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Whether he's consciously doing it or not the man manages to rally people as disparate as Dogface and Marcus and Freddie et al for the first real en masse rebellion that BB has ever had.

He's been instrumental in picking off Lisa's little band of charisma-challenged followers one by one and it's only a matter of time before he brings her down too.

I think what I like about him best is that he does it mostly without resorting to unpleasant tactics such as isolating/excluding or snidey bitching. He even came out well from the whole rabbitgate thing.

He's generally kind and generous to others without being too saccharine.

I think I might just be a little bit in love with him - hairy arse notwithstanding. Blush

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Originally posted by skive:
Whether he's consciously doing it or not the man manages to rally people as disparate as Dogface and Marcus and Freddie et al for the first real en masse rebellion that BB has ever had.

He's been instrumental in picking off Lisa's little band of charisma-challenged followers one by one and it's only a matter of time before he brings her down too.

I think what I like about him best is that he does it mostly without resorting to unpleasant tactics such as isolating/excluding or snidey bitching. He even came out well from the whole rabbitgate thing.

He's generally kind and generous to others without being too saccharine.

I think I might just be a little bit in love with him - hairy arse notwithstanding. Blush

I totally agree. He's quite charismatic.
Originally posted by brisket:
I`m afraid I don`t agree.
I think he aims to give off an air of wisdom.
But I find he gets so much wrong.
I also think he swears too much and looks extremely silly. Not cool; just silly.
He seems to me to show a great deal of poor judgment.

His speech can be a bit hard to follow sometimes as well, perhaps not characteristic of a leader.
Free Thinking

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