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Former Member

Did anybody actually watch this drivel?  Reality Tv just gets worse and worse and worse, and apart from Britain's Got Talent and I'm A Celebrity, it should all be outlawed.


This morbidly bad piece of crap featured around half a dozen Z-listers making twats of themselves, by way of being subjected to various things happening to them while they were trying to 'sing.'  Some of the 'celebrities' included Stacey 'nice-but-dim' Solomon, who should never be allowed to present anything again, EVER, and Keith 'annoying as fcuk, and as funny as piles' Lemon who were compering the show..


It also featured Brendan someone or other, from 'strictly,' and Jodie 'I'd do anything' Prenger... Oh and and Coleen Nolan too.  Actually Jodie and Coleen should both do a video and book together about how to pile all your weight back ON, seeing as how they were so quick to bark on and on about how amazing they were when they lost it, and how 'we could all do it too!' Yet now, the are fatter than they were before the diet!!!  So tell us girls, how did you put the six stone that you lost back ON?! 


Then we had Andrew Gold (from pineapple Studios,) who is more desperate to be famous than anyone who was on Britain's Got Talent last night, yet he sadly has NO talent, like that irritating monkey Louis Spence (who doesn't even DANCE: he just jumps around like a twat.)


Then there was Brigette 'amazon woman' Nielsen who has a body to die for (bitch!) and Zoe Birkett (who? yes that is what I thought,) who was last on telly about 10 years ago when she was in pop idol (you know when she was 'famous' for six weeks and said she hated fame and went back off into civvy land saying she will never be on telly again...).. .she looked better with her old look too...She looked stupid last night; the chavvy hair was minging.  Pic 1 is her old look and pic 2, her new 'jordanesque' chav look.





The show was so bloody dreadful with a bunch of utter talentless made actually feel sorry for the people on it.  To be THAT desperate to be famous is a really sad life.  Most people like this don't even want to act or sing or dance or perform, they just want to be FAMOUS, and it stinks.  I shouldn't have to put up with this SHIT on my telly!  Needless to say: I won't be watching AGAIN. 



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On the whole I agree with your remarks but found your comments about Jodie and Coleen to be a little harsh.

I put weight on and lose weight regularly. When you are on a diet that works you do tend to shout it from the rooftops and want everyone to do it. Then when the weight creeps back on you do feel daft.

. I think Jodie has a fantastic voice and is not really a Z lister. I also think that we do tend to judge people far too much on how heavy or light they are. We all knock Posh for being too thin and are quick to judge when someone puts weight on.



Originally Posted by brisket:

I didn't see the show, but the list of names indicates it was full of those attention-seeking types who have tiny values and will do anything for publicity.

The fact that Leigh Francis (Keith Lemon) was involved tells me just how awful it probably was.

Tells me not to watch it at all.  It's very appearance in the TV guide offends my eyes.


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