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Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Siavash has watched these HMs for twelve weeks now and I bet he has a handle on each and every one of them by now. He has seen how the cheating nominations worked and how he has seen some of the outside gang getting evicted by the cheating Lisa gang block nominations. He could have kept quiet and just gone like all the rest of the victims of the cheating but he decided to take a stand, by not nominating, and attempting to expose unfair play in a game designed to award the winner as a public's choice winner. It was looking to Siavash, and us, that Lisa was actually choosing the winner for us this year.

Siavash, by his actions regarding nominations, and his comments about the cash prize going to charity, is actually sprinkling the worst kind of smarting salt into the most open of wounds when he mentions giving the money away. Siavash is now using events in the house to turn the tables on the cheats and forcing them to look in their separate mirrors. I also think that this is a ploy by BB to open the competition up to fair play again, when they removed the cash prize.

best explaination ive read so far. i think that sums it up nicely.

Here here! Clapping
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Siavash has watched these HMs for twelve weeks now and I bet he has a handle on each and every one of them by now. He has seen how the cheating nominations worked and how he has seen some of the outside gang getting evicted by the cheating Lisa gang block nominations. He could have kept quiet and just gone like all the rest of the victims of the cheating but he decided to take a stand, by not nominating, and attempting to expose unfair play in a game designed to award the winner as a public's choice winner. It was looking to Siavash, and us, that Lisa was actually choosing the winner for us this year.

Siavash, by his actions regarding nominations, and his comments about the cash prize going to charity, is actually sprinkling the worst kind of smarting salt into the most open of wounds when he mentions giving the money away. Siavash is now using events in the house to turn the tables on the cheats and forcing them to look in their separate mirrors. I also think that this is a ploy by BB to open the competition up to fair play again, when they removed the cash prize.

Well said Twee,and maybe Siavash believes people when they say they don't care about the money!! either way, he has done more for this show then anyone else.. the rest are lilly livered back stabbing numb nuts!! (excluding Sophie of course) Angel
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Originally posted by kimota:
Genius Big Grin

Even if you think this is game play, you have to admit its genius gameplay!

Well if he's trying to convince me he's doing this for altruistic reasons, he's failed soz.

To me it just looks like a rather obvious and desperate piece of brinkmanship to make himself look good.

Same here - I've liked Siavash for most of the series, but this strikes me as holier-than-thou on a nauseating scale.
What right has he to effectively coerce the others into doing what he wants?
tbh i wouldnt spend 3months away from home for nothing and i would be honest enough to say no siavash i an here to win the money, and i would have made that very clear early on in the game, but fair play to siavash for making all those that said they are only there for the experience look like the bloody liers we all knew them to be.
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Originally posted by kimota:
Genius Big Grin

Even if you think this is game play, you have to admit its genius gameplay!

Well if he's trying to convince me he's doing this for altruistic reasons, he's failed soz.

To me it just looks like a rather obvious and desperate piece of brinkmanship to make himself look good.

and in alot of peoples eyes he will. if marcus cuts off his ponytail it will make him look good too in more ways than 1. Big Grin
Originally posted by Poker Face:
To an audience stunned into silence.

"I don't understand," said Charlie.

lmao Laugh ...... poor old Charlie ..... How will Mr Nice guy work his way around that ? Eeker Laugh
Charlie's next remark doesn't surprise me in the slightest. "I think we should put all we can back in the prize fund and whoever wins, wins it," said Charlie.
In fact if he hadn't said it I'd REALLY have been surprised. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Hmmmmmmmm Ninja
I'm not sure about this at all. If Siavash wants to give it to charity (if he wins) that's all well and good.
But he's wrong to seek to impose his ideas or values onto the others - and in doing so, try to make them look bad if they disagree.
Unless it turns out to be him, what business is it of his what the eventual winner does with the money?

No, I don't like the others being forced into a corner either. If he should win, then he can choose to donate the money to charity if he so wishes.
Shouldn't try to force the others to do it too, and trying to make them look bad if they don't agree.
Siavash, you've done it again! Angry
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Poker Face:
To an audience stunned into silence.

"I don't understand," said Charlie.

lmao Laugh ...... poor old Charlie ..... How will Mr Nice guy work his way around that ? Eeker Laugh
Charlie's next remark doesn't surprise me in the slightest. "I think we should put all we can back in the prize fund and whoever wins, wins it," said Charlie.
In fact if he hadn't said it I'd REALLY have been surprised. Laugh
For once, I don't blame Charlie for this. As I've said elsewhere, most of the housemates could do a lot with the prize fund, it can alter their lives to a great extent. Like em or love em, someone has earnt the money, even the dastardly Charlie.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
"I think we should put all we can back in the prize fund and whoever wins, wins it," said Charlie

nice idea siavash, shame they int all behind you. But lets see how much the winner will end with marcus and pony tail going im not sure he will do that,. if he does well done that man.
Well, when it was announced they all laughed (except for David) and said it didn't bother them. So if that's the case, then why not give it to charity?
I think Siavash is well aware that it was bravado on the part of most of them and he's come out with that to screw their insides a wee bit tighter. Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Blush ty to those FMs who agreed with my post Thumbs Up

I don't for one minute think that Siavash actually means them to give the money to charity, it was intended as a well-aimed and loaded suggestion to those of them who constantly drone on about not being there for the money, just the experience, and to expose their greed. It would seem that Charlie was the first victim of the knock-out-blow suggestion, but then that doesn't surprise me. Wink
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by luxor:
You should not force people into a corner and make them feel bad about not giving to charity.
What charity does the money go to.
There are some charities I give to and some I would not.
What if one of the housemates has a huge debt that could be cleared with that money.
That was a very clearly done to make himself look good.
If I had a huge debt that the money would clear if I won it, the last thing I'd be doing is laughing about it and saying I don't care. Even if it did make me look slightly less than squeaky clean. Although you'd probably know by now that that's why I was hoping to win the money so it woul be no real surprise to know that I wasn't over the moon about the money going in the first place! Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by felix:
What a scrot pot Seethecash is, like you are such a lying toerag!
This is a ploy to save his sorry arse on Friday, 'Oh look at how benevolent I am'.
Believe the 'trust me people' wanker?
No I don't!
No. All he's saying is that if people REALLY don'care about the money, as they said at the time, then why not give it away?

How do you know its not genuine? Any proof?Confused
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I would applaud Siavash if he won and said to Davina he did not want the money send it to my favourite charity,that would be his choice, but stop trying to manipulate others to make yourself look good is nasty in my opinion ,you may not need the money but most of us would love to win 100K what a prat this guy is turning out to be Roll Eyes Sausage

I think Rodrigo telling others to "Shut up" is more nastyNod
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Poker Face:
To an audience stunned into silence.

"I don't understand," said Charlie.

lmao Laugh ...... poor old Charlie ..... How will Mr Nice guy work his way around that ? Eeker Laugh
Charlie's next remark doesn't surprise me in the slightest. "I think we should put all we can back in the prize fund and whoever wins, wins it," said Charlie.
In fact if he hadn't said it I'd REALLY have been surprised. Laugh
For once, I don't blame Charlie for this. As I've said elsewhere, most of the housemates could do a lot with the prize fund, it can alter their lives to a great extent. Like em or love em, someone has earnt the money, even the dastardly Charlie.
But why pretend that you don't care about the money then?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by felix:
What a scrot pot Seethecash is, like you are such a lying toerag!
This is a ploy to save his sorry arse on Friday, 'Oh look at how benevolent I am'.
Believe the 'trust me people' wanker?
No I don't!
No. All he's saying is that if people REALLY don'care about the money, as they said at the time, then why not give it away?

How do you know its not genuine? Any proof?Confused

EFFT - If you had read one down to this you would have discovered:
OH I FORGOT = IMO!!!!!!! Laugh
.. and let's be clear here, people that ask for proof when everyone is airing opinions (IMO), doesn't quite inspire me to believe they have a valid counter argument to my opinion. Wink
SeeTheCash is a WANKER!
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I would applaud Siavash if he won and said to Davina he did not want the money send it to my favourite charity,that would be his choice, but stop trying to manipulate others to make yourself look good is nasty in my opinion ,you may not need the money but most of us would love to win 100K what a prat this guy is turning out to be Roll Eyes Sausage
Clapping That man is beyond words... The fool fecked up on tv and is trying all stunts to look like Jesus Shake Head Shame some are falling for it Laugh
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
For once, I don't blame Charlie for this. As I've said elsewhere, most of the housemates could do a lot with the prize fund, it can alter their lives to a great extent. Like em or love em, someone has earnt the money, even the dastardly Charlie.
But why pretend that you don't care about the money then?[/QUOTE]
Cos they are trying to LOOK good, and follow in the style of the others who are saying they don't mind. Ofcourse they mind! I would too if someone told me that the potential ÂĢ100,000 I might have won is being taken away from me. They don't want to look like they are tight, they've always got their eye on what they may look like to the viewers. Doesn't mean to say that they really feel like that. I know it's not right, but how many of us, in the same situation would go against what others are saying? When you're trying to impress.

Sorry, I've well and truly mucked those quotes up.
I don`t think this is a carefully considered plot by Siavash. Or a thought-out ploy.
Or designed to test the committment of others.
I simply think it is another random idea which has entered his head.
And like so many others in the past, he has not thought it through or considered side effects.
He has not considered that there may be resistance and that people may not like being pressured (especially when `charity` can be emotive.)
I don`t think there is any intended motive or effect or purpose. I think he simply grasped a random thought.
I believe it is yet another misjudgment to add to the many he has already made.
He is not a wise man.

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