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The targeting continues as the gang decide to talk about him behind his back, come up with their negative conclusions about his character and personality and then round on him in the sitting room like hyenas questioning him about his clothes.

Of course he wears those clothes on a daily basis you loons!! What's wrong with his style anyway? What do they want him to look like? A merchant banker? Or an off the peg designer version of the Stig of the Dump look, which is so wonderfully embraced by Kris? Or do they think he should hide away into the background? Wtf?? What are they like??
If I had been there, I would have asked Karly if she dressed as though she was going to China Whites every single morning and always wore her heavy make-up, I would ask Kris if he could consider removing his jeans and putting on some others as the ones he has on look as though he's had an "accident" in them and ask him how much his pixie boots cost. I would ask Lisa if she has ever been struck by lightening due to the amount of ironmongery on her face and was it usual for women of 40 plus to still be dressing like teenage boys of the late 1970s.
What the hell?? Why is it not acceptable to their narrow minded tunnel vision brains to see Siavash decked out in his own style? It doesn't even stand out to me as anything "adopted" fro the cameras. It's just him just as the way they choose to look is just them. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

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Oh, it's just desperation and boredom. They are too stupid to just sit and have a constructive discussion about anything, so they just have a bitching session instead.

If they really thought that way about nhis appearance etc, why are they only bringing it up now? They really are making themselves out to be numpties (as usual!).

Just hope Siavash doesn't get too hurt by it, he seemed really offended (I don't blame him). Hopefully Freddie can lend him a bit of his anti-idiot shield (or whatever it is that means he can put up with their constant belittling!)
Siavash is one of the most peaceful and chilled out, natural housemates i've ever seen. He doesn't seem to have a nasty bone in his body and sadly, the others will start to see him as a target until he roars at them. He's reminds me of a sleeping lion.

"Roars", if not literally then by putting them in their place verbally and intelligently.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Siavash is one of the most peaceful and chilled out, natural housemates i've ever seen. He doesn't seem to have a nasty bone in his body and sadly, the others will start to see him as a target until he roars at them. He's reminds me of a sleeping lion.

"Roars", if not literally then by putting them in their place verbally and intelligently.

He is an individual, which is why they will nominate him next and why they have zeroed in on him. He does not follow the pack or their pack, so is now a target.
Originally posted by Heartache:
I would think, they think Marcus or freddy will be going friday, and they are lining up their next nominee.

yeah, they are back to plan A - they think them being up for evicton is just a blip - can't wait for friday.

another point, is siavash.. why the hell did he think talking about freddie to them, would make him safe? as did marcus..

i hope new hm's will have a noms task when they arrive.. and there's lots of them.
Originally posted by bozzimacoo:
Originally posted by Heartache:
I would think, they think Marcus or freddy will be going friday, and they are lining up their next nominee.

yeah, they are back to plan A - they think them being up for evicton is just a blip - can't wait for friday.

another point, is siavash.. why the hell did he think talking about freddie to them, would make him safe? as did marcus..

i hope new hm's will have a noms task when they arrive.. and there's lots of them.
I agree with you.... Siavesh went down a peg or two when he badmouthed Freddie just to be in good light with team Lisa......

I still like him though...
Originally posted by The Guru:
Kris from Shrewsbury (fashion capital of the world?)thinks dressing like a top man mannequin and sporting a tangled pubic hairball on his headand is the height of fashion.

Siavash rocks his cool individual look with style Nod

LMAO. Xackly. He said something to Siavash like, "I mix with fashionable people and I've never seen anyone dress like you". OMFG. You arrogant little twat. How big is your pond?
Selina K
there expecting freddie or marcus to go on friday so they have to maker sure they all know who to nominate in place of that person! its been really easy ths year to work out who's up for nominations so far i have guessed correctly but that might change when kris goes(if they have not rigged it so he stays)
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Originally posted by boink:
there expecting freddie or marcus to go on friday so they have to maker sure they all know who to nominate in place of that person! its been really easy ths year to work out who's up for nominations so far i have guessed correctly but that might change when kris goes(if they have not rigged it so he stays)
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
The targeting continues as the gang decide to talk about him behind his back, come up with their negative conclusions about his character and personality and then round on him in the sitting room like hyenas questioning him about his clothes.

Of course he wears those clothes on a daily basis you loons!! What's wrong with his style anyway? What do they want him to look like? A merchant banker? Or an off the peg designer version of the Stig of the Dump look, which is so wonderfully embraced by Kris? Or do they think he should hide away into the background? Wtf?? What are they like??
If I had been there, I would have asked Karly if she dressed as though she was going to China Whites every single morning and always wore her heavy make-up, I would ask Kris if he could consider removing his jeans and putting on some others as the ones he has on look as though he's had an "accident" in them and ask him how much his pixie boots cost. I would ask Lisa if she has ever been struck by lightening due to the amount of ironmongery on her face and was it usual for women of 40 plus to still be dressing like teenage boys of the late 1970s.
What the hell?? Why is it not acceptable to their narrow minded tunnel vision brains to see Siavash decked out in his own style? It doesn't even stand out to me as anything "adopted" fro the cameras. It's just him just as the way they choose to look is just them. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
they don't realise that their ilk are ten a penny out there. . all clones of each other.. even down to behaviour. . drink til they drop.. take the pee out of people they deem 'different'... set themselves up as 'superior' when in reality they are just a load of boring oiks.. Big Grin

Siavesh has the balls to be an individual and carries it off really well.. tho I don't like his beard. .too merkin like for me... . but then I don't like beards full stop.. Wink
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Latecomer:
Originally posted by Avalon Moonlight:
Those bores should take Bob Dylan's advice and 'don't criticise what you can't understand'

They would probably find even a simple statement like that, too deep for them to understand!!!

True, true! Big Grin

I haven't watched much of this BB but the more I see of 'The Groovy Gang' I realize I haven't missed much!
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
The targeting continues as the gang decide to talk about him behind his back, come up with their negative conclusions about his character and personality and then round on him in the sitting room like hyenas questioning him about his clothes.

Of course he wears those clothes on a daily basis you loons!! What's wrong with his style anyway? What do they want him to look like? A merchant banker? Or an off the peg designer version of the Stig of the Dump look, which is so wonderfully embraced by Kris? Or do they think he should hide away into the background? Wtf?? What are they like??
If I had been there, I would have asked Karly if she dressed as though she was going to China Whites every single morning and always wore her heavy make-up, I would ask Kris if he could consider removing his jeans and putting on some others as the ones he has on look as though he's had an "accident" in them and ask him how much his pixie boots cost. I would ask Lisa if she has ever been struck by lightening due to the amount of ironmongery on her face and was it usual for women of 40 plus to still be dressing like teenage boys of the late 1970s.
What the hell?? Why is it not acceptable to their narrow minded tunnel vision brains to see Siavash decked out in his own style? It doesn't even stand out to me as anything "adopted" fro the cameras. It's just him just as the way they choose to look is just them. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

I'm not a particular fan of Siavash but that was a GOOD POST Big Grin

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