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depending on what he was participating in he used one of three personas. Nothing nasty or underhand though
Fluffy, I do too, on different things, when I first joined gaga not that long ago i just used a name that i hadn't really thought about, so changed it to something more appropriate.
Wasn't everyone automatically signed from the old place?
From Ga Ga yes.   So if they do not appear on the "Members" list- then i don't know why they are not here. If folk have a link to GaGa then it gives a link to here. As for the others,-- maybe they weren't the FMs you thought they were. Not being negative here but who REALLY knows who is who on here????  Nuff said. If folk need to find someone, i will do all i can to help, but folk change forums and names, so it may take some time. ( and money )
Reference: Fluffy
Blizzie, you know you can sort that list in ascending or descending order of any column?
They just seem to be on random pages, but all inactive.

I'm not sure if sorting them would be any use.
Done a search and there are2 *deegs* and deegs *deegs* has never signed in and deegs was on-line a couple of hours ago.

difficult to know then,
I clicked on some and sadly when the profile is private - don't blame them at all- you can't add to their wall
Done a search and there are2 *deegs* and deegs *deegs* has never signed in and deegs was on-line a couple of hours ago.
Maybe Deegs reg'd twice?  I know she wasn't finding it easy to navigate on here at first.

But that's got nothing to do with this 'most active'.  Jeeze, I have enough trouble sorting my own self out - I can't be doing with more confusion.
Reference: Cosmo
But that's got nothing to do with this 'most active'. Jeeze, I have enough trouble sorting my own self out - I can't be doing with more confusion.
I wish I hadn't mentioned it now!

BTW, have a great holiday. Hope the weather improves.
I'm not sure if sorting them would be any use.
See how the column headed 'Community Points' has  an up or down arrowhead beside it clicking this will allow you to sort by this column, ascending or descending. All the columns work the same way. So you can sort alphabetically or by date of joining or by ID
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I don't know who's missing - I didn't join until Ch4 closed down
neither did I. just seen your blog re hols, looks bloomin brill, I'm soooo envious, have a great time, and tell us the edited bits.
I've just posted on The Secretary and lister-of-smeg, or something? like i say I don't know who they all are, but the smeg name seemed familiar.
The Secretary is Trevpuss, I don't know if you know that name either. Lister was once known as Revenge of the ravers, but I can't remeber if he ever came to LC. But the member's list will tell me.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Well got to say night All. VIP-- and no booze or food delivered???   Have had to get up and get me own stuff. This VIP thing aint working.   Only Joking. Just off to the VIP lounge now for Champers with Celebs.
Sadly some made up their minds that they wouldn't come here based purely on the negative reports of others.
True.  But others really struggled to get the hang of it here as well.
I found it extremely daunting at first - using IE didn't bluddy help either!  But it was a case of reading and re-reading the info and tips and then having a stab at it.

I'm really glad I persevered.

(Thanks for your wall message Lowi. xx)
Sorry for jumping in guys.  The negativity is still going on.  I saw a thread looking for people the other day and I think it was Leccie that was trying to make the point that the names mentioned were never constant posters even on C4.

We need to be positive about this (I hate those words now since BB) and let them see that moving here wasn't the end of the world.
Here you Mr RealityTVFan. I brought you your supper and gave you a pint and you did a bunk.
Sorry Tates. Suppose we have to get used to moving around on here. Just look for sparks flying out of threads and you will find me.   You are still my bessie friend Tayto.
Reference: Fluffy
See how the column headed 'Community Points' has an up or down arrowhead beside it clicking this will allow you to sort by this column, ascending or descending. All the columns work the same way. So you can sort alphabetically or by date of joining or by ID
I can only seem to sort it in order of the number of community points, but that just means I can press the forward arrow, instead of the backward arrow.

I think anyone with 0 community points comes up on the 'most active list', but interestingly, they seem to change order, when you sort it.

It's obviously just a glitch.
It says that the secretary and trevpuss are banned
Maybe the Troll Tank will offer up a clue as to the reason?
I hate it when popular posters get a ban.  I know people fall out, but if they could just avoid each other (this place is big enough to enable that) - leave each other alone...... it just seems a pity to lose people, that's all.
Have found out tonight-- a simple AV pic can do wonders with the girls on here,  So you young lads--- Ditch the Porche... Get a George lookalike Makeover instead.    Will be getting Breakfast in bed in the morning with god knows how many gorgeous women.  Read it and weep Darlo & co.   Hope my wish comes true.  Night all, Have work to do.   Sweet dreams. 
Have found out tonight-- a simple AV pic can do wonders with the girls on here,  So you young lads--- Ditch the Porche... Get a George lookalike Makeover instead.    Will be getting Breakfast in bed in the morning with god knows how many gorgeous women.  Read it and weep Darlo & co.   Hope my wish comes true.  Night all, Have work to do.   Sweet dreams.
Well someone's a happy bunny..

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