I've just painted my nails royal blue <- interesting fact of the day
I've just painted my nails royal blue <- interesting fact of the day
Oh joy
waves nails, you like
wonders if soozy has thrown the computer through the window
waves nails, you like
Yep! When my nails didn't split to beggary all the time I was partial to really dark red bordering on black.
waves nails, you like
Nah, blue nails is so old fashioned personish!
I wear black sometimes I have every colour going
waves nails, you like
Nah, blue nails is so old fashioned!
I beg to differ!
waves nails, you like
Nah, blue nails is so old fashioned!
I beg to differ!
that's the one
Bur nicks the snaffle
do you think moonie's not into nail varnish and stuff?
*Comes in..looks around at comments and exits again*
You nailed it moonie! geddit?!
*Comes in..looks around at comments and exits again*
You nailed it moonie! geddit?!
Yeah Xochi
Never mind. At least your nails look fab.
Never mind. At least your nails look fab.
I've just painted my nails royal blue <- interesting fact of the day
Oh joy
I got really cross with mine yesterday and cut them off in a hissy fit. They've got a bit wrecked with decorating sanding/waxing etc.
I regret it now
Never mind - my nails do grow really quickly.
Do yours look like this Aims?
I've just painted my nails royal blue <- interesting fact of the day
Oh joy
I got really cross with mine yesterday and cut them off in a hissy fit. They've got a bit wrecked with decorating sanding/waxing etc.
I regret it now
Never mind - my nails do grow really quickly.
Do yours look like this Aims?
I've just painted my nails royal blue <- interesting fact of the day
Oh joy
I got really cross with mine yesterday and cut them off in a hissy fit. They've got a bit wrecked with decorating sanding/waxing etc.
I regret it now
Never mind - my nails do grow really quickly.
Do yours look like this Aims?
Right. Loading liquids for a snaffle.
Baz! Never seen you in here!
Hello handsome!
This sums up the Snaffle thread!
Oh good! But at least it'll be a swift read!
It's a primer for the programme on BBC4, Parks and Recreation. Worth a look, promise you.
At. Bloody. Last.
Anyhoo, strongly recommend above programme. Laters snafflers!
I expect to see nothing of you for a few days. Hope Mrs Jer had a great time.
Nice sunny morning here my neighbours and good friends move house today, the removal van is here
they are not going far there
they've now got to find their 4 cats
Nice sunny morning here my neighbours and good friends move house today, the removal van is here
they are not going far there
they've now got to find their 4 cats
When we moved house we locked the cat in the bedroom!
I wish she would stop coming round trying to give me her junk stuff cause she hasn't got room at the new house shuts blinds and pretends to be out
I wish she would stop coming round trying to give me her junk stuff cause she hasn't got room at the new house shuts blinds and pretends to be out
I've been off loading - next door neighbour had a computer desk and I've got three big boxes of books and knick knacks awaiting collection for the Church Garden Party. Gave a huuuuuuuuuge bag of clothes to my sis last weekend - first time in years she's been bigger than me.
Tis very therapeutic
Oh I hope the weather stays like this for a few months now!! i love the sunny months...uh i mean weeks of the year
I now have, a lawn mower, hedge cutters, a microwave, kettle and toaster for lil Aims to take to uni all the garden is done now
Where is everyone
In here (this thread) it's 'you lot', is it not?
I know you want me to put on the show! Nobody congratulated me on the 400 snaffle by the way.
Mind you, I never realised it was page 400!
Speaking of who. Where is Pam?
She is known by many names you know.
Garage Joe would talk about Blizzie as Lilibet. Or something approximating.
But whatever neck of the woods you come from I reckon you've got to hand it to the old girl. She takes her job seriously and for that reason I salute her. And after I've said that I'd be republican.
It's quite fun talking to yourself.
Mind you I talk to myself a lot.
But I'm feeling I'm onto another long snaffle haul. And I'm too knackered to care!
Nite nite snafflers and morning for the newest snafflee!

No, there is danger everywhere
Mind you I talk to myself a lot.
I do that, it's when you get into an argument you need to worry