I remember hippies in the 60/70's wearing Patchouli oil - it was horrible.
Soozy on it's own it's not so good, but trust me this mix is gorgeous. In fact I just reminded myself to go and order some more before it goes out of circulation. (3 bottles)
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
And Moonie
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
And Moonie
Not forgetting jenstar
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
And Moonie
Not forgetting jenstar
And xochi
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
And Moonie
Not forgetting jenstar
And xochi
And as for sooz
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
And Moonie
Not forgetting jenstar
And xochi
And as for sooz
I'm looking at this, can anyone recommend?
Well done Machel
I'm looking at this, can anyone recommend?
Sorry, no, but have just turned the back garden
I'm taking some of the turf up right along the back fence and want to plant a flower/shrub bed, to add a bit of colour. I bought some top soil last year from a small local garden centre, which they bagged up themselves, but it was crap. Full of rubble and weeds.
Trust no one
Especially Aimee
daughter keeps ringing me asking how to use her dad's washing machine
how the hell would I know
daughter keeps ringing me asking how to use her dad's washing machine
how the hell would I know
You'd only break it anway
daughter keeps ringing me asking how to use her dad's washing machine
how the hell would I know
You'd only break it anway
daughter keeps ringing me asking how to use her dad's washing machine
how the hell would I know
You'd only break it anway
Good point, rings back
daughter keeps ringing me asking how to use her dad's washing machine
how the hell would I know
You'd only break it anway
Good point, rings back
I had a statement from the CSA today he's two payments in the last 8 months, they can't find him apparently, he's in Greece this week and lil Aims is looking after his penthouse apartment he's had his iphone pinched while he's been there
<~ that's me not laughing
I had a statement from the CSA today he's two payments in the last 8 months, they can't find him apparently, he's in Greece this week and lil Aims is looking after his penthouse apartment he's had his iphone pinched while he's been there
<~ that's me not laughing
sounds a right dog Aimee
She's only being nice to him cause she wants some money off him
she only normally sees him about twice a year
This was my quandary the other week, I now know lil Aims dad's address but if I pass it on to the CSA (which would benefit lil Aims as well) he would know she had told me unintentional and she would know I'd passed it on I've kept quiet but it pisses me off that he's living the high life and doing everything he can do to avoid paying
the last time I spoke to them, they said he was in receipt of benefits WTF
This was my quandary the other week, I now know lil Aims dad's address but if I pass it on to the CSA (which would benefit lil Aims as well) he would know she had told me unintentional and she would know I'd passed it on I've kept quiet but it pisses me off that he's living the high life and doing everything he can do to avoid paying
the last time I spoke to them, they said he was in receipt of benefits WTF
It doesn't set good either way does it Aimee?
Sorry for the moany posts everyone
This was my quandary the other week, I now know lil Aims dad's address but if I pass it on to the CSA (which would benefit lil Aims as well) he would know she had told me unintentional and she would know I'd passed it on I've kept quiet but it pisses me off that he's living the high life and doing everything he can do to avoid paying
the last time I spoke to them, they said he was in receipt of benefits WTF
It doesn't set good either way does it Aimee?
No, I'll just have to bide my time, he owes me thousands, I haven't had a holiday in 10 years, it winds me up when parents can afford to pay but would rather dodge it
Sorry for the moany posts everyone
What moany posts?
Nothing wrong with a good moan ....even better when you've got people to share it with
This was my quandary the other week, I now know lil Aims dad's address but if I pass it on to the CSA (which would benefit lil Aims as well) he would know she had told me unintentional and she would know I'd passed it on I've kept quiet but it pisses me off that he's living the high life and doing everything he can do to avoid paying
the last time I spoke to them, they said he was in receipt of benefits WTF
It doesn't set good either way does it Aimee?
No, I'll just have to bide my time, he owes me thousands, I haven't had a holiday in 10 years, it winds me up when parents can afford to pay but would rather dodge it
Its not only not fair but its not right or proper either
Nothing wrong with a good moan ....even better when you've got people to share it with
Nothing wrong with a good moan ....even better when you've got people to share it with
Thank you, probably the wrong thread though
Nothing wrong with a good moan ....even better when you've got people to share it with
sometimes you can't bite your tongue anymore
The best way to snaffle - good game
Is that him?
The best way to snaffle - good game
Indeed. You are a tour de force.
Listen you..
It's him
Under the weather but never an amateur Wilko
On Guard!
Mr Woo did fencing for a while (used to take the kids) - he was told he was too rough/aggressive - ^^^ that gif makes me laugh. He used to box - I think he took to fencing like boxing with a sword in his hand.
Mr Woo did fencing for a while (used to take the kids) - he was told he was too rough/aggressive - ^^^ that gif makes me laugh. He used to box - I think he took to fencing like boxing with a sword in his hand.
Listen you..
It's him
Under the weather but never an amateur Wilko
I never did Feelgood. Never mind!
Moin backatya. xx
It's ok... I was just joshin'. I never got into Dr Feelgood. I can feel good as you all know I hope.
It's ok... I was just joshin'. I never got into Dr Feelgood. I can feel good as you all know I hope.
*hands over Band-Aid*
Explain please.
It's ok... I was just joshin'. I never got into Dr Feelgood. I can feel good as you all know I hope.
My memoirs will be published here.
*hands over Band-Aid*
It's ok... I was just joshin'. I never got into Dr Feelgood. I can feel good as you all know I hope.
My memoirs will be published here.
*waits wiv baited breff*
If you don't mind my asking, where did you meet? Serious question.
Afghan coat paying in to an Isle of Man tax exile.
OK. NSA is no longer interested.
Nite dark side
You went around to tell her to turn the music down and she was captivated by your stunning repartee and good looks and invited you in where you talked about Marx and how you enjoy the outdoor life?
Orf to bed now. Nitey nite
nite nite moonie.