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Day 27: Shopping Harry's way.
EarlierAden, Harry and Anton joked that were going to sabotage the shopping list. Well, it seems it may have just happened. A short while ago, Big Brother announced that ALL the shopping was in the store room. The housemates jumped off their seats and ran straight in to see what goodies were delivered. Let’s not forget that only about 30 minutes ago, Harry was joking with Faye that he ordered food dye so they could dye the pool and low and behold, he didn’t lie. So not only was there food dye but the store room was stocked with around 500 bananas, 50 bars of chocolate, numerous boxes of frosted flake cereal, dozens of cartons of apple juice, lots of tomato ketchup and around 50 Litres of Milk.
Carnivore Jay was not at all happy when he found out there was no meat and threw one of the many chocolate bars into the pool as well as threatening to “kick the life out of all those bananas.” He even asked, “You think we can return it?” Harry joked with Alex, “I ordered you 50 bars of chocolate and you can’t spare one piece”, as she munched happily.
Maisy then asked Harry, “Did you still order £100 worth of beer?” Harry responded, “Well if we leave the apple juice in the sun it will ferment….” Looking slightly confused, Anton questioned Harry, “What’s the ketchup for?” Harry giggled back, “Everybody loves Ketchup and bananas.” An even more confused Anton quipped, “It must be a European thing.” Pondering what other foods made the cut, Aaron asked, “What else did you actually order?” Harry laughed back, “piles of rice and chickpeas.” Aaron shrugged, “At least we can make the chickpeas other colours, that’s interesting.”
So, right now some housemates are tucking into bananas and frosted flake cereal with dyed blue milk and Harry is asking, “Who doesn’t love blue milk… and pink milk?!” Tom has just come up with revelation, “We can have a blue bath!” There you have it, Alex is off to run the bath but Jay is still not happy and has just gone in the diary room to voice his annoyances.
Another week, another shopping drama.         

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Originally Posted by erinp:

BBUKLive Big Brother Live 2046:Alex is laying in a bath full of food colouring.It was blue then turned green. Will this be a better look than all that tan


Harry's shopping list for the week: 500 bananas, 50 large chocolate bars, 50 litres of milk, 100 boxes of frosted flakes, 50 bottles of ketchup and a lot of food dye...... Do our house mates find it amusing?
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Jay'll be losing muscle  


Think what that could do to you.


He'll come out looking like Tom.


Thank the lord you said losing and not loosing 


I'm thinking if they get hungry, maybe they might resort to the same tictactics Uruguayan Flight 571survivors did and turn cannibal, Jay being the one that will provide the most food  

Originally Posted by justafriend:

aww they can sulk together. or she will make him happy in some way

They showed a clip on BBBOTS I dont think food id on Jays mind at the moment.Louise upping her game she knows the females are going every week.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Earlier Aden, Harry and Anton joked that were going to sabotage the shopping list.

Aden..!  Blimey, did he ask Jay and Anton's permission first or did he forget he was in their pockets?

Aden is just voting fodder for Jay and Anton he will nom with them.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Much as it pleases me to see Jay suffer, I'd be mightily pissed off too. 

BB will give them treats and booze that will keep him happy.Harry did get them smokes.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by justafriend:

 louise thinks keeping jay onside is a good idea. she thinks hes the boss of house.

HE thinks he's the boss of the house too!

With Aden and Anton as back-up  and Louise as the good looking trophy .


He is going bananas now  

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by justafriend:

 louise thinks keeping jay onside is a good idea. she thinks hes the boss of house.

HE thinks he's the boss of the house too!

Surely because, apart from Harry and Aaron, so does everyone else too.....See, that's what I always liked about this programme...interesting group behaviour

After a fe weeeks,Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Much as it pleases me to see Jay suffer, I'd be mightily pissed off too. 

After a few weeks, I know I'd d become so f'ing sensible and controlling around food.....i predict i'd be evicted around week 3 or 4 

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Well done Harry,he just doesn't care.  I think him and Aaron are not fussed if they go now.

OMG, sorry, don't agree at all....that's their game. I like it

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

After a few weeks, I know I'd d become so f'ing sensible and controlling around food.....i predict i'd be evicted around week 3 or 4 

 I love my savoury stuff. Not sure I'd get controlling, but anyone who denied me some meat would know about it!

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

After a few weeks, I know I'd d become so f'ing sensible and controlling around food.....i predict i'd be evicted around week 3 or 4 

 I love my savoury stuff. Not sure I'd get controlling, but anyone who denied me some meat would know about it!

Think you'd bliddy win it Blizz .....Much as i'd try not to, I know I'd start doing: i can feed you all for bugga all and not just f'in rice and beans and cereal! 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Earlier Aden, Harry and Anton joked that were going to sabotage the shopping list.

Aden..!  Blimey, did he ask Jay and Anton's permission first or did he forget he was in their pockets?

See, that is what i bloody love, sorry to keep harping on, but it's like the 'old/early' days of BB

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Think you'd bliddy win it Blizz .....Much as i'd try not to, I know I'd start doing: i can feed you all for bugga all and not just f'in rice and beans and cereal! 

 Yeah right! I'd be voted off first week!


If I stayed in though, I'd let you control the kitchen. 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

After a few weeks, I know I'd d become so f'ing sensible and controlling around food.....i predict i'd be evicted around week 3 or 4 

 I love my savoury stuff. Not sure I'd get controlling, but anyone who denied me some meat would know about it!

Think you'd bliddy win it Blizz .....Much as i'd try not to, I know I'd start doing: i can feed you all for bugga all and not just f'in rice and beans and cereal! 

Who was that teacher who got evicted early on in BB2?....Oh, I've remembered as i type ....Penny, who got totally stitched up by that  nasty  **** Stuart


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