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This is my first proper flounce.

There is a contingent on here who I feel have gone out their way in a concerted effort to make me feel as unwelcome here as possible, an old C4 clique (though naturally they wouldn't admit to that).

I know who the core are but not sure how representative they are of the overall forum.

There are FMs on here I am fond of , FMs who I have enjoyed reading their posts but not yet posted with much, if at all. Perhaps reading my posts which might seem to some to be a bit let's say impolite have coloured other FMs opinion but when getting mobbed it can be tough to keep the cool

Anyway.. I'm basically not sure if it is worth my while staying on here as recently it has just become a bit of a hassle tbh.

And bearing in mind if I stay, I don't think I can quietly put up with the BS from those intent on making my stay uncomfortable.

I have tried ignoring the responsible FMs and to avoid subjects that are controversial but in truth that's not me, If I can't post my opinions, even if they might be at times, out of step with majority opinion, then I see no point in my being here at all.

I put it to you fellow FMs...

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Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
You can name names you know .... No bopping for lists here ... go on you know you want to Ninja

A proper flounce probably should have a list but I'm not one for doing that. do I lose your vote on my flouncing technique for that ?
OOOOOOO comrade watch out your mask is slipping Wave
The Singing Ringing Tree
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Never knew you weren't suppossed to stay during a flounce.

What to do ?

I have enjoyed it on here at times but today especially has been very draining, I'm not really into the aggro that I suppose is part of forum life.

Maybe forums just aren't my thing.

CO ... Try not to take it all so seriously ... look at all the replies you've got to your flounce thread ... don't that tell you something about the mind-set of this forum ...? Laugh
If it gets too much I often take a break.

When we feel passionate about something and others disagree immensely in mass, it's not always about "cliques".

It's about many people feeling the same as one another and just as passionate about their opposing opinion.

I think people often need to learn the art of debate and accept thats what it is and move on when said debate is finished.

and if someone is rude just tell them to politely **** off. Nod
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Never knew you weren't suppossed to stay during a flounce.

What to do ?

I have enjoyed it on here at times but today especially has been very draining, I'm not really into the aggro that I suppose is part of forum life.

Maybe forums just aren't my thing.

Take a couple of days off, you might regain your vigour and appetite for it again.

Don't let one bad day spoil the experience for you. You've said you've enjoyed it at times, if you find yourself drained then just click off and try not to stew over it. Tomorrow is another day and it might be entirely different.
Penelope Pitstop

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