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Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Just a note to say though that ear infections even when treated can cause damage...its not just untreated friends son has had major ear problems since early childhood with ear infections and has now gone completely deaf in one ear despite being under the care of one of the top specialists in the country for the past 15 years (who would always see him at short notice when he had a flare up)

So do complain but if its found that his actions/inactions have not caused the damage don't think you are being fobbed could well have happened anyway.

I agree ............i only have 40% hearing in one ear due to repeated ear infections as a child. When I was a kid they gave out antibiotics like Smarties ......still have a damaged ear though. Eeker
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Just a note to say though that ear infections even when treated can cause damage...its not just untreated friends son has had major ear problems since early childhood with ear infections and has now gone completely deaf in one ear despite being under the care of one of the top specialists in the country for the past 15 years (who would always see him at short notice when he had a flare up)

So do complain but if its found that his actions/inactions have not caused the damage don't think you are being fobbed could well have happened anyway.

I agree ............i only have 40% hearing in one ear due to repeated ear infections as a child. When I was a kid they gave out antibiotics like Smarties ......still have a damaged ear though. Eeker

I appreciate what you both say, but surely had the infections been even noticed on my first visits to the doctor then something could have been done.

I'm still not happy with the way I was treated, surely he should have at least checked me over or sent a letter to the hospital to have them assess my problems, especially the loss of my voice and the fact that I could only eat 1 meal a day.

I made two visits to my current GP with recurring, ear and throat problems and was referred to the hospital, why could the other doctor have not done that?
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

Thanks for every ones kind words and I have this evening spoken to the Practice Manager at my current practice and made an appointment to see her on Monday to have a chat about what I can do and if I want to make a formal complaint about my ex GP. I have assured her that in no way do I blame anyone at the current practice, they have treated me excellently and I have nothing but praise for them. I have also requested copies of my medical records to be made available to me and she has said that won't be a problem.

So hopefuly Monday, I will have a better idea of my next course of action and how to go about it.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Your doctor should have referred you to an ENT specialist because of the repeat infections.
I have suffered the same in my ears since the age of 2 (but it is genetic on my part) I am totally deaf in my left ear and have only very limited hearing in my right ear, even with the use of a hearing aid.
It really annoys me when people don't understand just how serious ear infections are. Definitely complain about this doctor, he had a duty of care towards you and failed miserably.

I have just insisted that my 14 month old granddaughter be referred to an ENT specialist as she is now suffering from her third ear infection in six months, it always happens when she is teething. I take it very seriously, my eldest son's ear drum burst when he was teething at 4 months old, it left him deaf in his left ear.
Ears also affect balance (as you already know)
I have severe vertigo now, partly due to my ears, partly due to an old injury to my neck.
I have constant tinnitus.
I use head phones to listen to telly, and even with the volume turned right up, cannot always hear what is said.
I tend to lip read a lot of the time but now it is time for learning sign language.

Your ex gp needs to compensate you for the unneccessary suffering he has put you through.

I am so angry on your behalf, I could slap the stupid man for you!!!

Originally posted by Darthhoob:

i dunno if it's just that people never mention a GP who is decent (i suspect so) but all i hear about are bad GPs! i dont know anyone who is happy with theirs.

My GP is brillant - a really lovely bloke who somehow makes you feel better, just by seeing you!

Very popular though, so sometimes hard to get an appointment! Big Grin
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:

i dunno if it's just that people never mention a GP who is decent (i suspect so) but all i hear about are bad GPs! i dont know anyone who is happy with theirs.

My GP is brillant - a really lovely bloke who somehow makes you feel better, just by seeing you!

Very popular though, so sometimes hard to get an appointment! Big Grin

Mine too..I want to marry him but unfortunately he's already taken! There's a horrible cahhh at my surgery who always seems to have ap'ts free, yet my doc is usually booked up for 2 weeks or more. He's bloody brill and he always has lovely music playing Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Nana Lou:
Your doctor should have referred you to an ENT specialist because of the repeat infections.
I have suffered the same in my ears since the age of 2 (but it is genetic on my part) I am totally deaf in my left ear and have only very limited hearing in my right ear, even with the use of a hearing aid.
It really annoys me when people don't understand just how serious ear infections are. Definitely complain about this doctor, he had a duty of care towards you and failed miserably.

I have just insisted that my 14 month old granddaughter be referred to an ENT specialist as she is now suffering from her third ear infection in six months, it always happens when she is teething. I take it very seriously, my eldest son's ear drum burst when he was teething at 4 months old, it left him deaf in his left ear.
Ears also affect balance (as you already know)
I have severe vertigo now, partly due to my ears, partly due to an old injury to my neck.
I have constant tinnitus.
I use head phones to listen to telly, and even with the volume turned right up, cannot always hear what is said.
I tend to lip read a lot of the time but now it is time for learning sign language.

Your ex gp needs to compensate you for the unneccessary suffering he has put you through.

I am so angry on your behalf, I could slap the stupid man for you!!!


Hug to you and your problems.

I know totally where you are coming from, I can't wear headphones to listen to TV, they irritate my ears so have to depend on subtitles.

The tinnitus drives me mad!! 24/7 when I am awake and even affects my sleep at times, along with the dizzy spells that leave me sitting in a chair half the night most nights, I have forgotten the last time I was able to go to bed and sleep straight away. I have the radio on in bed which disturbs my husband because he has to be up early and it sometimes just gets me down.

But what makes me more angry is the fact that, yes the infections would have probably caused damage anyway, I accept that, what I cannot accept was the way I was treated by him, basically I was made to feel it was all in my head, when I was suffering actual physical symptoms.

I just don't want this to happen to someone else, so on Monday I will look at my records, I have already found out old diaries (knew I kept them for some reason!!) and will tally dates along with what has been put on my records and find out exactly what went on. I just know I am not prepared to just sit back and let this happen, even if nothing official comes of it, there will still be a record at the PCT to say that there were concerns about this doctor.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:

i dunno if it's just that people never mention a GP who is decent (i suspect so) but all i hear about are bad GPs! i dont know anyone who is happy with theirs.

My GP is brillant - a really lovely bloke who somehow makes you feel better, just by seeing you!

Very popular though, so sometimes hard to get an appointment! Big Grin

My GP practice now is brilliant, apart from one receptionist who was refusing appointments to patients, but she has been sacked, all the doctors and nurses there you can talk to and the Practice Manager does encourage patients to let her know if there are problems.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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