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When I have seen this woman talking on television I have been struck by how clear cut she is.
So black and white. Simple easy answers. Certain she is right.
I am sorry madam, but life is not like that.  Life has many more grey areas than this woman is prepared to admit.
I think she is probably dangerous.
She also appears to be targetting people who are obviously vulnerable and who are probably at rock bottom. That in itself is wrong.
Just read through the comments, what was more interesting was the amount of 'likes' for those in support of the project and the amount of 'dislikes' for those who presented arguments against. A prime example of the mindset of the DM demographic

Hmmm I don't agree with it. Sure, there are some people who should never be allowed to reproduce and drug addicts who do not want the help on offer do fall into that arena, but equally there are drug addicts who DO get the help they need and turn their lives around (Davina McCall is a classic example). What about the women who are forced in to prostitution and/or who are under the control of someone else (i.e. a pimp)? Those who really do want the help to get out of a situation and get clean?

To me, as it's a voluntary option, it's clearly targeting those who are most vulnerable. Drug addiction seems to have been generalised far too much with this idea and mitigating circumstances have been ignored. Seems like this woman just assumes that all babies born to addicts are done so through purely selfish reasons. Not denying that there are situations like this, but on the flip side there are situations that are not.

She must have done her homework to come up with such an idea, but the smart addicts are not gonna bother with ÂĢ200 when they can get ÂĢ500 just for giving birth.
It would be so very easy to look at the agonised body of a baby born with an addiction & Slap a prohibiton on all addicts!
I agree Fern and in principal it sounds like a blanket problem solving option. I just think that there will be those who are not a 'classic' case, especially the teenage girls who might not be in the right state of mind to make such a life-changing decision but could be forced into it.
there will be those who are not a 'classic' case, especially the teenage girls who might not be in the right state of mind to make such a life-changing decision but could be forced into it.
I tend to think that most addicts wouldn't be of the right mind to make such a life changing decision Karma. I'm wondering if this Harris woman has anyone governing her movements ?
It is that!...but why do you want a vasectomy ?
Don't particularly want one, but because I hate the idea of having children, ÂĢ200 for that seems easy money. Obviously my perspective may change and I may want kids one day and if so then I can get it reversed, but at the moment I cannot see me ever wanting to have kids. I'm far too selfish.
Crunchy  Nuts
I used to work with kids who were "drug babies" and kids with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Not only are the kids developmentally delayed, but they are never able to learn the difference between right and wrong.  I'm not talking about which is the correct fork to use, but whether it's right to steal or kill.  Even when the kids is taken away from the parent, and adopted by a decent family, the kids just can't function normally.

It's a very gray area, when the rights of a person nfringe on the most vulnerable of society, there is never an easy answer.
Its just on the news now. Another point, I would think offering them money for sterilisation,is feeding their drug habit, they are also at their lowest point and maybe are not in their correct frame of mind to make this decision.
Of course it's feeding their habit.  However, the guy who was the first to take up the offer said he would make a terrible father.  Frankly, he probably would.  How many  kids are born each year that don't have their benefit monies spent on food for them and the like?

Perhaps I just watch too much Jeremy Kyle.

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