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Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I'm giggling so much! 

Fb party time by the looks of it, he's citing benefit changes....but wasn't his department the ones that came up with the cuts? He might not be happy because they kicked them into touch,,,or he was pushed 

  Yeah. *wonders which way he was pushed* 

........or how many were pushing.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Thought not  


He's known about it for weeks, he could have resigned then and it would have looked as if he cared, I'm not buying he went because of this at all 

He didn't just know about it: the policy was made with the agreement of his department - i.e. him.


This has nothing to do with the budget: it's about Europe and Cameron's successor. IDS is a Euro-skeptic and ex-Tory leader: he's left the Cabinet so he can campaign for Brexit and against Osborne becoming the next party leader.

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Thought not  


He's known about it for weeks, he could have resigned then and it would have looked as if he cared, I'm not buying he went because of this at all 

He didn't just know about it: the policy was made with the agreement of his department - i.e. him.


This has nothing to do with the budget: it's about Europe and Cameron's successor. IDS is a Euro-skeptic and ex-Tory leader: he's left the Cabinet so he can campaign for Brexit and against Osborne becoming the next party leader.

 That makes more sense 

Roger the Alien posted:
Sprout posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

They've just announced it on The Last Leg [ its live ]. They're shocked 

They may be, but I've still got my feet on the ground (I'm a realist)   Lets see who we get after could be out of the frying pan...into the fire  

 Yeah.... sadly true Sprout 

          While it's a good thing that he's gone it could be  worse thing who succeeds him 

Eugene's Lair posted:

He didn't just know about it: the policy was made with the agreement of his department - i.e. him.


This has nothing to do with the budget: it's about Europe and Cameron's successor. IDS is a Euro-skeptic and ex-Tory leader: he's left the Cabinet so he can campaign for Brexit and against Osborne becoming the next party leader.


Eugene, I knew last night why he had left, I said earlier he helped to make the policy  so to say he left because the he couldn't accept the cuts to the disabled was another lie. Conscience doesn't belong in his vocabulary and i wasn't falling for it. 

This man and government are the cause of deaths, poverty and suicides and however much you deny it, it's the truth. I despise them and everything they stand for. It's all about Brexit, I knew the moment the news leaked, my one brain cell worked that out, but this government are so transparent they don't even try and hide how corrupt they are or how many lies they peddle, they just get the Tory rags to print it and know some people will believe them. 

'snipped Camerons reply for those in doubt that IDS had nothing to do with it', hopefully it will be the domino affect. 


I regret that you have chosen to step down from the government at this moment. Together we designed the Personal Independence Payment to support the most vulnerable and to give disabled people more independence.

We all agreed that the increased resources being spent on disabled people should be properly managed and focused on those who need it most.

That is why we collectively agreed - you, No 10 and the Treasury - proposals which you and your department then announced a week ago.

Today we agreed not to proceed with the policies in their current form and instead to work together to get these policies right over the coming months.

In the light of this, I am puzzled and disappointed that you have chosen to resign.

You leave the government with my thanks and best wishes.


PS, I think it could be Patel who takes over...and if the poor and disabled think IDS was evil, they may have a rethink when she's in charge. 

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average

Oh dear!  The Tory Party tearing itself apart.  Surely no-one can take any pleasure in seeing that happen, can they?


(Good job I am typing this because if I had spoken the words they would have been unintelligible, so firmly is my tongue wedged in my cheek).


I wish you could have seen me pirouetting around the kitchen when I first heard the news.  It must have been quite a sight!

Madame Arcati
Madame Arcati posted:

Oh dear!  The Tory Party tearing itself apart.  Surely no-one can take any pleasure in seeing that happen, can they?


(Good job I am typing this because if I had spoken the words they would have been unintelligible, so firmly is my tongue wedged in my cheek).


I wish you could have seen me pirouetting around the kitchen when I first heard the news.  It must have been quite a sight!


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