They may be prolific eaters
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
I just seen this - made me laugh
It worked!
Well would wouldn't it?
There was nobody there
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
Would I suggest such a thing!
I am only thinking of your physical and mental health.
It worked!
Well would wouldn't it?
There was nobody there
I have that on my Neil diamond CD!
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
Would I suggest such a thing!
I am only thinking of your physical and mental health.
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
Would I suggest such a thing!
I am only thinking of your physical and mental health.
Aagh! You cut me....cut me to the quick.
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
Would I suggest such a thing!
I am only thinking of your physical and mental health.
Aagh! You cut the quick.
*passes band aid*
Machel, I think it's time you lay down in a darkened room for a while.
You want me out of the way!
Would I suggest such a thing!
I am only thinking of your physical and mental health.
Aagh! You cut me....cut me to the quick.
Sympathy vote
Aagh! You cut the quick.
*passes band aid*
Wanders through
Wanders back
Cartwheels in
Back flips out
Trips up
Bangs head
Limps out
Looks for sympathy
Oh well
Starts limbering up
Star jumps
Looks over shoulder
starts jogging
The crowd starts cheering
waves to the crowd
starts sprinting
can see the finish line
this is mine
one last push
Well, I was about to suggest that Aimee join you in lying down in that darkened room.
Budge up machel
I'm off to Deal or no Deal to kill the woman that is playing
Budge up machel
Stop nicking the quilt
Budge up machel
Stop nicking the quilt
Bum watch time
Bum watch time
I took the quilt so that there would be NO bum watch
put it away machel
Where has everyone gone
Cliff Thorbourn has took 6 mins to make a break of 29
Cliff Thorbourn has took 6 mins to make a break of 29
Wow, he's speeded up in his old age
She's a pussy cat.
OMG! That pic is utterly brilliant and so perfect for the thread!
Look Soozy, this is my snaffle, get it?!
See, this is why I wan't access to folk's search histories on this forum!
Quite how this fits with the theme (if there is one) I don't know -
it just made me smile
*wine snort goddamit*
Quite how this fits with the theme (if there is one) I don't know -
it just made me smile
Can't remember the character's name but love how he's wearing swimming trunks!
You mean.....there's a theme to this thread??? !
Look Soozy, this is my snaffle, get it?!
Stoppit Cos!
No, really. You may snaffle otherwise.
We'll have no bombing round 'ere...
I'm swelling up with pride here
And Sooz eats us all up.
But Cos, you must drop in more often. Lovin' your work!
And Sooz eats us all up.
But Cos, you must drop in more often. Lovin' your work!
Doesn't she just; she's a demon
(I'm here for a while, Xochi; sobering up from a triple birfdee lunch)
That's what happens when you feed a child sushi. Rosemary's Baby, mark my words.
what is that
what is that
A baby sloth.
what is that
I think its a baby sloth Aims. Too cute tho'.
Too slow as ever!
Edit to say. And that was nothing to do with the condom post!