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Really can't believe I'm saying this. First couple of weeks I really couldn't stand Shabby, Now I'm seeing her as an HM who contributes towards the interest in watching BB annoying as she is at times. As for Keeva I still couldn't care less about her, I see her as cold and unemotional, if she's not that then she hasn't shown it. I find her totally boring and think she only gets camera time because she's with Shabby like a shaddow. If she wants to leave I for one won't miss her. Pity she didn't do it before Friday where until the last hour she was fave to go.
Yellow Rose
Reference Yellow Rose Today at 03:00:
Really can't believe I'm saying this. First couple of weeks I really couldn't stand Shabby, Now I'm seeing her as an HM who contributes towards the interest in watching BB annoying as she is at times.
This is all reminding me of BB8, where Chanelle walked shortly after Charley's eviction. Now I didn't care all that much for either of them, but they were the biggest characters of that series, and the loss of both of them pretty-much killed that series stone-dead.

As other's have suggested, I don't think Caoimhe will be much of a loss, but Sunshine and Shabby have been two of the most important characters this year. It's not quite as bad as in BB8: we're not as far into the show, and there are other characters still in there who have been part of major storylines (most notably Ben). But still: losing Sunshine and Shabby in quick succession would be a major blow.
Eugene's Lair
Now they've got to the bit where they try to suggest that what we have seen is not really like them at all. They fear bad editing. They fear the public have not seen their true selves shine through. Yea, yea, yea.
In which case, why on earth have they not been showing us this "true self" they talk about?
They've only themselves to blame.
My theory is that they have shown their true selves, but don't like it, so they now try to convince us there is a nicer version.
My theory is that they have shown their true selves, but don't like it, so they now try to convince us there is a nicer version.
Happens every year. All Shabby has done that is in any way different to what she's been doing since she entered the house is taken off that hat. I actually find Shabby an interesting HM, but that other gimp she knocks about with who does nothing but bang on and on and bloody on how hard done by she is? Send the ungrateful tiresome creature home by the fastest method possible (preferably a good swift kick up the arse).
See I believe it won't make any difference if either of them go. .

on the brief moments they don't hog the camera time some of the others have shown they are pretty amusing characters too..

there are only so many dramatic entrances and exits and sulky faced strops one can take. .

bring on the others I say..

Last night the bedroom banter was bluddy  hilarious and not a Shabby or Caoimhe [or Josie for that matter]  in sight..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
The Charcters we love to hate in a way make BB interesting to watch, we keep saying we want them out,when they all leave we then say it is boring and have not got a lot to talk about on here,Keefer would not be missed she gives nothing to the show without Shabby but she would be missed wether we like her or not.
Morning, Marguerita
I have to disagree, sorry. I don't find tantrums entertaining at all. Same as I never missed Nikki when she was evicted (my heart sank when she came back in) I won't miss Shabby either.
It won't make a difference as long as the likes of Ben and JJ stay in, however it is very likely that one or both of them will be up this week.  Then what happens?  The wallpaper housemates significantly outweigh the ones who contribute to the storylines
Well Spider, apart from the fact that I don;t think , in the cold light of day, they will go........ BB will have to bring in news HM's, to make up the numbers, so......

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