What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm on top of the bed listening to the footie on the radio
Are we still on Christmas time?
it's bloody cold enough to be December
Had my heating on
The winter duvet is back
Are we still on Christmas time?
it's bloody cold enough to be December
Had my heating on
The winter duvet is back
Aint had mine off the bed yet Machel
You;re all in luck =.lappy looks like this and the keyboard is like a folding sandwich on my lap
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm on top of the bed listening to the footie on the radio
I'm on the top as well, still got my hoodie on, I'm bloody freezing
You;re all in luck =.lappy looks like this and the keyboard is like a folding sandwich on my lap
Can I just say, I have been nowhere near it
You;re all in luck =.lappy looks like this and the keyboard is like a folding sandwich on my lap
Can I just say, I have been nowhere near it
You sure?
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm on top of the bed listening to the footie on the radio
I'm on the top as well, still got my hoodie on, I'm bloody freezing
I got a towel on me head cause I just washed me hair
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm on top of the bed listening to the footie on the radio
I'm on the top as well, still got my hoodie on, I'm bloody freezing
I got a towel on me head cause I just washed me hair
you using it as a headscarf
You;re all in luck =.lappy looks like this and the keyboard is like a folding sandwich on my lap
Can I just say, I have been nowhere near it
You sure?
Mother isn't happy about the weather, they are going on holiday Monday to the lake district poor dad must be getting an ear bashing
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm off to bed in 10 mins!
What's everybody up to tonight, I'm in bed
I'm on top of the bed listening to the footie on the radio
I'm on the top as well, still got my hoodie on, I'm bloody freezing
I got a towel on me head cause I just washed me hair
you using it as a headscarf
Nope to keep me wet locks off me shirt
Mother isn't happy about the weather, they are going on holiday Monday to the lake district poor dad must be getting an ear bashing
Oh, the weather's going to be atrocious up there
Official Leader Board
Position up to and including page 300:-
Snafflers: ________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 56 snaffles................1) Soozy 49 posts
2) EFFT 50 snaffles..................2) EFFT 41 posts
3) Aimee 42 snaffles................3) Aimee 40 posts
4) Xochi 30 snaffles.................4) moonie 31 posts
5) moonie 26 snaffles...............5) Xochi 27 posts
6) Erin 17 snaffles...................6) Yogi 18 posts
7) Yogi 13 snaffles...................7) Erin 16 posts
8) Jen 10 snaffles.....................8) Machel 15 posts
= Sprout 10 snaffles................9) Jen 11 posts
10) Machel 9 snaffles...............= MrsH 11 posts
= MrsH 9 snaffles.................11) Sprout 8 posts
12) Sweet 8 snaffles................12) Sweet 6 posts
13) Pengy 7 Snaffles.................= Garage Joe 6 posts
14) Rosgirl 4 Snaffles..............14) Pengy 4 posts
15) Cinds 3 snaffles................15) Ros 3 posts
16) Cosi 2 snaffles..................= Cinds 3 post
= Garage Joe 2 snaffles........17) Skylark 2 posts
18) Skylark 1 snaffle................= Cosi 2 posts
= Velvet 1 snaffle..................= Velvet 2 posts
.............................................= Amythist 2 posts
..........................................21) Dame 1 post
............................................= Kaffy 1 post
............................................= Muf 1 post
Snafflers: ________________ Last Posters:-
Page 301 moonie.........................Yogi
Page 302 Yogi.............................EFFT
Page 303 EFFT............................moonie
Page 304 Aimee..........................Soozy
Page 305 Soozy...........................Soozy
Page 306 Soozy...........................Soozy
Page 307 Soozy...........................Machel
Page 308 Sprout..........................Xochi
Page 309 Soozy...........................Xochi
Page 310 Sprout..........................EFFT
Page 311 Machel.........................Machel
Page 312 EFFT.............................Aimee
Page 313 Machel.........................Aimee
Page 314 moonie.........................Soozy
Page 315 Yogi.............................Machel
Page 316 Machel.........................Aimee
Page 317 Aimee..........................Soozy
Page 318 Soozy...........................Soozy
Page 319 Cosi.............................Soozy
Page 320 moonie.........................Soozy
Current Position :-
Snafflers: ________________ Last Posters:-
1) Soozy 61 snaffles................1) Soozy 57 posts
2) EFFT 52 snaffles..................2) EFFT 43 posts
3) Aimee 44 snaffles................= Aimee 43 posts
4) Xochi 30 snaffles.................4) moonie 32 posts
5) moonie 29 snaffles..............5) Xochi 29 posts
6) Erin 17 snaffles...................6) Yogi 19 posts
7) Yogi 15 snaffles...................7) Machel 18 posts
8) Sprout 12 snaffles................8) Erin 16 posts
= Machel 12 snaffles...............9) Jen 11 posts
10) Jen 10 snaffles..................= MrsH 11 posts
= MrsH 9 snaffles.................11) Sprout 8 posts
12) Sweet 8 snaffles................12) Sweet 6 posts
13) Pengy 7 Snaffles.................= Garage Joe 6 posts
14) Rosgirl 4 Snaffles..............14) Pengy 4 posts
15) Cinds 3 snaffles.................15) Ros 3 posts
16) Cosi 3 snaffles...................= Cinds 3 post
= Garage Joe 2 snaffles..........17) Skylark 2 posts
18) Skylark 1 snaffle..................= Cosi 2 posts
= Velvet 1 snaffle...................= Velvet 2 posts
..............................................= Amythist 2 posts
...........................................21) Dame 1 post
.............................................= Kaffy 1 post
.............................................= Muf 1 post
You're not fooling anyone with that disguise,,,,we all know it's you!
You're not fooling anyone with that disguise,,,,we all know it's you!
No it aint. Its someone else
I reckon it must be snaffle time
Out of this world if I get this snaffle.
Out of this world if I get this snaffle.
Nice piccie Cinds
I give up.
I really do this time.....
This time
Bullocks I'm off to bed. I'm knackered.
Bullocks I'm off to bed. I'm knackered.
Awww goodnight Cinds. Sleep well
Well done Carport!
Bad luck Cinds.
@ Xochi
back atchya.
I know. Proper shock eh? Mind you, if moin means morning your calculations are a bit astray anyway if you're on BST.
Thank you. I'm not very good with this north/south language divide it seems.
Thank you. I'm not very good with this north/south language divide it seems.
Yo ay am ya
Thank you. I'm not very good with this north/south language divide it seems.
Yo ay am ya
And I hope you feel better soon?
Thank you. I'm not very good with this north/south language divide it seems.
Yo ay am ya
Thank you. I'm not very good with this north/south language divide it seems.
Wye aye man!
Gah! Too busy stroking the pussy!
Well done Moonie
Well done moonie. Laters snafflers!
Well done moonie. Laters snafflers!
Fankoo Xochi