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....I loathe HMs with such double standards.

Rachel got upset with JJ for having a hissy fit over tea, quite rightly so as I like him but find his intense doslike for Rachel a little disturbing.

Rachel went of crying and SHabby comforted her and told her she's done nothing wrong and it's JJ's problem, not why the eff can't she see the same thing about the way she treats Ben????? Or is it acceptable for a female to behave that way to a bloke but not for a bloke to behave that way towards a female???

She is also saying to JJ that his outburst is making others feel uncomfortable.....I'm sure they all feel perfectly comfortable when Shabby is causing an atmosphere picking up on and twisting all Bens words????

I detest her.....and she looks like she needs a good scrub behing the ears, lol....

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Gr8 post Devil. And as for the 'personality clash' labe that she has awarded to JJ re Rachael.... Rachael hasn't clashed with JJ - he's just bullying her, much the same as Shabby has done with Ben.
Exactly KeenViewer I like JJ but find his attitude towards Rachel (who I also like) unacceptable, and his outburst was over the top to say the least...

......but Shabby has done, and is doing exactly the same to Ben....I know Ben is bitching about her now but he has every right to. He has tried and tried with Shabby and every comment he has made has been twisted and blown out of proportion.....hours and hours of her on LF the other day......I think he's given up trying to get her to like him as there's no point as she despises him and nothing he does or says will change that........

...I haven't quite sussed what JJs problem with Rachel is yet. I have noticed the looks but I thinks she's a nice enough girl and probably acts a little different around JJ now as she is feeling paranoid. i do hope JJ stops what he is doing as I think it'll come back to bite him on the arse....

...too late for Shabby now, I do hope she goes tomorrow, though if she does I can only assume it will all be bens fault
The Devil In Diamante

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