I am appalled with this charity con he has used to beat Marcus in yesterdays eviction. People have actually voted for him and are spending their cash, under the pretext he will donate it all to charity. This is the lowest form of conning, the only way anyone will ever know if he is truthful, is if he wins... again the public will spend their cash to find this out.
People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.
His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.
The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.
The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!
People can mock and think it great, but I find it deeply disturbing, and goes beyond a popularity contest.
His vain camera singing after the eviction, was yet another 'vote for me appeal'.
The smuggish way he posed in the diary room, while slating Charlie, confirmed yet again, his desperation to gain votes.
The overinflated ego has gone into overdrive!