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right ok , what can cure paranoia , anxiety , and fearful thoughts? any chance i dont need to see a doctor?
I go along with the other lovely people here chicken. You must go and see a doctor. Firstly, you will get some help with your sleeping problems (short term), but, more importantly, he or she can tackle whatever the problem is. Once you've taken the first step, you will feel much lighter already.
cologne 1
right ok , what can cure paranoia , anxiety , and fearful thoughts? any chance i dont need to see a doctor?
Nope. You seem to be experiencing exactly the same symptoms as I did many years ago. I went to the doctor with something completely different and broke down almost before I opened my mouth... didn't understand why at the time!

Doctor prescribed me anti-depressants which I took, albeit feeling worse for a couple of weeks before I began to see the wood for the trees. I took them for 6 months and successfully, and what's more, easily, was weaned off them. I also know know when those dark feelings and fears start to envelop me again, that it is the same thing happening. But knowing what is happening places me in charge again! So drug free still!
Doctor prescribed me anti-depressants which I took, albeit feeling worse for a couple of weeks before I began to see the wood for the trees. I took them for 6 months and successfully, and what's more, easily, was weaned off them. I also know know when those dark feelings and fears start to envelop me again, that it is the same thing happening. But knowing what is happening places me in charge again! So drug free still!

That's how someone very, very close to me handles it too Xochi, and good on you 
You are adopting delaying tactics Chicken; or so it seems to me.
But delaying and hoping will not do anything for the underlying problem.
I wish you could bury your anxiety and speak to your doctor.
"...paranoia , anxiety , and fearful thoughts..."  you said.. Maybe you feel embarrassed and ashamed about describing your feelings to your doctor.  You owe it to yourself to seek that help Chicken.

Years ago I visited my doctor. I ummed and erred and hestitated and still didn't reveal my real problem.  He was such a good doctor he said "You are not leaving until you have told me."
He knew you see!  And he said it in such a friendly way that I felt safe and told him. After that he helped me.
I hate the thought of you being so tormented. 
You are adopting delaying tactics Chicken; or so it seems to me.
You've just said what I've been biting my tongue to say brisket and Cariad. There is only so much good you can do for yourself online. Chicken, you seem to post here as a refuge but when you've been told the same thing by so many FMs here you owe it to yourself to take note. 
Nope. You seem to be experiencing exactly the same symptoms as I did many years ago. I went to the doctor with something completely different and broke down almost before I opened my mouth... didn't understand why at the time! Doctor prescribed me anti-depressants which I took, albeit feeling worse for a couple of weeks before I began to see the wood for the trees. I took them for 6 months and successfully, and what's more, easily, was weaned off them. I also know know when those dark feelings and fears start to envelop me again, that it is the same thing happening. But knowing what is happening places me in charge again! So drug free still!
Chicken - sorry to sound so harsh but you come on here  every day posting the same thing, asking the same questions and everyone tells you the same thing. Go to your GP.
That is the only answer. None of us are experts - none of us can realistically sort your issues out.
The only one that can do that is by going to a doctor.

If you cannot do that, then I am afraid you will be spiralling around this forever and eventually people on here will just stop answering you.
Morning Chicken

I've finally taken the bull by the horns and made an appointment with my GP about a  problem with my arm. I've been putting off going because I expect him to say it is "from your arthritis in your neck" and then I may think I've wasted his time but I'm in a lot of pain so I'm seeing him at 2.20 today.
I'm old enough to be your granny and I know how difficult it is to talk to your doctor about depression etc (I have the teeshirt to prove it) but I also know how wonderful it is to take control of it and start feeling better.

May I ask if you are "self medicating" already because this may be making things worse?
Don't take anything to try to make yourself feel better because you could do more harm than good.

Come on my lovely Chicken - make the phone call. I did and I need you to do the same.
To be fair, a number of forumers (myself included) wanted to see Chicken posting here every day, and I hope he will continue to do so. Indeed if he does not appear a number of us will send out messages and hope to find him. The main thrust of advice and good wishes remain the same.

Yup, what Brisket said
I second that Keep talking Chicken, but you really do need to go to your doctor, cos he is the one that can help you sort things out...
I've finally taken the bull by the horns and made an appointment with my GP about a problem with my arm. I've been putting off going because I expect him to say it is "from your arthritis in your neck" and then I may think I've wasted his time but I'm in a lot of pain so I'm seeing him at 2.20 today.
Hi again Chicken.
I went to the doctors at 2.20, got sent for an x-ray on my shoulder (had it done) and I now have to wait a fortnight for the result. After that I will probably be referred for physiotherapy.
I was back at home making my dinner by 5.20, feeling so much better because I had made the decision to ask for help from my GP.
Do the same for your situation, Chicken - it is really empowering!!!!

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