Anyone watching skint on 4? I'm going to watch it on plus 1 at 10, I think it's going to be one of those where you want to kick the telly in
The sniper strikes again
You was shot down in your prime
I know
But you will arise again like the Phoenix and strike again
She's always there though, WAITING
The sniper strikes again
You was shot down in your prime
I know
But you will arise again like the Phoenix and strike again
She's always there though, WAITING
Try again.. SO CUTE!!!!
Morning all
Oooh big probs with my lappy!
Gave up with it last night - nearly put a hammer to it
Hanging on by a thread ATM!
Glory hunters leaving the thread post snaffle
Oooh Aims - don't mind if I do. Cheers.
Getting a teensy bit peed off right now with the building work
Live feed is back
Get to it Soozy
Jeez It's cold today
Jeez It's cold today
It's like November, up here.
Jeez It's cold today
It's like November, up here.
Nooooo, I haven't written my Christmas cards yet
Jeez It's cold today
It's like November, up here.
I've got my hoodie on, in it blud
let's put the decs up
Chicken casserole and roast potatoes for tea tonight
No bum watch?
no I'm missing the little peach
let's put the decs up
Although I have thought about Christmas I haven't bought. any presents yet
No bum watch?
no I'm missing the little peach
let's put the decs up
Although I have thought about Christmas I haven't bought. any presents yet
Can't believe how fast this year is going
No bum watch?
no I'm missing the little peach
Where did you spring from?
I was behind you
Where did you spring from?
I was behind you
oooer missus
You screamed?
Slaps moonies ear
Where did you spring from?
I was behind you
oooer missus
*coughs* well behind you Machel *coughs*
You screamed?
Slaps moonies ear
Moonie looks fierce!
Scary kitten!
Scary kitten!
Moonie looks fierce!
Now you look like Moonie.
Moonie looks fierce!
Now you look like Moonie.
Is it nearly snaffle time?
Is it nearly snaffle time?
I suspect not
Shall we play Ispy?
Is it nearly snaffle time?
I suspect not
Shall we play Ispy?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with *s*
You're right Moonie.
Is it nearly snaffle time?
I suspect not
Shall we play Ispy?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with *s*
Is it nearly snaffle time?
I suspect not
Shall we play Ispy?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with *s*
Is it nearly snaffle time?
I suspect not
Shall we play Ispy?
I spy with my little eye something beginning with *s*
Not yet!
Are we still on Christmas time?
it's bloody cold enough to be December
Are we still on Christmas time?
it's bloody cold enough to be December
Had my heating on