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The response from Isaac when he was asked by George Lamb on BBLB why he had decided to get back with Noirin now.

I was just flabbergasted.

There was no, "well I loved her and this has made me appreciate her more" nope, because she was now a "superstar" she was now worthy of his attention.

Well that is a real foundation for a relationship.

So if she didn't have the superstar status, presumably he wouldn't be bothering?

What a wanker.

His reasons for entering the house are all the more apparent. He is just a revolting publicity seeker and he wanted to cash in on his ex-gf's brief celebrity.

Presumably if her 15 minutes of fame are reduced to 7 nanoseconds or the cheques and column inches aren't satisfactory he will have a rethink.

What a wanker.

He showed no courtesy to George or the BBLB audience, he seemed to treat the whole thing as some audition for some angry Delta Force guy in "Black Hawk Down II: We're back and with attitude"

What a wanker

He showed a contempt and indignation at the whole proceedings and seemed to under the impression George had no right to direct proceedings or ask awkward questions; all questions were reprocessed into questions he wanted to be asked and the answers were delivered with a scowl and an implied threat that no counter points would be permitted.

What a wanker.

When asked about whether he was worried about Marcus his enthusiasm was finally engaged in a laboured and indulgent demonstration of his contempt for the suggestion, in which he clearly showed that he was still thinking about his Black Hawk Down audition and what hollywood soldiers are supposed to do when their manhood is challenged.

What a wanker.

He was up for a fight, the trouble was the only fight available was with words, back luck for him then, but at least he got a chance to practise his scowls at fixtures and fittings.

What a wanker.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yes Flossie, what a WANKER. Do you intend starting a thread on this? Isaac is a WANKER.

Maybe not! Isaac is a bad mannered Cleveland-born pup, who has come to this country and disrespected it. He is typical of the gung-ho attitude expected of his type. He will probably tell us next that his grandfather cracked the Enigma Code. You know what I mean!

Noirin has found her hero. Her big brash American hero, complete with bad manners. Normally American people are so lovely and have such good manners, so this tossa doesn't represent the true American imo. He says he is taking her back to America (goody!) to live on an Apache Indian Reservation. Squaw, anyone?

Go now Isaac. Take Noirin. Get off our screens. Go away. We don't like you. Buzz off.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
yes Flossie, what a WANKER. Do you intend starting a thread on this? Isaac is a WANKER.

Maybe not! Isaac is a bad mannered Cleveland-born pup, who has come to this country and disrespected it. He is typical of the gung-ho attitude expected of his type. He will probably tell us next that his grandfather cracked the Enigma Code. You know what I mean!

Noirin has found her hero. Her big brash American hero, complete with bad manners. Normally American people are so lovely and have such good manners, so this tossa doesn't represent the true American imo. He says he is taking her back to America (goody!) to live on an Apache Indian Reservation. Squaw, anyone?

Go now Isaac. Take Noirin. Get off our screens. Go away. We don't like you. Buzz off.

Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
He says he is taking her back to America (goody!) to live on an Apache Indian Reservation. Squaw, anyone?

First Custer and now this. Haven't those poor indians suffered enough?

knowing Isaac, he will tell her that the Apaches are usurpers, and she will believe him. Laugh

He will call her Dances with Wolfman. Glance
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I agree with Flossie as well Eeker

Is that it? Are the septic pair done now? Are they leaving on a plane for Georgia? Byeeeeeeeeee! Clapping

I completely agree with Flossie as well.

Also want to say that when George asked Isaac how he felt about Marcus slobbering all over his woman, Isaac misinterpreted and answered a completely different question, which Flossie hinted at.

But what I found interesting was how Isaac completely turned his back on Noirin while he gave his answer.

He is jealous and she is in for trouble.
Isaac may have meant super tart, surely he has to ask the question himself, why did Noirin bed hop with most of the males. Oh yes silly me she was having fun wasnt she.

He isn't bothered by her actions in the house because he has probably been living in strip clubs and having it off with any girl who is drunk enough to find him slightly attractive.
Originally posted by Jenny:
Was Noirin on BBLB too? Didn't she have anything to say?

Yes she was, alas she seemed to have lost much of her considerable charm and humanity, I presume she has entered some sort of bunker mentality and alas the wanker is in the same bunker and holding her in some sort of mind hold which has sucked all the humanity from her.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Yes she was, alas she seemed to have lost much of her considerable charm and humanity, I presume she has entered some sort of bunker mentality and alas the wanker is in the same bunker and holding her in some sort of mind hold which has sucked all the humanity from her.

Scales. Eyes. Etc.
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
Isaac may have meant super tart, surely he has to ask the question himself, why did Noirin bed hop with most of the males. Oh yes silly me she was having fun wasnt she.

He isn't bothered by her actions in the house because he has probably been living in strip clubs and having it off with any girl who is drunk enough to find him slightly attractive.

"Hey yeah, right on dude, let's get down!"
Was Noirin on BBLB too? Didn't she have anything to say?

She was a complete ice maiden and when George mentioned that Freddie gave up his chance of changing him name back he gave her the present of not drawing on the glasses and moustache.
Noirin's response? She said, "And???"
She also swore but not as much as the 5'5" oaf she pretends to love.
(Grace Dent said on Twitter that he is 5'5")
Culled from DS. This what he said in reply to a question on an online question and answer session:

"However, when one viewer asked if he felt responsible for Noirin's eviction, he responded angrily: "You don't know what you're talking about. I made Noirin's ****ing life just now.

"Back away from blogging on your Twitter and on your computer like a lame, and go outside. Believe it or not, there's sunlight and people that might ****ing like you. I doubt it."

The asterisked word is the same one he used on BBLB. It seems to be a favourite of his. What a lovely chap he is.
captain marbles

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