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Originally posted by Shar:
She was so blinded by hatred and jealousy that she was incapable of understanding that Siavash was genuinely upset and the last thing he needed was that evil biatch latching on to him and crowing about noirin's departure ... she really is vile ...

Thumbs Up The peace loving hippy act didnt last long did it....just long enough to sucker freddie in, who is now (for the moment) incapable of seeing the wood for the trees.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why didn't he simply say .............eff of you conniving, intefering, annoying old cow. It was clearly what he was thinking.

My God ....she's one horrible person .......I've spent the last two three weeks defending and fending off criticism of Noirin (i liked her). Tell me why this cow isn't getting some serious flack?

Her fans are blinded by her evilness!

Apparently Noirin was worse, truth of the matter...Bea is!
Originally posted by Justafriend:
He didnt look happy with her at all did he.
I dont really blame him, he liked noirin and bea was gloating.

Yep. For all that had happened, he was still sad to see her go.

Then Bea celebrating, shouting "one down for Team Marcus".

Seconds later, coming over to Siavash acting all concerned.

What a fake she is!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why didn't he simply say .............eff of you conniving, intefering, annoying old cow. It was clearly what he was thinking.

My God ....she's one horrible person .......I've spent the last two three weeks defending and fending off criticism of Noirin (i liked her). Tell me why this cow isn't getting some serious flack?

Because he's a total gentleman soozy and would never say that ... even to a witch like Bea ... I have to say that this whole episode with Siavash and Noirin has made me respect him even more than I did previously ... Noirin screwed him over and yet he is still her friend ... because they did genuinely connect ... same with marcus ... Some day soon Noirin will wake up and realise what she has lost ... Nod
Cant stand people gloating on eviction night no matter whos up

hated it when lisa give off to freddie
hated kat for it
hated grace for it
hated bea for it

The women has no concept that people although glad to see her go was with her for 8 weeks and they did have some good times together and got close

she is in a week never been up for eviction and knows none of them

she is nasty

There was nothing to gain there only show you up for what your really like what happened to spread the loves give more hugs,she couldnt keep that pretence up too long

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