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Day 48: Shopping Task- Nemesis

42 secs ago

Last night, Big Brother revealed who had nominated the nominated housemates, causing all manner of dissatisfaction within the social situations, and it looks like this week's shopping task might just play on some of the feelings from the revelation.


This week's task, Nemesis, will see Big Brother pairing up housemates. But these won't be pairs of friendship and sweetness and joy, oh no! The pairings will see housemates facing up against their nemeses in the manner of professional wrestlers.


Already today, the housemates have been impressed  by the bellows and burly strength of a pair of pro wrestlers, Lionheart and his tag team partner Lion Kid, who delivered their task brief. Being as BB isn't some kind of evil Roman emperor, the housemates won't be made to fight each other.


Instead they will trash talk each other 'til the cows come home, with polite conversation between nemeses being resolutely banned.


They will also face off in battles of wits and resolve, which is always fun to watch, and have to report to 'the protein station', 'the posing station' and 'the exercise station' throughout the task.


It's not just the shopping budget at stake: housemates will also be given the incentive of a possibile ÂĢ20 personal luxury budget.


We'd hazard a guess that they'll all be excited to get their hands on that particular prize.


And the pairings, you ask? Oh, come on.


You already know that Dexter the Devious and Cowboy Callum will come head to head.


We can't wait!

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Day 48: Who's your Nemesis?

6 mins ago

Earlier today, via the time-honoured medium of shouty wrestlers, Big Brother gave the housemates their weekly shopping task: Nemesis. In this dramatically-named task, the housemates have all become wrestlers, sort of.

They've got wrestler names like Hotshot Hazel, Dexter the Devious, Cowboy Callum and Sophie Slamdown. They've got wrestler outfits. They've got raw eggs as a nutrition choice. And of course, because the task is all about nemeses, they've each got a nemesis.

So let's analyse the nemeses!

Hotshot Hazel vs Gina Warrior Princess
This is the only nemesis pairing that has been announced to the House so far, and it was hardly a surprise. Though these two get on quite well on the surface, Gina has made no secret of the fact that she has very little love for Hazel. Their battle is sure to get pretty sticky, so, er, stick around.

Cowboy Callum vs Dexter the Devious
Another pair of nemeses as plain as the nose on your face, these two barely go a day without a nice long chat. Unfortunately, these chats are always about how much they dislike each other. Their battle will be a battle of bravery.

Slamdown Sophie vs Sam the Strong
This rivalry is perhaps the quietest of them all, but these two haven't really seen eye to eye since the early days and, with Sam nominating Sophie this week, it seems that even their spell in the Safe House couldn't fix that rift. This battle will be one of strength and speed, and while you might think Sam's a shoo-in, never forget that Sophie is a karate master!

Jackadore vs The Jaded Joeker
That's right, the twins themselves will be facing up as nemeses. We don't even know what their battle will entail, because it's shrouded in mystery and intrigue but with theirenviable trash talking skills, we're really hoping it's a task that tests their motormouths.

As ever, make sure to check back here for task videos, and follow us on Twitter for updates throughout the day.

Let's, as they say, get ready to rumble...


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