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I'm assuming that today he must have done something significantly worse than we just witnessed on highlights.  That was so tame.  Basically a non-event.  When you think about the weeks of Ben being picked on by John James and others.  No one even got a warning for that.  4 days of Sam stealing Corin's personal belonging, almost encouraged by BB Diary Room staff.

From what I understand Coolio hid some shoes this morning..................

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Coolio walked out didn't he??

Yes and no.  It was "mutual agreement" between him and production.  But the housemates on Live Feed were initially speculating that he'd been ejected due to his behaviour.  I think it was Brian who said you can't behave like he just has and expect to be allowed to stay.  Something like that anyway.
Coolio left by mutual agreement. Unlike last time he's not surrounded by a group of arse lickers who laughed at his endless rudeness and arrogance.

He realised he was on his own in there .............he negotiated a mutual departure in order to claim his fee.

Oooooooooooooooooooooh forgot to add IMO - just in case anyone thought I was stating a fact
Soozy Woo
Marcus,s remark about such a PC world we live in now, stops us being who we are, and people are so happy to pick up any slight remark and shout the R word, or anything that slightly upsets us. Blimey i am Scottish, how much more abuse can we take  Nadia got in a mood about Coolio mimicking her lingo, Nikki did a bad impression of Scots and Welsh , nothing said . Plus Brian had an issue before on the Hells Kitchen thing didnt he? I cant be bothered with it all TBH
He knew most of them they did not want him in the house
As good a reason as any to leave.

You have to ask yourself though why they didn't want him in the house.

Could it be him shouting 'this is my house' 'I am the alpha male in here'. etc

It worked when he had his sycophantic chums last time around but this is a sort of tribute to all BB's gone by we really want a gobby, opinionated, loud mouthed, ex gangster in there?

When I look back (with fondness) of BB' gone by ......................Coolio doesn't even register with me. I'm delighted he's gone.
Soozy Woo
Apparently he hid a pair of her shoes which, to be fair, is a heinous crime.
BUT....they couldn't have gone far plus she KNEW he'd done it - so what the fuss?

And besides, am I meant to believe she only took one pair into that house?
Nick something of his, FGS! 

I'll repeat ad inifinitum:  she has NO sense of humour whatsoever.
He knew most of them they did not want him in the house
As good a reason as any to leave.

You have to ask yourself though why they didn't want him in the house.

Could it be him shouting 'this is my house' 'I am the alpha male in here'. etc

It worked when he had his sycophantic chums last time around but this is a sort of tribute to all BB's gone by we really want a gobby, opinionated, loud mouthed, ex gangster in there?

When I look back (with fondness) of BB' gone by ......................Coolio doesn't even register with me. I'm delighted he's gone.


I feel the same way, Soozy.

He was starting to make the other housemates feel uncomfortable - this isn't just about Coolio vs Nadia as most of the threads on here are stating.
And he was joking doing the Alpha male bit - tongue in cheek.

I don't know if our sense of humour is warped, Cos... but don't you sometimes think you're the only person in this country with a sense of humour?     Sheesh... they're ALL so up themselves they can't take a bit of mickey taking and give it back in kind.     What a humourless bunch ... (and I include Brian whose sense of humour consists of a kind of stand up for which he expects and gets lauded and slapped on the back)
the bigger players in the house, Nadia/Ulrika/Brian/Nicki (the egos) were the ones with the problem with Coolio...... hmmmmmmm let me see...... Coolio is ACTUALLY famous....

  ...... and the ones who are most likely to humiliate themselves for any crappy thing C4 might want them to do later on ergo..... they get their own way.
. Coolio is ACTUALLY famous....
For one record, yonks ago....and his less than salubrious past

IMO....I doubt that the row we saw on HLs is the full story and perhaps BB will not show it in it's entirety, but maybe, just maybe, there was something that wasn't shown, that happened later that night, that cause him to be chucked out

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