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This is quite a difficult decision for Siavash to make one day before he is possibly evicted. Will he give up his own clothes for 1/2 days to gain 10k. Or, if he stays tomorrow, he will only have to wear other clothes for at least another 7/8 days to gain the 10k. I think he will do it, and that he should do it. Personally, me, I would wear a bin bag for a week for 10k. Not many people earn 10k a week, do they? It's easy money.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Yeah damned if he does - greedy wants to win
damned if he doesn't - selfish jus cos he won't win.
So I don't really care what he does, peeps will slate him, whatever he does.

Yep. He's been put in a no win situation.

Deliberately? I guess we'll have to wait on the edits as to how this plays out. It's not looking good though.
The Guru
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Personally, me, I would wear a bin bag for a week for 10k. Not many people earn 10k a week, do they? It's easy money

Me too. I was a bit surprised how flippant they were about the money considering the times we live in.

me too TB. It's not as if many of them have good prospects for a future career either. The winnings should be important to them all. But probably the only person, apart from Freddie of course, who will have made an impact (on the fashion world) is Siavash. He should take the 10k, put on a bin bag if necessary, and wang his money in the bank when he gets out. Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Just re read it, the money just goes into the prize fund for the eventual winner

oh well, mary, I wouldn't do it then if I was Siavash. If he wins, he will get 10k less than the 100k if they manage to build it up to the original figure again. I would stay with the fashion if I wasn't going to definitely gain personally from it in the long run. What do you think?
Twee Surgeon
I think it will be very hard for him to decide. I don't think he wants to go on Friday, tho' he is accepting of whatever the public want. But no one would want to go out, otherwise they wouldn't go in there. He may have to think very deeply about his public image. Or he may just decide what the heck I don't care what daft outfit they give me, after all the costumes they've worn anyway. I think he'll be game for a laugh and wear it, not for the money tho'. I do genuinely believe he will not do it just for the money.
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
I think it will be very hard for him to decide. I don't think he wants to go on Friday, tho' he is accepting of whatever the public want. But no one would want to go out, otherwise they wouldn't go in there. He may have to think very deeply about his public image. Or he may just decide what the heck I don't care what daft outfit they give me, after all the costumes they've worn anyway. I think he'll be game for a laugh and wear it, not for the money tho'. I do genuinely believe he will not do it just for the money.

nor do I, he will do it for the group if he does it at all. He has been very unselfish all the way thru the show. If this is the theme of the tasks to win back the money, it may well be one of the easiest tasks of all. They could have asked him to cut off his glorious hair! Marcus may be asked to do that for his 10k. Lisa to give up fags, David to shut up about his experience in the BB house Laugh. Maybe Siavash has been given the easiest task of all. Let's wait and see mary ....
Twee Surgeon
nor do I, he will do it for the group if he does it at all. He has been very unselfish all the way thru the show. If this is the theme of the tasks to win back the money, it may well be one of the easiest tasks of all. They could have asked him to cut off his glorious hair! Marcus may be asked to do that for his 10k. Lisa to give up fags, David to shut up about his experience in the BB house . Maybe Siavash has been given the easiest task of all. Let's wait and see mary

Well put. and re future tasks, will Sophie manage to eat pickled catfish? or find Germany on the map, don't mean to pick nastily on Sophie just her failed tasks came straight to mind. Other HM's failed tasks pos repeated?
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
nor do I, he will do it for the group if he does it at all. He has been very unselfish all the way thru the show. If this is the theme of the tasks to win back the money, it may well be one of the easiest tasks of all. They could have asked him to cut off his glorious hair! Marcus may be asked to do that for his 10k. Lisa to give up fags, David to shut up about his experience in the BB house . Maybe Siavash has been given the easiest task of all. Let's wait and see mary

Well put. and re future tasks, will Sophie manage to eat pickled catfish? or find Germany on the map, don't mean to pick nastily on Sophie just her failed tasks came straight to mind. Other HM's failed tasks pos repeated?

mary, I think BB will go straight for each of their Achilles Heel. They know Siavash is a fashion horse, they know Marcus loves his hair and sideburns, they know Lisa is a smoker with a serious habit (I understand that as I am too and it's not easy to give up), etc etc. They will target their weaknesses imo and this will throw up the winner of the show. It's a brilliant twist for the last few days. I'm loving it.
Twee Surgeon

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