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Ivana and Stephen have not changed but Sisqo has since the nominations he wants to win..
I mentioned elsewhere that Sisqo said quite some days ago he's in it to win it, well that's ok I guess as some people are more competitive than others. He'll struggle to get the HM's to go against Vinnie and nominate him as Vinnie seems to have created the Sect of Vinnie, but in the end it's the public who have the last word, hope the GP have got more sense the HM's
Yellow Rose
Yes. The dynamics are interesting. Some housemates will have to nail their colours to the mast. I detect that Jonas has already lent his support to Vinnie, while Stephen has not.
Good for Stephen seeing Vinnie for what he is, I hope he stays. Jonas doesn't seem to have a clue what goes on around him, always seems to be in his own world.
Yellow Rose
Maybe not such a bad start for Sisqo after all.

Vinnie this morning...

09:29 Dane and Vinnie chat about last night...Vinnie can't understand what he has done wrong he says all he has done is cleaned up

09:31 Vinnie: I wouldn't mind if i had done something wrong, all I do is look after everybody

09:35 Vinnie says 'I've never once made it a competition`

Sisqo`s getting to him
Noty here it is. Actually, there`s a bit more in this than in the video...

The Battle Begins!

Have tides been parted in the Big Brother House tonight? The Vinnie-Sisqo play-off emerged in full force over the course of the eventful evening!

It had been a relatively serene sundown in the household until Sisqo became a little tipsy and let out some home truths. At 22:01, whilst Vinnie was in the Diary Room, Sisqo began to tell his fellow housemates that this was no longer Big Brother, but "Vinnie's Playhouse". With maybe having too much tipple, and not happy with Vinnie's ‘control' over the House, the musician then promised that his housemates would see "David face Goliath", adding "I am going to give him the business!"

It could not have been better timing, with Vinnie emerging from the Diary Room right on cue, exclaiming "You're so busted".

Sisqo's comments had given way for debate over Jones being the Daddy of the House. Stephen, playing devil's advocate, added to the discussion that Vinnie, being "very domineering" took that position in the House. In his own defence, Vinnie told the housemates that he did not choose to be "the boss" and that he was just "doing his thing".

As the night drew to a close, Sisqo spoke with Nicola alone. Still irritated, Sisqo branded Vinnie and Dane hypocrites over the Kitchen situation, adding to his own belief that Vinnie ruled the stove and, moreover, the House. "So they can have a sandwich but I have to ask for a sandwich?" mused Sisqo.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Dane mocked Sisqo, saying "I think he's moaning about cheese in there'. Ironically, Sisqo was, telling Nicola that Vinnie often takes cheese but that if it had been him taking the cheese he would have been "crucified" by the kitchen crew.  

Vinnie, all tucked up in bed, forewarns Stephanie and Dane "Let him slag me off. I'll slag him off to the whole country". Stephanie attempted to mediate the situation, saying that it is simply a battle of two alpha-males, or more eloquently put in the words of Beacham, "a young buck against a male stag". Stephen agreed with this metaphor, saying that Vinnie is the alpha-male by controlling the food situation and making everyone dependant on him; a concern that is evidently very close to Sisqo's heart.

Is Vinnie really the alpha of the House? Is Sisqo right to imply that he is a hypocrite?

But the real question, ultimately, is who would win the great battle of David vs.Goliath?

Yes. The dynamics are interesting. Some housemates will have to nail their colours to the mast. I detect that Jonas has already lent his support to Vinnie, while Stephen has not.
in fairness to Jonas hes nominated Sisqo a few times i think. And Vinnie didnt even nominate Sisqo, but i think Sisqo thinks he did, hope Sisqo stays friday though.

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