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Madame Arcati posted:

Oh dear!  The Tory Party tearing itself apart.  Surely no-one can take any pleasure in seeing that happen, can they?


(Good job I am typing this because if I had spoken the words they would have been unintelligible, so firmly is my tongue wedged in my cheek).


I wish you could have seen me pirouetting around the kitchen when I first heard the news.  It must have been quite a sight!

I didn't actually dance Madame, I knew there was another 300 and odd quite willing to take IDS's place and Mr Crabb it quite a beaut to be taking over 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Madame Arcati posted:

Oh dear!  The Tory Party tearing itself apart.  Surely no-one can take any pleasure in seeing that happen, can they?


(Good job I am typing this because if I had spoken the words they would have been unintelligible, so firmly is my tongue wedged in my cheek).


I wish you could have seen me pirouetting around the kitchen when I first heard the news.  It must have been quite a sight!

I didn't actually dance Madame, I knew there was another 300 and odd quite willing to take IDS's place and Mr Crabb it quite a beaut to be taking over 

Although my outburst of glee was prompted by IDS' flounce it was less to do with his actual departure than the ramifications of it.   He has launched the Spring Offensive and it seems to be open warfare in the Tory Party now.


I agree with you that it has nothing to do with him suddenly finding a conscience down the back of his sofa but rather getting himself into position to inflict maximum damage on the In Campaign.  At the same time he is lining himself up for a nice little earner on Boris's front bench (probably)

Madame Arcati
Madame Arcati posted:

Although my outburst of glee was prompted by IDS' flounce it was less to do with his actual departure than the ramifications of it.   He has launched the Spring Offensive and it seems to be open warfare in the Tory Party now.


I agree with you that it has nothing to do with him suddenly finding a conscience down the back of his sofa but rather getting himself into position to inflict maximum damage on the In Campaign.  At the same time he is lining himself up for a nice little earner on Boris's front bench (probably)


I'm quite enjoying this Madame, the media are having to talk about the Tory party instead of Corbyn's tie, shoes or how low he bends his head... meanwhile, selling off the last of our shares in RBS to Gideons mates for a loss of 22 billion seems to have been overlooked and the 650 million cuts to the NHS.

Then there is the David Laws revelations that I can quite believe, rather than making money from the book you would have thought the Lib Dems would have walked away from the coalition...makes them every bit as guilty 

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Madame Arcati posted:

Although my outburst of glee was prompted by IDS' flounce it was less to do with his actual departure than the ramifications of it.   He has launched the Spring Offensive and it seems to be open warfare in the Tory Party now.


I agree with you that it has nothing to do with him suddenly finding a conscience down the back of his sofa but rather getting himself into position to inflict maximum damage on the In Campaign.  At the same time he is lining himself up for a nice little earner on Boris's front bench (probably)


I'm quite enjoying this Madame, the media are having to talk about the Tory party instead of Corbyn's tie, shoes or how low he bends his head... meanwhile, selling off the last of our shares in RBS to Gideons mates for a loss of 22 billion seems to have been overlooked and the 650 million cuts to the NHS.

Then there is the David Laws revelations that I can quite believe, rather than making money from the book you would have thought the Lib Dems would have walked away from the coalition...makes them every bit has guilty 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Madame Arcati posted:

Although my outburst of glee was prompted by IDS' flounce it was less to do with his actual departure than the ramifications of it.   He has launched the Spring Offensive and it seems to be open warfare in the Tory Party now.


I agree with you that it has nothing to do with him suddenly finding a conscience down the back of his sofa but rather getting himself into position to inflict maximum damage on the In Campaign.  At the same time he is lining himself up for a nice little earner on Boris's front bench (probably)


I'm quite enjoying this Madame, the media are having to talk about the Tory party instead of Corbyn's tie, shoes or how low he bends his head... meanwhile, selling off the last of our shares in RBS to Gideons mates for a loss of 22 billion seems to have been overlooked and the 650 million cuts to the NHS.

Then there is the David Laws revelations that I can quite believe, rather than making money from the book you would have thought the Lib Dems would have walked away from the coalition...makes them every bit as guilty 

Sprout posted:
Jen-Star posted:

Is it true the guy set to replace him is said to want to 'cure' gay people?

Yes, I've seen something today to that effect Jen. It's truly heartless.  

I wouldnt say hearltess tbf... More deluded! I mean seriously? How the feck can things like that still be seen as normal? I honestly thought the human race had come on a tiny bit, I really hope this is just more smoke and mirrors 

Dame I'm guessing they'd just get you coffee (or tea)/wine? 

Jen-Star posted:

I wouldnt say hearltess tbf... More deluded! I mean seriously? How the feck can things like that still be seen as normal? I honestly thought the human race had come on a tiny bit, I really hope this is just more smoke and mirrors 

Dame I'm guessing they'd just get you coffee (or tea)/wine? 


I think the majority are heartless, I'm still in shock that they thought for one minute the voters would just allow the cuts to the disabled to go through after already cutting them down by ÂĢ30 a week...I call that heartless and like most parties in power they start to get cocky and think the joe public will accept anything...hopefully we are turning the tide Jen 

Jen-Star posted:
Sprout posted:
Jen-Star posted:

Is it true the guy set to replace him is said to want to 'cure' gay people?

Yes, I've seen something today to that effect Jen. It's truly heartless.  

I wouldnt say hearltess tbf... More deluded! I mean seriously? How the feck can things like that still be seen as normal? I honestly thought the human race had come on a tiny bit, I really hope this is just more smoke and mirrors 

Dame I'm guessing they'd just get you coffee (or tea)/wine? 

I really wonder at times 

Moonie posted:

I see JC has had a makeover...


Beard trimmed. Hair tidy up. Smart shirt, tie and coat. Nice 


Not that all those things will make him a better leader but it's a start 

Sorry, to say I still don't think he is electable though 


Like I said earlier in the thread, give me a honest man in a crooked tie, than a crook in an expensive tie...makes not a jot to me and it never bothered Harold Wilson either 

Wasn't it said Churchill would whoop  Clement Atlee's a$se and look what happened. We had a deficit 5 times larger than what we had after the global crash in 2008, it stood at a massive 250% in 1945! What happened, we built houses, we provided a free NHS, we created jobs and spent money and the debt dramatically reduced. Austerity isn't a necessity, it's an ideology that isn't working and unless the Tories change course dramatically it's going to get much worse.  I can point to loads of graphs to show how dreadful Osborne's plan is working, but I've taken one from The Telegraph, so you can take it to be true when they've printed it  





Images (1)
  • deficit
Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:






Nope, it actually went down when labour took office in 1997 and was at about the same level when the crash happened in 2008 than when the Tories were last in's now standing at 1.5 trillion Historically labour have borrowed less and paid back more than the conservatives believe it or not .


interesting read if you can be bothered


Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average

little update... just when you think this idiot can't be anymore incompetent he is 

todays official figures....

Public debt now stands at 89.4% of our national income (GDP), up from 78.4% when then the Tories came to power in 2010. This is despite Osborne’s policies for balancing the books bringing short-term single instance, rather than long-term continuous, returns.

In 2015, Osborne sold off a record ÂĢ26bn of our assets to the private sector. We may have gained ÂĢ26bn in the short-term, but these assets would be profitable for the taxpayer in the long-term. To illustrate, Osborneflogged off our remaining 30% stake in the Royal Mail in June 2015 for ÂĢ1.3bn. Yet Royal Mail revealedprofits of ÂĢ440m in 2013, up from ÂĢ152m in 2012. The financial year ending 31 March 2015, gifted another increase: ÂĢ740m in annual adjusted operating profit before transformation costs. Keeping this stake, or a larger one, would have made the public money.

Therefore, once they’ve got through selling off all the family silver, it is likely the Conservatives’ public debt fiasco is going to spiral even further. The private sector will continue to bloat – we will still need the services, but we will have to rent them back from the corporations. It is the equivalent of selling a cow and then spending years buying the milk and cheese back. Osborne and Cameron’s trigger happy privatisation agenda in 2015 even overshadowed Margaret Thatcher’s ÂĢ20bn bonanza in 1987.


That is incompetency on a breath-taking scale, Dame. 


No doubt they hope that flogging off the NHS to the highest bidder (on E-bay) will bring in a few quid and help to balance the books.  If not, they'll probably blame Gordon Brown, again.  And again.  And again.


Del Boy and Rodders showed more business acumen than Dodgy Dave and Gormless Gidders

Madame Arcati
Madame Arcati posted:

That is incompetency on a breath-taking scale, Dame. 


No doubt they hope that flogging off the NHS to the highest bidder (on E-bay) will bring in a few quid and help to balance the books.  If not, they'll probably blame Gordon Brown, again.  And again.  And again.


Del Boy and Rodders showed more business acumen than Dodgy Dave and Gormless Gidders

Totally agree Madame...if things get any worse gawd help us all. They were warned, same old...sell everything off and pretend it's ok when they know darn fine we're up a creek without a paddle.  

It's appalling Madame and we're being fed the biggest load of rubbish from the the BBC reporter said today, believe nothing you read or hear, use the Internet for the correct facts 


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