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50 mins ago

What's this? Five girls pillow fighting in camisoles and five boys required to watch the action live on the small screen. Do tasks get any better than this for our red blooded males?

Apparently, yes. Our boys were fuming. The problem? The girls weren’t taking the task seriously, instead talking about boys, slumber party-style.

In a series of one-on-ones, the girls battled it out while the boys yelled at the television. The men had predicted the winner and no amount of fluttering negligee could distract from the competition. In the boys' defence, the girls were pretty rubbish.

Scott switched to his inner-lad, saying, "Can you imagine if wars were lead by women – they'd have to keep stopping because they were too tired."

Adam spat, "I think it totally goes out of their minds that it's not for fun. It's a f***ing task."

Luke A moaned in despair, "What are they doing – they've got no gumption."

Cut them some slack, guys.

Luke S was particularly peeved, "They’re a bunch of wet lettuces. They haven’t even tried."

He is seriously sulky having heard Ashleigh being less than complimentary about him – calling him onion boy with reference to his odour was a particular highlight. If we were him, we might keep quiet about this one, Ashleigh has yet to discover how he theoretically chucked her in favour of his career when approached by an 'agent' in The Commission task.

Luke S is still massaging his bruised ego, much to the amusement of the rest of the housemates. Could this be the final nail in the Lushleigh coffin? With eviction looming, we suspect he can probably manage to hang on in there for a few more days.

The girls couldn't care less about their pillow fighting prowess, but have defended their gossiping as, 'what girls do'. If they heard what the boys had been saying about them, would they be appeased with a similar line?

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Onion boy has been looking for an exit since "Mediagate"

I used to laugh when it was said that Ash was more into him ,she was never into him ,and now she has ,like him admitted it .


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