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Position up to and including page 100:-


Snafflers:   ________________       Last Posters:-


1) Erin 17 snaffles..................1) moonie 19 posts

2) Soozy 15 snaffles................2) Erin 16 posts

=  EFFT 15 snaffles..................3) Aimee 15 posts

4) moonie 13 snaffles..............4) EFFT 12 posts

5) Aimee 12 snaffles................5) Soozy 10 posts

6) Xochi 7 snaffles...................6) Xochi 5 posts

7) Pengy 5 snaffles..................7) Jen 4 posts

=  Yogi 5 snaffles.....................= Yogi 4 posts

9) Jen 3 snaffles.....................9) Pengy 3 posts

=  Sprout 3 snaffles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10) Skylark 2 posts

11) Cosi 2 snaffles...................=  Sweet 2 posts

=    Sweet 2 snaffles.................= Sprout 2 posts

13 Skylark 1 snaffle..................= Garage Joe 2 posts

...........................................14) Velvet 1 post

............................................=   Dame 1 post

............................................=   Kaffy 1 post

............................................=   Cosi 1 post





Snafflers:   ________________       Last Posters:-


Page 101 Aimee.........................EFFT

Page 102 moonie.......................moonie

Page 103 Sprout........................MrsH

Page 104 MrsH..........................MrsH

Page 105 EFFT...........................Yogi

Page 106 Sweet.........................Xochi

Page 107 moonie.......................moonie

Page 108 EFFT...........................Aimee

Page 109 moonie.......................Aimee

Page 110 MrsH..........................Soozy

Page 111 Soozy..........................Jen

Page 112 Sprout.........................EFFT

Page 113 moonie........................EFFT

Page 114 EFFT............................moonie

Page 115 Xochi...........................Jen

Page 116 Jen..............................EFFT

Page 117 Aimee..........................EFFT

Page 118 EFFT............................Jen

Page 119 EFFT............................Jen

Page 120 Soozy..........................Cosi

Page 121 Soozy..........................Aimee

Page 122 Aimee..........................Yogi

Page 123 Yogi............................Soozy

Page 124 EFFT............................Aimee

Page 125 Xochi...........................EFFT

Page 126 EFFT............................moonie

Page 127 Soozy..........................Xochi

Page 128 Xochi..........................EFFT

Page 129 Aimee.........................Yogi

Page 130 Aimee.........................Xochi

Page 131 Aimie..........................Aimie

Page 132 Xochi..........................Soozy

Page 133 Xochi..........................moonie

Page 134 Xochi..........................Soozy

Page 135 Aimee.........................Soozy

Page 136 Soozy..........................EFFT

Page 137 EFFT............................Yogi

Page 138 EFFT............................Mo

Page 139 Mo..............................Muf

Page 140 moonie........................  ?



Snafflers:   ________________       Last Posters:-


1) EFFT 24 snaffles...................1) moonie 24 posts

2) Soozy 20 snaffles.................2) Aimee 20 posts

3)  Aimee 19 snaffles................=  EFFT 20 posts

4)  moonie 18 snaffles..............4) Erin 16 posts

5)  Erin 17 snaffles...................5) Soozy 15 posts

6) Xochi 13 snaffles..................6) Jen 8 posts

7) Yogi 6 snaffles.....................=  Xochi 8 posts

8) Pengy/Mo 6 snaffles..............= Yogi 8 posts

=  Sprout 5 snaffles..................9) Pengy/Mo 4 posts

10) Jen 4 snaffles....................10) Skylark 2 posts

11)  Sweet 3 snaffles...............=    Sweet 2 posts

12) Cosi 2 snaffles..................=    Sprout 2 posts

=    MrsH 2 Snaffles.................=   Cosi 2 posts

14) Skylark 1 snaffle................=   Garage Joe 2 posts

............................................=   MrsH 2 posts

..........................................16)  Velvet 1 post

............................................=   Dame 1 post

............................................=   Kaffy 1 post

............................................=   Muf 1 post

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Once again I have lost a snaffle (this page) so I dont see the point in coming in here and playing if the snaffles are going to be changed/removed. 

Quite right 


It's only a bit of fun but ................fair play please 

 Deleting posts to change the outcome is not in the spirit of the game.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Once again I have lost a snaffle (this page) so I dont see the point in coming in here and playing if the snaffles are going to be changed/removed. 


pretty peed off about this as it is only a game for a bit of fun but ....


if peeps are going to delete and in this instance I think only 1 post there is no point in playing 


Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

First post on a new page or last post on the old page 



Originally Posted by moonie:

crying and sobbing emoticon



this just doesnt tally 


the quoted posts above are from 


page 139 


muf was the last poster last night and


page 140


moonie got the first post snaffle 


if you look at page 139 now there are two posts in between these posts 


what ever is going on .....  maybe Fluffs can solve the mystery 

Originally Posted by moonie:

Once again I have lost a snaffle (this page) so I dont see the point in coming in here and playing if the snaffles are going to be changed/removed. 

moonie. I had already recorded your snaffle on page 140, that's not going to change. Which also means (sorry Pam) that although sprout appears to be the snaffler on page 140, it's not going to count.


P.S. you didn't loose the last one either, as everything up to page 124 (which subsequently became page 122) had been recorded BEFORE the massive tinkering happened.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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