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I like a dippy egg and soldiers when I dont feel great, its easy to eat and not too much on the ole belly...


However, I have sent Gyps to Tesco for bagels, processed cheese, and bacon...I dunno how wise this is, but I am STARVING!!! and need to eat something, runs or not!!


Other foods I like when I am not well...cheese straws from the co op, pot noodle, cake,and soup. we have a name for this kinda food in this house, but it is not repeatable on here


what do you like to eat when you are poorly, or have been poorly??


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know I am a freak, (and Mr Sparkles thinks so too with regard to my odd eating tendencies whe I am ill,), but when I am poorly, I like 'bread 'n' milk.' (white bread torn into strips, covered in hot milk and sugar.)  I usually have wholemeal bread but when I have this, only white bread will do. Also love bread and butter pudding.  Must be a craving for carbs and sugar!   

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I can't eat eggs if I'm ill, they upset my stomach..its always curry or homemade chicken soup oh or cheese garlic bread....

It's not for nothing that home made chicken soup is called Jewish Penicillin 

And yet, I'm not keen on chicken soup, or is that only Heinz chicken soup 

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I can't eat eggs if I'm ill, they upset my stomach..its always curry or homemade chicken soup oh or cheese garlic bread....

It's not for nothing that home made chicken soup is called Jewish Penicillin 

Tis true I swear Sparkles - I fink Nigella called it that and I've heard it referred to as that by Jamie Oliver as well so if they say it is, then it is 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I can't eat eggs if I'm ill, they upset my stomach..its always curry or homemade chicken soup oh or cheese garlic bread....

It's not for nothing that home made chicken soup is called Jewish Penicillin 

And yet, I'm not keen on chicken soup, or is that only Heinz chicken soup 

Heinz stuff is yuk!!!!!!    You need to make a proper chicken soup with one of those chickens that you boil not roast and add your flavourings 


Fresh chicken wings, backs and necks
water (enough to cover chicken)
2 chicken bouillon cubes
Celery, sliced, cut up into bite-size pieces
Onions, sliced, cut up into bite-size pieces
Carrots, sliced, cut into bite-size pieces
Pinch of saffron (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste


In large pot, put chicken pieces and water. Bring to boil. Skim off brown foam and large yellow patches. Lower flame, add rest of ingredients. Cover and simmer 1 hour.



and ta da as they say 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by zazz:




what do you like to eat when you are poorly, or have been poorly??


I hate that expression "Poorly", makes me want to say.."Pull yourself together".....

Now that you say that Sydlers, It's not my best expression either. It's like someone has a cold and all of a sudden it's flu   If they only knew what the proper flu was like 

Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Soup ( homemade lentil is my fave)  with bread/toast 


No dairy products is my advice. 


Hope you feel better soon zazz.  

Yep, that's what I go with too. Dry toast until your stomach can take food again and then little by little increase   

Yes sprouty. It takes a bit of willpower because you`re hungry but it`s better for you in the long run.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

for poorly Zazz.

My mum always gave us Heinz Cream of Chicken soup and Lucozade when we were ill.

We always had homemade soup, the rest of the time.

O/T Congratulations on your new job, Zazz.

I am feeling much better now, just a bit wiped out Chicken soup is magic for POORLY people!**nods**


Thanks Yogi!! I can't wait to start now You should see the size of the kitchen I get to make a mess of!

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

for poorly Zazz.

My mum always gave us Heinz Cream of Chicken soup and Lucozade when we were ill.

We always had homemade soup, the rest of the time.

O/T Congratulations on your new job, Zazz.

I am feeling much better now, just a bit wiped out Chicken soup is magic for POORLY people!**nods**


Thanks Yogi!! I can't wait to start now You should see the size of the kitchen I get to make a mess of!

I hope you are going to have a Kitchen Assistant to clear up after you.


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