Syrup or Banana?
Syrup or Banana?
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Happy Pancake Day GJ
lemon and sugar
I've made too many pancakes for the Ben's Buddies so thought I would share them out:

A feast!
Happy Pancake Day

Just butter on mine.....but strawberry syrup and ice cream sounds delish.

Thanks Sweet Roger is great isn't he?
Notice you're airing your batter in the fridge does that improve the taste as well as texture?
I've made too many pancakes for the Ben's Buddies so thought I would share them out:
Thanks El Loro *drools*
*Looks at pancakes on ceiling*
Oh right
However... just read in today's Guardian that standing IS best apparently
"Stand or deliver?
Resting batter, like soaking rice, or washing mushrooms, is one of those ideas which I've always lazily chosen to ignore â after all, what kind of busy thrusting sort of executive has the time to make their pancake mix half an hour before they plan to eat? Gordon Ramsay says there's "no need", Nigel Slater and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall disagree: and suddenly the idea seems almost attractive (even if Nigel does insist on calling them crÊpes).
I make up two batches of batter and allow one to sit for 30 minutes while I make and devour the other. The first lot aren't a disaster, but the second are distinctly more even in texture â Hugh suggests this is because the starch has had more time to absorb the liquid, and air bubbles to disperse."
Sorry Sweet Dunno why my reply is large text...w.t.h.?
*cries* I can't have any proper ones because of my egg allergy but I do make them with Energy egg replacer - they're OK and I have them with lemon and sugar on it
*cries* I can't have any proper ones because of my egg allergy but I do make them with Energy egg replacer - they're OK and I have them with lemon and sugar on it
Aww Pengy . How do they taste?
Suspect eggs are more to bind the mixture than add flavour though.
I'm going classic like you... lemon and sugar [sweetener] ...and slavvered in butter. I add vanilla essence to the batter to make them taste more like shop bought ones.
*cries* I can't have any proper ones because of my egg allergy but I do make them with Energy egg replacer - they're OK and I have them with lemon and sugar on it
Aww Pengy . How do they taste?
Suspect eggs are more to bind the mixture than add flavour though.
I'm going classic like you... lemon and sugar [sweetener] ...and slavvered in butter. I add vanilla essence to the batter to make them taste more like shop bought ones.
they're not too bad to be honest but they do tend to be on the thin side (or maybe that's just the way I make them) they taste fine
no butter because butter is yuk
my father could never understand an Irish child not eating the butter
I've made too many pancakes for the Ben's Buddies so thought I would share them out:
Too sweet for me don't think I've had any since I left home, we always had Orange and sugar on them
I've never made pancakes in my life
my mother in law taught my youngest to make them, but she's away at uni now, so I won't be having any tonight ... but if I did they would be lemon and sugar
I've never made pancakes in my life
my mother in law taught my youngest to make them, but she's away at uni now, so I won't be having any tonight ... but if I did they would be lemon and sugar
I've fried them, but never actually made the batter. I don't even know how.
I've never made pancakes in my life
my mother in law taught my youngest to make them, but she's away at uni now, so I won't be having any tonight ... but if I did they would be lemon and sugar
I've fried them, but never actually made the batter. I don't even know how.
Perfect pancakes: 1 egg, 1 cup self-raising, 1 cup milk, pinch of salt. Whisk. Pour into a hot frying pan. Flip! RT&Share #1tweetrecipe
I've already made mine, wish id seen this first, peoples pics using that ^^ look really nice. Might have to make a second batch
tempting Jen.. looks so easy...
they're not too bad to be honest but they do tend to be on the thin side (or maybe that's just the way I make them) they taste fine
no butter because butter is yuk
my father could never understand an Irish child not eating the butter
Happy Pancake Day!
We're going out for pancakes tonight--is that cheating?
I've never made pancakes in my life
my mother in law taught my youngest to make them, but she's away at uni now, so I won't be having any tonight ... but if I did they would be lemon and sugar
I'm making them with a hazmat suit on
Happy Pancake Day!
We're going out for pancakes tonight--is that cheating?
of course!!!! you should be whisking and beating that batter and tossing your own - it's the law
Happy Pancake Day!
We're going out for pancakes tonight--is that cheating?
Happy Pancake Day Lori It must be lovely to go out for pancakes!
of course!!!! you should be whisking and beating that batter and tossing your own - it's the law
Shhhh.....don't tell...
Happy Pancake Day Lori It must be lovely to go out for pancakes!
We have a couple of options here: IHOP (International House of Pancakes) or Shari's. I think we may end up at Shari's only because they are closer and I'm getting home kind of late tonight. They won't be as good as hubby's pancakes (his specialty is blackberry pancakes), but they'll do in a pinch.
I've never made pancakes in my life
my mother in law taught my youngest to make them, but she's away at uni now, so I won't be having any tonight ... but if I did they would be lemon and sugar
I've fried them, but never actually made the batter. I don't even know how.
They're one of the simplest things you can make Kaffy. Just chuck the ingredients in a food mixer.
We have a couple of options here: IHOP (International House of Pancakes) or Shari's. I think we may end up at Shari's only because they are closer and I'm getting home kind of late tonight. They won't be as good as hubby's pancakes (his specialty is blackberry pancakes), but they'll do in a pinch.
Mmmm blackberry pancakes sound delicious.
of course!!!! you should be whisking and beating that batter and tossing your own - it's the law
Shhhh.....don't tell...
Happy Pancake Day Lori It must be lovely to go out for pancakes!
We have a couple of options here: IHOP (International House of Pancakes) or Shari's. I think we may end up at Shari's only because they are closer and I'm getting home kind of late tonight. They won't be as good as hubby's pancakes (his specialty is blackberry pancakes), but they'll do in a pinch.
my lips are sealed - us penguin lovers gotta stick together
Thanks, Pengy.
They ARE delicious, Roger! I'd never even thought about it until he just tossed some into the batter last summer, and now they are my favorite, and we freeze blackberries so we can have them all year 'round.

Gets ready with lemon and sugar
Mmmm....still a long time 'til dinner for me. But I shall live vicariously through you guys.
Lori, I found this on a blog just for you (and Pengy)
Penguin Pancakes
I asked the boys the other morning what they wanted for breakfast and my 7 year old asked for a penguin. We came up with these penguin pancakes and the boys thought it was so cool! Beyond the cuteness I am sure any kid would love it seeing how we made them with chocolate and whipped cream!
We used regular pancake mix and mixed in some cocoa to give it a dark color. Shape the body in the pan. It doesn't have to be perfect...just trim it. Shape the wings and trim off the edges to fit. We used 2 pieces of clementine for the feet and cut another clementine piece in half for the beak. We sprayed on our whipped cream for the belly, eyes, and on the bottom for snow/ice. We used two mini chocolate chips for the eyes.
I pretended I'd forgotten.
i refuse to accept today is pancake day, otherwise my birthday falls in lent and i have a sneeky suspicion there are chocolates involved!
Awwwww....El Loro...I'm melting.....
Think IHOP takes requests?
machel: the last few years we've been vacationing after Lent starts and before Easter, making it difficult for me to give up my traditional things like chocolate (and the like  
. This year I'll be repeating last year's sacrifice: Solitaire. Should increase productivity, at any rate.
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
Did you just grab him off the street?
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
Did you just grab him off the street?
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
Did you just grab him off the street?
He would not stay in the wok, so I went for veg instead.
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
Did you just grab him off the street?
He would not stay in the wok, so I went for veg instead.
i refuse to accept today is pancake day, otherwise my birthday falls in lent and i have a sneeky suspicion there are chocolates involved!
I do like pancakes, but tonight I have cooked a Chinese!
Did you just grab him off the street?
could somebody get out of this wok please?

That's what *I* was my own roundabout way.

a friend used to give up dairy products, but that is too much, it has to be difficult not impossible!
I pretended I'd forgotten.
you work the same way as me
I pretended I'd forgotten.
you work the same way as me
I can't have any Well I could if I wanted to but I'm on a diet
I pretended I'd forgotten.
you work the same way as me
*high fives*
I can't have any Well I could if I wanted to but I'm on a diet
Hi Temps good to see you xx
How have you been keeping ?
Sorry about the diet