Right. Channel 4 news. Tra!
that should be 9/9, mrsh has 9 and I have 10 posts!
Sorry! Will sort it in a mo.
Should I give up already?
Me too Mrs H
I think this might actually be a pic of my local
that looks like mine too
must be the same build to every store
Yeah, there's a new one just brrn built up here in Scotland and that's what it's like too'
Me too Mrs H
I think this might actually be a pic of my local
that looks like mine too
must be the same build to every store
Yeah, there's a new one just brrn built up here in Scotland and that's what it's like too'
Tis very posh
I made the mistake of playing this ^^^^ game
what you up to tonight?
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
bum watch ronnie back tomorrow
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
They are so slow
too early for a snaffle, come back later
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
bum watch ronnie back tomorrow
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
Blimey thats early
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
walden and hawkins 3/2
They are so slow
the first frames zzzzzzzzzz
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
Blimey thats early
as long as ronnie gets a good night's sleep
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
Blimey thats early
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
Blimey thats early
as long as ronnie gets a good night's sleep
with one eye open for aimee
what you up to tonight?
I got the footie on
No Ronnie tonight?
Tomorrow 10am
Blimey thats early
as long as ronnie gets a good night's sleep
I think he's going to lose his head unfortunately
Soozy She's like the silent assassin
Night night.
I made the mistake of playing this ^^^^ game
Yup me too! Addicted.
Nice one Soozy
Soozy She's like the silent assassin
Soozy She's like the silent assassin
She in then
Night night.
Nanite Yogi. We will triumph eventually!
Soozy She's like the silent assassin
She in then
Sorry wrong thread - I should be in Masterchef ^^^^
Watch out she's back
Sorry wrong thread - I should be in Masterchef ^^^^
you been on the sherry
Watch out she's back
Watch out she's back
In reality, i think that refers to Soozy.
Watch out she's back
Watch out she's back
you rang?
OK??? I got system error four or five times before getting that^^^ to post.
What powers have you got Fluffy??
Watch out she's back
Oh right sorry
Watch out she's back
Oh right sorry
Think I'll back out for the night - I feel a bit selfish
with my clutch of snaffles today
Think I'll back out for the night - I feel a bit selfish
with my clutch of snaffles today
Pah! There is no room for sentiment in the snaffledom!
Hahahaha! Just stumbled across this gif. I'll post the link as there are multiple uses of the F-word. Its freakin' funny though!
Hahahaha! Just stumbled across this gif. I'll post the link as there are multiple uses of the F-word. Its freakin' funny though!
Go for it moonie.
In view of my total inability to even guess when a snaffle is due I'll settle with the one I got today!
Unless I come back later and you haven't snaffled, you understand.
Chronologically inaccurate.
Obliviously they haven't caught up with the atomic clock there then.
Ooops. Sorry, I thought it was German for 'morning'.

I bet he's really embarrassed by that moonie. We were merely engaging in linguistic banter and... look what happened!
You'e beginning to sound a bit Tolkien.
Land of the Fish? 11th Segment? Foot Soldier of Snaffledom?
Your previous comment had more credible Germanic tones though!
*whispers* nor me. We are probably cursed now.
Well, your stuffs are already better than my stuffs then. And demonstrate in the muso thread please.

We first meet Gollum in THE HOBBIT and then again in THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
Mordor and 'The Evil One' only feature in THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
I first read The Hobbit in second year at High School (it was our set reader that year.) Took the book home and read it all that evening before going to bed.
I read Lord of The Rings the following year - it took a bit longer though.
Fluffy my daughter read The Hobbit at 7yrs old.... twice!! She tried The Lord of The Rings afterwards but couldn't get on with it, i think she got half way through the first book