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would Imagine that most that do have debts are indebted to loan sharks etc so I don't know how you would go about giving money back to an illegal money lender? And the moral and ethical questions that that would raise.
That's a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.I'm not sure how to get round that one yet. I was more thinking of councils with rent arrears and living costs. It's like when you first go to the jobcentre and 'sign on' they want to know the far end of a fart and where it came from. (Re how much money you've got) Maybe the same could be asked of these people to find out about debts?
That's a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.I'm not sure how to get round that one yet. I was more thinking of councils with rent arrears and living costs. It's like when you first go to the jobcentre and 'sign on' they want to know the far end of a fart and where it came from. (Re how much money you've got) Maybe the same could be asked of these people to find out about debts?
I would imagine it (the money) goes on a drug bender ... In fact I am no expert but is ÂĢ200 not about the right amount of drug money to totally and utterly guarantee  an overdose is she actually a serial killer??
Apparently this was discussed on The Wright Stuff, in my opinion this is horrific. I havent read all the posts here, but in my opinion it sounds like the Nazi regime..It is very distressful to see a baby withdrawing from being addicted to the drugs mum has taken. It is also very distressing to see a child in a Mercedes , with no seat belt, driven by a drunk mother on 100k a year. My point being what point do we help or patronise? Or better still, shoot them ?
Apparently this was discussed on The Wright Stuff, in my opinion this is horrific. I havent read all the posts here, but in my opinion it sounds like the Nazi regime..It is very distressful to see a baby withdrawing from being addicted to the drugs mum has taken. It is also very distressing to see a child in a Mercedes , with no seat belt, driven by a drunk mother on 100k a year. My point being what point do we help or patronise? Or better still, shoot them ?


Since the driving force is to stop people who give their kids shitty lives (or shitty starts in life) from breeding, logic cannot restrict it to drug users.  I can think of plenty of people who shaft their offspring without sucking on the crack pipe or shooting up.

Really, we need to get them sterilised too.  No valid logic can go against that.

And all this eventually leads to approved "breeders" and eugenics as has been said. 

Utter cobblers on 8989689 different levels.
I understand your not wanting your taxes to fund these folk Pam, I don't too, but very often it is not their fault & in all honesty I have far more objections to my monies being spent on those that deliberately hurt children without the clouding of drug taking...............such as that vile excuse for a female who was convicted today for sexually assaulting a baby & letting her fella film it  <<< that REALLY makes my blood boil!
It is to me actually, but it comes down to (with me) why should I pay my taxes for people like this, we're over populated aren't we? And on that point, I wonder, what's the percentage of people that get clean and keep clean as opposed to those that don't?
Not all drug takers are bad people, and a lot want to genuinely come off the stuff they are on. Many do it do and go on to have a good life and have kids they love. Many dont, of course, but how can anyone say at what stage in your life because you take drugs, you cant go on to have a good life? Help and support is needed IMO. We give billions in Aid to Africa because of kids being born with HIV etc, but we are still not at the stage of giving them contraceptives to stop them giving birth. Maybe its time to sort ourselves out first, before giving aid to other countries?
I'll just echo the views of others that this is not a good development in any way.  As said above, it's a slippery slope to eugenics.  As for 'drug addicts' I think it's now firmly established that alcohol is one of worst and most addictive mood altering drugs there is.  So that, IMO, brings this only a few steps away from being applicable to heavy drinkers - which could mean around 10% of the population (guesstimate).
They are often led into it and once they are in they can't get out.

What /who does lead them into it though?  I c

can say no, can't they?
No Pam - not always.

There are some people whose life is so wretched, so awful that they do anythng to escape.There are young women led into prostitution and worse and drugs are a part of that.

The human condition is frail - we are all so different.
You yourself have said on here that you have worries about stuff and you ARE strong enough to do something about it 

Not everyone is like that tho - there are so many reasons why people get into drugs.

We have no right to judge them at all,
Perhaps of more interest is the propsotion that taking drugs does not lead to an unproductive life, per se.  But that it's the illegality of said substances that causes a substantial number of the problems.

'Ere's some famous "drug abusers"

Sigmund Freud (coke)

Robert Louis Stevenson (coke)

Queen Victoria (opiates)

Antony Eden (amphetamines) - he was a tool right enough

Judy Garland - (amphetamines)

Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize dude) - (lsd)

Aldous Huxley - (lsd)

Salvador Dali - (cannabis)

Arthur Conan Doyle - (coke and smack)

....etc etc etc...there's hundres more obviously

Drug use does not necessarily mean your a twat, is my point.  Though they all might have been shit parents for all I know.  
I think we have to get rid of the this view that drug addicts are all living, stealing from people and living on the streets, and alcoholics are the same. I know someone who lives the best life, in a huge house who cant get thru one day without 2 bottles of red wine, some she a junkie or alcky??  Who decides?
I hate drink snobbery......4 gin and tonics darling and a bottle of the best champagne...opposed to the ÂĢ1 bottle of cider and a few voddies and irn bru..? Alcohol is alcohol , jazz it up all you like..but  the end product is the same. addiction is addiction and being sick down the toilet is the same   Going off my soap box now

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