'm gonna
I usually give it a few days, but with this lot today!
I've not seen a fav yet
I've not seen a fav yet
What about the "karate kid" ?
Rylan has some new teggis
Interpretation please
They aren't here
My Dad used to call teeth railings - always made me laugh.
I bet
and cobs are rolls and suckers are ice lollys
and cobs are rolls and suckers are ice lollys
And what is it you call alley ways? ginels or something and everyone takes the mickey when i say tongue..... Moonie they say tong here!!
Where I live they call them ginnels or 'eight foots' - although Mr Woo is insistent that an' eight foot' is different to a ginnel. I'll be buggered if I can see the difference.
I call them alleys.
and cobs are rolls and suckers are ice lollys
And I thought 'Black Country' speak was bad enough
and cobs are rolls and suckers are ice lollys
And what is it you call alley ways? ginels or something and everyone takes the mickey when i say tongue..... Moonie they say tong here!!
Doncha just love local dialects?