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Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Siavash has every right to want to win but he is a sneaky little sh!t who has disregarded HMs views and feelings. The majority view to him means nothing and whatever he thinks and feels is paramount. Has he a single friend in there?
He thought he had a friend, until that friend decided that having a wank was more important than backing his supposed mate up while he had a pack of hyenas howling their hatred at him. Sophie was much more of a friend to him then.
captain marbles
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Siavash has every right to want to win but he is a sneaky little sh!t who has disregarded HMs views and feelings. The majority view to him means nothing and whatever he thinks and feels is paramount. Has he a single friend in there?

How is it sneaky? He told the viewers what he was thinking about the nom's. He also told the hm's in the living room (after the noms twist announcement) that he knew 100% what he was going to do... Not his fault the simpletons assumed that meant he was nominating normally.

His friend in the the house Sophie, haven't you noticed?

Telling the viewers isn't telling the HMs though is it? And in all honesty, if Siavash said to me he knew 100% what he was going to do, I'd have no idea what the hell it was because half the time he doesn't bliddy well know himself hence all the angst and the big sighs and the "Oh God, what do I do ... Oh God .. what do I do ...." crap he comes out with in the DR.

He's a sneaky lil sh!t alright but we shall agree to disagree Thumbs Up.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Siavash has every right to want to win but he is a sneaky little sh!t who has disregarded HMs views and feelings. The majority view to him means nothing and whatever he thinks and feels is paramount. Has he a single friend in there?

How is it sneaky? He told the viewers what he was thinking about the nom's. He also told the hm's in the living room (after the noms twist announcement) that he knew 100% what he was going to do... Not his fault the simpletons assumed that meant he was nominating normally.

His friend in the the house Sophie, haven't you noticed?

Telling the viewers isn't telling the HMs though is it? And in all honesty, if Siavash said to me he knew 100% what he was going to do, I'd have no idea what the hell it was because half the time he doesn't bliddy well know himself hence all the angst and the big sighs and the "Oh God, what do I do ... Oh God .. what do I do ...." crap he comes out with in the DR.

He's a sneaky lil sh!t alright but we shall agree to disagree Thumbs Up.

Agree to disagree is fine by me Smiler
The Guru
Siavash has only one friend in the house, he sees him everytime he looks in the mirror.
Marcus was his friend until he went behind his back with Noirin. As a person of any morals Siavash should have told Marcus about his feelings for Noirin. Marcus would have probably told him 'to go for it'
But to go about it as he did and then to avoid Marcus for days showed him up for what he really was, a cowardly git.
Siavash only tried to talk to Marcus after a few days not for Marcus's benefit but to put on a show for the gullible.
Originally posted by luxor:
Siavash has only one friend in the house, he sees him everytime he looks in the mirror.
Marcus was his friend until he went behind his back with Noirin. As a person of any morals Siavash should have told Marcus about his feelings for Noirin. Marcus would have probably told him 'to go for it'
But to go about it as he did and then to avoid Marcus for days showed him up for what he really was, a cowardly git.
Siavash only tried to talk to Marcus after a few days not for Marcus's benefit but to put on a show for the gullible.

Marcus had no rights over his imaginary girlfriend. Infact, he stood in the way of a possible romance between Vash and Noirin, cockblocking at it's finest.

He knew they liked each other very early on and instead of admitting defeat, he carried on chasing and cockblocking.

So he wouldn't have said, yeah great go for it. As he did everything he could to isolate her.

Vash wanted to tell Marcus the day after the kiss but Noirin said she wanted to speak to Marcus first.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:

Marcus had no rights over his imaginary girlfriend. Infact, he stood in the way of a possible romance between Vash and Noirin, cockblocking at it's finest.

He knew they liked each other very early on and instead of admitting defeat, he carried on chasing and cockblocking.

So he wouldn't have said, yeah great go for it. As he did everything he could to isolate her.

Vash wanted to tell Marcus the day after the kiss but Noirin said she wanted to speak to Marcus first.

I agree, why the hell both of them even consdidered Marcus's feelings in this is beyond me. He fancied her, although he denied it, she did not fancy him...end of really. From where I'm standing apart fro the Norin affair, Marcus doesn't realise that Siavash was the only one loyal to him in every other aspect. Marcus knew from day one that Siavash fancied Norin, that's why he won't let Siavash close, he's held the grudge. In my opinion, Marcus cocked it up siding with his 'new friends' turns out what we all knew, none of them really care for him at all, oh apart from Charlie who nominated him but loves everyone Roll Eyes
Siavash did'nt make an error at all. He saw the likely possibilities as follows given that Rod was really the only wild card.

Rod noms Dave, he noms Dave. result= Dave is up against Marcus

Rod noms Vash, he noms Dave or abstains. Result = He is up against Marcus

Rod noms Dave and he abstains Result = Charlie and Sophie wont be up anyway and Dave Marcus and Vash are all up.

Given that he wanted to have the best chance of all three being up, the choice to abstain was the logical one!

Of course if you believe he did'nt want to be up at all, the best choice would have been to make it clear to Rod that he was going to nominate this week and suck up to him all week! Rod was in agreement with Sophie the week before that as an original, Siavash should reach the final! Of course Lisa and Charlie may still have persuaded him otherwise Wink
Originally posted by kimota:
Siavash did'nt make an error at all. He saw the likely possibilities as follows given that Rod was really the only wild card.

Rod noms Dave, he noms Dave. result= Dave is up against Marcus

Rod noms Vash, he noms Dave or abstains. Result = He is up against Marcus

Rod noms Dave and he abstains Result = Charlie and Sophie wont be up anyway and Dave Marcus and Vash are all up.

Given that he wanted to have the best chance of all three being up, the choice to abstain was the logical one!

Of course if you believe he did'nt want to be up at all, the best choice would have been to make it clear to Rod that he was going to nominate this week and suck up to him all week! Rod was in agreement with Sophie the week before that as an original, Siavash should reach the final! Of course Lisa and Charlie may still have persuaded him otherwise Wink

The cheek of Rodrigo and Charlie going off at Sophie saying that she's easily lead (or whatever it was they said) by Vash when last week Rodrigo would never have nominated Vash and only did so due to Charlie/Lisa/David's leading at the Bus stop on Sunday nights highlights. Sophie was the one that didn't follow like a sheep.

They are just f**ked off that she isn't easily lead by them.
The Guru
Originally posted by captain marbles:
I think it was Marcus who might have made the fatal mistake by announcing that Siavash would be out on his ear if he went up against him. Exactly the sort of thing that cost freddie his place in the house.
It's a damned shame as I would happily have seen them come out 1st and 2nd in whatever order.

Doubt it, Marcus said it ONCE Fred on the otherhand said it many times and was gloating and slightly arrogant in his attitude towards the others,
I hope that the voters are pissed off with Siavash and this results in the RIGHTFUL outcome of the least entertaing HM of the 2 being shown the door.
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Nod I agree! He would not have done what he did had he known David wasnt up. And there is a lot of truth in what some of the other hms have said about him wanting to be up; WHY did he NOT just ask to be nominated?! Gone off him even more now. Would still have him in preference to Charlie, but Ive defo gone off him

Siavash's nominations would have made NO difference...david only got two votes.

He didnt need to ask to be nominated...he knew he was going to be....which is what the block vote protest was all about.

The vash has a win/win situation....he goes tomorrow and gets a weeks exposure to himself and is back for the final show in a week.


He stays tomorrow and will probably win the show.

Being an also ran on final night is not a good place to be.
So, Siavash wanting to win, by - lets face it, not actually playing the game, since one of the rules of the very game that he is supposed to be playing is that you have to nominate fellow housemates every week. people on here care calling that him playing to win, but when lisa, david, sophie, charlie rodrigo and david are very clearly irritated by Siavash and Marcus, and show this by voting for them, as part of the rules of the game that they are playing, they are cheating bastards who block vote and are manipulating the show.

Seriously don't understand the logic on here.
They are annoyed with him because as rodders and charlie squealed....he is doing it to make himself look good and they think he has been in the diary room saying he cant possibly nominate because he likes them all Big Grin. They wont believe otheriwse until they see his diary room footage.

So as the vash asked them...why dont you do it too then?? No answer to that one....they bottled going in front of the public vote and are in full warp mode panic Thumbs Up...and with good reason...they'll get unceremoniously booted out final night to possibly crap receptions...maybe then the penny will drop.

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