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Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Regardless of whether they have been loyal to each other (debatable), they are my 2 fave remaining housemates, and will vote for Siaviash to win if he stays on Friday.

So you'll support the man who wouldn't nominate and helped get Freddie out by not nominating.?

If Marcus goes, I'll be hoping for Siavash to win, as I prefer him to the other lot.

He doesn't deserve Freddie supporters votes.

But VS, a lot of Freddie fans seamlessly went towards supporting Siavash when Freddie was evicted. It may have been that Siavash was the only true and loyal friend that Freddie had in the house. Siavash is not nominating because the process is unfair and he is trying to eliminate the cheating that has been going on since the beginning of the show. For cheating, read block nominating. I already supported both Freddie and Siavash equally, so I didn't have to move an inch with my support. Big Grin

Thats where we disagree, I dont think the Vash did not nominate because he thought it was unfair, he did it because there was safety in eviction numbers.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I agree Twee. When Freddie was evicted, both Marcus and Siavash EQUALLY stood to gain Freddie fans' support. But the horror of turning on Live Feed later on and witnessing Marcus sat around with Charlie and Bea, slagging on Freddie, was for me, stomach churning.

It was then that I finally realised that Marcus was not to be trusted.

I wasn't happy with Marcus that night, but he was hardly slagging Freddie off.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
He doesn't deserve Freddie supporters votes.

Nor does Marcus.

Marcus wasn't to blame for Freddie being evicted, Siavash was.

Siavash never slagged Freddie off, Marcus did.

But at least Freddie would still be in the house to be slagged off and not sat at home watching some undeserving fool walk off with his prize.

Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him. Why else would someone like Marcus survived instead of him?

I remember on this forum after Freddie was evicted, how everyone was saying that Marcus is the only person who can stand up to Team Lisa now. Well that didn't play out as planned did it. All Marcus has done is bum lick Team Lisa in a desperate attempt to avoid nomination.

Quite ironic, considering Marcus's rants about hating bum lickers.

The thing I struggle with most is Marcus consistantly criticises BB, calls them wankers, cusses the show, the house, the HM's, says he doesn't give a shit about winning, but last week he begged others not to nom him only unless they have a valid reason, surely Marcus is astute enough to realise despite his bum licking he was always going to be a target for Team Lisa. Or was Marcus hoping only David and Siavash would have been up?

I would have thought with all his anger regarding BB, he would have walked weeks ago.
Senora Reyes
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

You should be a spin doctor, Vid.Wink
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

Come on, the week when he chanted to Lisa "You're up for eviction! You're up for eviction!" and then boasting to her that "They won't evict me because I'm popular".

Even the loyalist of Freddie fans must accept that there is just the slightest hint of arrogance in there.Laugh
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

You should be a spin doctor, Vid.Wink

It's the truth, to justify Siavash helping get Freddie evicted you are now calling Freddie arrogant.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

Come on, the week when he chanted to Lisa "You're up for eviction! You're up for eviction!" and then boasting to her that "They won't evict me because I'm popular".

Even the loyalist of Freddie fans must accept that there is just the slightest hint of arrogance in there.Laugh

It was an arrogant thing to say don't get me wrong, but I do think he intended to get his own back on Lisa for her nastiness towards him at the start. He knows Lisa is the leader of the pack and is scared of going up so when she lost control for one week it made him feel happy Wink.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by fabienne:
Regardless of whether they have been loyal to each other (debatable), they are my 2 fave remaining housemates, and will vote for Siaviash to win if he stays on Friday.

So you'll support the man who wouldn't nominate and helped get Freddie out by not nominating.?

If Marcus goes, I'll be hoping for Siavash to win, as I prefer him to the other lot.

He doesn't deserve Freddie supporters votes.

But VS, a lot of Freddie fans seamlessly went towards supporting Siavash when Freddie was evicted. It may have been that Siavash was the only true and loyal friend that Freddie had in the house. Siavash is not nominating because the process is unfair and he is trying to eliminate the cheating that has been going on since the beginning of the show. For cheating, read block nominating. I already supported both Freddie and Siavash equally, so I didn't have to move an inch with my support. Big Grin

Thats where we disagree, I dont think the Vash did not nominate because he thought it was unfair, he did it because there was safety in eviction numbers.

Siavash has been in the house for nearly twelve weeks and he is in a better position than us to make a judgment on the characters and happenings in the house. He seen (and we did too) how successful the Lisa cartel was, how unbreakable it was, how she operated, and he knew he was doomed unless he got on board the Lisa train. He would go the way of all the other victims of the cheating block nominations. He stood up and said no, I don't want to leave this way, so I'm not nominating: I will force a public vote where everyone is up, and allow the public to decide who goes, and not leave it to Lisa to spoil the show. He put himself at great risk by doing it, but he refused to go the Lisa way.

I think also that the reason he acquired so many Freddie supporters was most likely his reaction to Freddie's departure. He was the only one who was visibly upset and no matter how hard they all tried to get him to diss Freddie, he refused. It's called loyalty VS.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

Traitor because they like the HM that you don't like?Roll Eyes

Oh dearLaugh
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

How are they exactly?, if some prefer Siavash to Marcus then it's up to them and their choice Thumbs Up. Are we automatically expected to support Marcus?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Videostar:
Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

I can counter that argument everytime by simply asking the question, Who was sat around with Charlie and Bea, slagging off Freddie on Live Feed after his eviction?

As a Marcus fan you aren't in a position to call people traitors for supporting Siavash, unless you wish to display Marcus-Style hypocracy. You forfit the moral high ground.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

I can counter that argument everytime by simply asking the question, Who was sat around with Charlie and Bea, slagging off Freddie on Live Feed after his eviction?

As a Marcus fan you aren't in a position to call people traitors for supporting Siavash, unless you wish to display Marcus-Style hypocracy. You forfit the moral high ground.

Marcus only said that Freddie shouldn't have been so sure he was going to stay, he wasn't slagging him off.

He defended Freddie to Bea that night she went on her dry eyed rant.
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

Traitor because they like the HM that you don't like?Roll Eyes

Oh dearLaugh

No, because they are supporting a HM that helped get him evicted.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

How are they exactly?, if some prefer Siavash to Marcus then it's up to them and their choice Thumbs Up. Are we automatically expected to support Marcus?.

Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
If we were to follow the silly argument to it's conclusion then anyone who voted to evict Freddie is a traitor to him, which I assume is the majority of Marcus fans.Laugh

Those who voted to evict Freddie just didn't like him, not all were Marcus fans.

BUT I thought Siavash did lik him.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

How are they exactly?, if some prefer Siavash to Marcus then it's up to them and their choice Thumbs Up. Are we automatically expected to support Marcus?.

Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

Shake Head, I blame Lisa and co for helping Freddie get evicted they wanted it for ages and finally got their wish nothing to do with the Vash whatsoever.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Ultimately it was Freddie's arrogance that evicted him

Freddie was confident not arrogant and there was more factors that led to him being evicted like the arguments, people wanting to put an end to his horrible treatment he had to put up with from Lisa and co, tactical voting from other fans because he was percieved to be a favourite,he lost fair and square to Marcus so no complaints.
I liked his confidence at least he didn't hide it would he have been better not having any confidence whatsoever and he would have lasted longer?.

I agree, he was never arrogant, now even the Siavash supporters who claimed to have liked Freddie are trying to rewrite history to paint Freddie in a bad light. Shake Head

They are not doing such a thing VS, i've had a good read at a couple of the forums and most of the Vash fans have had positive things to say about Freddie from what i've seen anyway. I seem to notice some Marcus fans weren't keen on him but it's down to what people like in a housemate Smiler.

Im sorry Darlo but I feel strongly about this, any Freddie supporters who now support Siavash are traitors to Freddie.

How are they exactly?, if some prefer Siavash to Marcus then it's up to them and their choice Thumbs Up. Are we automatically expected to support Marcus?.

Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

Shake Head, I blame Lisa and co for helping Freddie get evicted they wanted it for ages and finally got their wish nothing to do with the Vash whatsoever.

If Siavash had of nominated we might have had a different outcome that week.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Exactly Spidermonkey there was lots of Marcus fans that wanted to save Marcus because he was their favourite and good on them, like the Freddie fans who voted because wanted to save him so it is ironic about the voting thing Laugh.

Yes but they all stated that they would support the other HM if they survived.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Exactly Spidermonkey there was lots of Marcus fans that wanted to save Marcus because he was their favourite and good on them, like the Freddie fans who voted because wanted to save him so it is ironic about the voting thing Laugh.

Yes but they all stated that they would support the other HM if they survived.

You best get both fan clubs list out and question every single one thenLaugh Peoples opinions do change on HM's
If Siavash had of nominated we might have had a different outcome that week

Maybe, but if Freddie had stayed that week if Siavash had nominated Lisa would have arranged the block voting to try and get Freddie up again regardless if he nominated it might not have been enough still. Siavash had his own reasons for not wanting to nominate anyway.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Videostar:
Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

What on earth are you on about?

The week that Freddie was evicted, Siavash nominated Bea and David. Confused

Let us remind ourselves who nominated who that week:

Charlie: Freddie + Marcus
David: Freddie + Marcus
Lisa: Freddie + Marcus
Rodrigo: Freddie + Marcus
Sophie: Freddie + Marcus
Marcus: Bea + David
Siavash: Bea + David
Bea: Marcus + David
Freddie: Marcus + David

As you can BLATENTLY see, there is one reason alone why Freddie and Marcus were up that week. Something called the Team Lisa Block Vote.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Exactly Spidermonkey there was lots of Marcus fans that wanted to save Marcus because he was their favourite and good on them, like the Freddie fans who voted because wanted to save him so it is ironic about the voting thing Laugh.

Yes but they all stated that they would support the other HM if they survived.

You best get both fan clubs list out and question every single one thenLaugh Peoples opinions do change on HM's

Im only going on what I read from most of both sets of fans.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

What on earth are you on about?

The week that Freddie was evicted, Siavash nominated Bea and David. Confused

Let us remind ourselves who nominated who that week:

Charlie: Freddie + Marcus
David: Freddie + Marcus
Lisa: Freddie + Marcus
Rodrigo: Freddie + Marcus
Sophie: Freddie + Marcus
Marcus: David + David
Siavash: Bea + David
Bea: Marcus + David
Freddie: Marcus + David

As you can BLATENTLY see, there is one reason alone why Freddie and Marcus were up that week. Something called the Team Lisa Block Vote.

Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

What on earth are you on about?

The week that Freddie was evicted, Siavash nominated Bea and David. Confused

Let us remind ourselves who nominated who that week:

Charlie: Freddie + Marcus
David: Freddie + Marcus
Lisa: Freddie + Marcus
Rodrigo: Freddie + Marcus
Sophie: Freddie + Marcus
Marcus: David + David
Siavash: Bea + David
Bea: Marcus + David
Freddie: Marcus + David

As you can BLATENTLY see, there is one reason alone why Freddie and Marcus were up that week. Something called the Team Lisa Block Vote.


BUMPThumbs Up
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Siavash by not nominating and causing BB to mess around with the rules helped get Freddie evicted.

What on earth are you on about?

The week that Freddie was evicted, Siavash nominated Bea and David. Confused

Let us remind ourselves who nominated who that week:

Charlie: Freddie + Marcus
David: Freddie + Marcus
Lisa: Freddie + Marcus
Rodrigo: Freddie + Marcus
Sophie: Freddie + Marcus
Marcus: David + David
Siavash: Bea + David
Bea: Marcus + David
Freddie: Marcus + David

As you can BLATENTLY see, there is one reason alone why Freddie and Marcus were up that week. Something called the Team Lisa Block Vote.


That was the week BB changed the rules regarding discussing nominations, and why did they do that.?


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