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Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by tupps:
Ironically ducky it was your thread in divas that started the whole beso vendetta off. No-one is blameless for the crap that happened in there or as a result of there. Not even you.

A thread that was innocent in it's intention. Simply a statement that a flounce was occuring on C4. I had no idea who he was or the history of the matter. I posted three times in that thread, the third post was to welcome him to Divas. The start of the thread was lighthearted and you know it. I left and came back after christmas to pages and pages of crap and Beso banned. It's a little ironic that you're trying to shift blame to me for the reactions of a poster you claim is irrational.

Besides I'm not talking about Beso. What does he have to do with Pris?

I don't claim that there is an innocent party in this just that there are NO innocent parties. I'd just like the hypocrisy to stop.

That's my point. There was no history with him then. That is where it all began. You post a thread (you say innocuously), subject of thread doesn't see you laughing at him and making a thread about him in a private forum as something he appreciates, subject of thread gets the hump, battlelines drawn.. and we have the 'monster' we see today. See how easily it can happen.

I'm not blameshifting. Why are you so defensive. It is how it happened. I probably still have a copy of the the thread and the resultant vent room threads if we need to clarify who said what where and when. And what it has to do with this is that it illustrates how easily you can create bad blood and tension. And how no-one but no-one has come out of that experience unscathed.

I commend your desire for the hypocrisy to stop. I wonder why you then didn't initiate a conversation here tonight. Or sooner.

However the thread was perceived it WAS innocently done. Did I learn from it? Yes. I wouldn't do it again thats for sure. He sent me a midly abusive PM at the time, he's called me a few names on C4 but because I choose to ignore it nothing came of it. He probably still holds a grudge now but I don't get any rubbish from him even though he knows where to find me. Doesn't that tell you something? The "monster" part has nothing to do with me.

As for initiating a conversation.... whats the point? As you say it's over. I haven't accused you of anything in this thread tonight Tupps. My post was to Pris regarding his demonisation on C4. You may or may not know the people I was referring to. It depends how long you spent in the Venting Room.

I wasn't actually referring to him specifically in that run through but in any event by monster I mean the whole vendetta against divas.. by him, with others drawn in and bandwaggoning hangers on. And of course you're not going to encounter him.. you spend most of your time in the Newmark and he's probably forgotten about you because it has grown these things often do.

I asked why you hadn't said these things before because you said you wanted the hypocrisy to stop and had alot to say which he obviously had never heard and found it enlightening to hear, but you never initiated a conversation with Pris about it. I found that odd. Ok maybe you needed someone else to. All good.

I'm not saying you are accusing me. I don't know who you are referring to. You could always finish the job off and post their names. For avoidance of doubt.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Vanaheim:
Originally posted by MoFo:

ooo ooo me first....

LIST.. (my first.)

1: John Smiths
2: Boddingtons.
3: Spitfire.
4: Old thumper
5: 6X

Thumbs Up

(crumbs I miss real ale... Disappointed

*** rubbers stamps expenses claim *** Glance

*** Big squishy kiises**** Valentine
Interjection (is that the right word? When I was about 23 or sumatt I did a GCSE in Law, it was Woolf time anyway) I got a C at GCSE (moot point again) declaring me fickness an' ting...sometimes, the whole "Divas" crap wasn't against the outfit as a was just "seen it afore-can't be assed"...

And those of you arguing about Beso, don't even bother, all sides agree the guy is touched.

God, give me a breathalyser for my keyboard Frowner
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by tupps:
Ironically ducky it was your thread in divas that started the whole beso vendetta off. No-one is blameless for the crap that happened in there or as a result of there. Not even you.

A thread that was innocent in it's intention. Simply a statement that a flounce was occuring on C4. I had no idea who he was or the history of the matter. I posted three times in that thread, the third post was to welcome him to Divas. The start of the thread was lighthearted and you know it. I left and came back after christmas to pages and pages of crap and Beso banned. It's a little ironic that you're trying to shift blame to me for the reactions of a poster you claim is irrational.

Besides I'm not talking about Beso. What does he have to do with Pris?

I don't claim that there is an innocent party in this just that there are NO innocent parties. I'd just like the hypocrisy to stop.

That's my point. There was no history with him then. That is where it all began. You post a thread (you say innocuously), subject of thread doesn't see you laughing at him and making a thread about him in a private forum as something he appreciates, subject of thread gets the hump, battlelines drawn.. and we have the 'monster' we see today. See how easily it can happen.

I'm not blameshifting. Why are you so defensive. It is how it happened. I probably still have a copy of the the thread and the resultant vent room threads if we need to clarify who said what where and when. And what it has to do with this is that it illustrates how easily you can create bad blood and tension. And how no-one but no-one has come out of that experience unscathed.

I commend your desire for the hypocrisy to stop. I wonder why you then didn't initiate a conversation here tonight. Or sooner.

However the thread was perceived it WAS innocently done. Did I learn from it? Yes. I wouldn't do it again thats for sure. He sent me a midly abusive PM at the time, he's called me a few names on C4 but because I choose to ignore it nothing came of it. He probably still holds a grudge now but I don't get any rubbish from him even though he knows where to find me. Doesn't that tell you something? The "monster" part has nothing to do with me.

As for initiating a conversation.... whats the point? As you say it's over. I haven't accused you of anything in this thread tonight Tupps. My post was to Pris regarding his demonisation on C4. You may or may not know the people I was referring to. It depends how long you spent in the Venting Room.

I wasn't actually referring to him specifically in that run through but in any event by monster I mean the whole vendetta against divas.. by him, with others drawn in and bandwaggoning hangers on. And of course you're not going to encounter him.. you spend most of your time in the Newmark and he's probably forgotten about you because it has grown these things often do.

I asked why you hadn't said these things before because you said you wanted the hypocrisy to stop and had alot to say which he obviously had never heard and found it enlightening to hear, but you never initiated a conversation with Pris about it. I found that odd. Ok maybe you needed someone else to. All good.

I'm not saying you are accusing me. I don't know who you are referring to. You could always finsih the job off and post their names. For avoidance of doubt.

He called me names on the closing day of C4 Tupps. He hasn't forgotten. Laugh

It's not odd that I haven't initiated a conversation with Pris. I don't know him. The Divas stuff was over as far as I was concerned, and quite frankly the stuff with Pris was none of my business, never having been involved with any of it. But I feel the frustration of not having said my piece at the time very strongly. It's a huge regret of mine. I kept quiet because I didn't want to lose friendships but that happened anyway. It may not have changed anything if I had said something but who knows? Tonight reading the conversation in here I just felt it was the right time to speak.

I won't name names Tupps, because I happen to feel that at least one of the people involved in alternate ID's is vunerable, and were led down the path by the lies of others. My only intention was to confirm to Pris that it happened, not to start another round of feuds.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
He called me names on the closing day of C4 Tupps. He hasn't forgotten. Laugh

It's not odd that I haven't initiated a conversation with Pris. I don't know him. The Divas stuff was over as far as I was concerned, and quite frankly the stuff with Pris was none of my business, never having been involved with any of it. But I feel the frustration of not having said my piece at the time very strongly. It's a huge regret of mine. I kept quiet because I didn't want to lose friendships but that happened anyway. It may not have changed anything if I had said something but who knows? Tonight reading the conversation in here I just felt it was the right time to speak.

I won't name names Tupps, because I happen to feel that at least one of the people involved in alternate ID's is vunerable, and were led down the path by the lies of others. My only intention was to confirm to Pris that it happened, not to start another round of feuds.

Well I suppose none of us 'know' him. Doesn't stop people saying what they feel they need to say though. As with anyone that people feel they need to clear the air with or set records straight with.

Naming names is up to you. But if someone is going to imply something or hint at people then it is only fair they are given a right to reply. Or you can leave it vague, but that doesn't help the whole tarring and brush thing does it... because it puts every diva in the spotlight as a possible. Just seems counterproductive to me. Anyhoo your call.

If you know who the alternate ids were and who was doing it then you know alot more than most. Regardless of their argument in mitigation.. they did it.. no-one put the arms up the back of anyone and forced them to do anything as far as I can see. Maybe one day they'll own their crap.. and that will mean everyone else who didn't do that and yet is accused can stop bearing the brunt of their little adventures. I for one have had that crap thrown at me, so forgive me if I don't cry them a river.

It's late.. or early.. depending on your perspective.. so I've nothing more to add.
if anyone hasnt read this thread-im on page 15-its kicking off..

im sitting here with a cup of coffee and a fag (sounds like a hookers breakfast!)

i think its the drink talking in the early hours of the row-accusations are being thrown-and batted back
old 'fueds' are popping up everywhere-theres a pink tank and a battle for a mans attention involved

if i get anymore info-i'll report back

*over and out*
Originally posted by china:
if anyone hasnt read this thread-im on page 15-its kicking off..

im sitting here with a cup of coffee and a fag (sounds like a hookers breakfast!)

i think its the drink talking in the early hours of the row-accusations are being thrown-and batted back
old 'fueds' are popping up everywhere-theres a pink tank and a battle for a mans attention involved

if i get anymore info-i'll report back

*over and out*

PMSL Laugh you are so funny sometimes Big Grin
Originally posted by Tartanveggie:
Do I have time to read all of this thread and all the BNP thread?

Dammit, I will MAKE time!

Unless anyone would care to summarise for me............. Big Grin

well..i did a little snippet above-ive since read all of it

it involves;

an apartment with no walls

a sick rabbit


talking in vodka language

rude bananas

i hope that clears it all up and explains everything to you

thank you

*this is soulja-reporting for 'shyte news'*

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